Sogna Digital Museum
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Sogna Digital Museum
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There are two ways to donate to Sogna Digital Museum: the PayPal Donation Fund, and the Product Donation Procedure.
While the continued operation of this site does not depend on donations in any way, your support allows the administration to acquire new Sogna material for use on this web site.


PayPal Donation Fund

The administration appreciates monetary donations in any size. 100% of your donation goes to acquiring Sogna products we can purchase on auction sites, from Japanese resellers, or through parties participating in the Product Donation Procedure. Some of the products purchased in this fashion may be resold through this site at a later time, with the proceeds added to the donation fund.
To donate, click the button below.


Product Donation Procedure

If you own original Sogna products, you may donate them to this site. In most cases we will pay you for the products and even cover shipping. Payment is made in advance if you can provide proof of originality beforehand (a digital picture will usually suffice.) The administration is not interested in and will not provide payment or cover shipping for illegally copied games.
If you are interested in donating your original Sogna products, please contact the administration. Include the names of the products to donate. If possible, provide a thorough list of everything included with any opened products (registration cards, manuals, trading cards, etc.) The administration will then contact you within a few days with an offer or request for additional information.
The administration reserves the right to resell your donated items through this site at a later time, with the proceeds added to the PayPal Donation Fund.
© 2024, Sogna Digital Museum. The content of this website may not be used or linked to without prior consent from the webmaster. Last updated .