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OCCUPATION:Kidnapper/ Socialite

WORD ASSOCIATION:Secret, Wealthy, Motive

Rumi's masked abductor lives in a large mansion outside of town. Once they arrive, Yumika begins to act strangely, speaking as if she knows something about the situation that neither the protagonist or younger sister Miyabi realizes. They quietly search the empty house and find Rumi in a room at the end of a long hall. As if she was brainwashed, Rumi does not leave willingly and has to be beaten by the protagonist before she'll cooperate. At that time, X makes his appearance. Even masked, Yumika instantly recognizes him but remains tight-lipped regarding his true identity.

X is clearly someone from Yumika's past. Rumi's kidnapping may be nothing more than a front for a hidden agenda to bring Yumika and him together again to settle an old score.

Game / Starring Role
Art Book
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