I actually bought one of those 3d boob mouse pads for a friend for his birthday.
Someone posted a pic of them tit fucking one of those 3-D mouse pads. And a corresponding video.
I was like "That didn't take long" and "Well, bet thats a bitch to wash out."
(http://sogna.biz/auction-pics/kol210-img600x450-1201337239p1010068.jpg)Something new to me. *~*
The Viper GT1 Album Disk
The Viper GT1 Album Disk
Someone posted a pic of them tit fucking one of those 3-D mouse pads. And a corresponding video.
I was like "That didn't take long" and "Well, bet thats a bitch to wash out."
Pretty much. Then you turn around and find something like this, or something like Guynarock 2. (Yes, apparently there was a sequel.)Your right,I saw Guynarock 2 on Enumax.But hummmI was'nt able to run the game.
Your right,I saw Guynarock 2 on Enumax.But hummmI was'nt able to run the game.
link or it didn't happen
Gunyarock 2? That is madness! What will Raika do if she ever finds out?
Do I need to repost the expanding gonk in order to keep that from happening? o.OMaybe.
- Left: | - | Right: |
Viper Evolution 1 | Viper LTD 1 | |
Viper Evolution 2 | Viper LTD 2 | |
Viper Evolution 4 | Viper LTD 3 | |
Viper RSR MousePad | Viper Limited Novel |
Now I only need 1 more book to complete my Viper Artbook collection!Ugh. I'm still missing six. (Evo 2-4 and all three of those LTDs)
Viper Evolution 3, Its damn near impossible to find. >:( GRRRR...\It must be exceedingly rare. It took me two years of off-and-on again Google searching just to find a single picture of it, which, as far as I know it to be, has this picture (http://www.hyperguy.net/h_gallery/displayimage.php?album=79&pos=1) of Cala on the cover. Which brings up a question: Is that really the front cover of Evolution-II? All the other pictures I've seen of it have Akira (the "beach babe" (http://www.hyperguy.net/h_gallery/displayimage.php?album=4&pos=66) cover.) I can't be sure entirely sure from your picture but I think you might have photoed the back by mistake since it looks like the binding might be on the left and the leafs on the right, which is proper for English but backwards for most Japanese books. (The 10th Anniversery Fan Book is in English order though, as are all the game manuals and the Sogna Information periodicals, so its not unheard of for Sogna to do it.)
Also curious why we see V16-style Saki in this picture instead off GTB style. At no time were Saki and Makoto employed at Anne Mitters at the same time
Where are these being ordered from? Yahoo Japan auctions?
Where are these being ordered from? Yahoo Japan auctions?
Never seen this before
JG, how much would you say you must've spent on your whole Viper collection now?
cell from scene cut from RSR, as far as I know.2 (something) Art 2 ????
I do not believe its ever been colored, or if there is more.
have had it for ever.
2 (something) Art 2 ????
Some AnimajongX sketches... I have some more, still need to scan them, I think there's a total of 14 sketches
ANIMAJONGX SCANNED (http://viperrsr-project.com/ViperScans/AnimajongX-sketches.zip)
You know, there's not a noncorrupt ISO of Gunyarock on the web.Do you still want me to make an ISO and upload it?
Is there any chance you could share an ISO of that? O-o
I've got Gunyarock, too ya know.I just got these new items in today actually
Envious of that V10 RS though. You didn't tell me you'd got that 黒い灯影. Think you can give me a scan of (at least) that package's front side? The thumbnail on SDM is from a source image that's only 171x237 pixels with a lot of image artifacts. A good clean image would make a better thumbnail.
I've also always been curious what's on the spine and back side of that classic collection box...
Do you still want me to make an ISO and upload it?YES! O_o!
YES! O_o!Alright a piping hot dish of Guynarock coming up.... fairly....somewhat....soon-ish...
Viper M1 sketches (http://viperrsr-project.com/ViperScans/ViperM1-Scans.zip)
Animajong X sketches (http://viperrsr-project.com/ViperScans/AnimajongX-Scans.zip) - re-scan
I got it from the Japan auctions site,Gewd gawd. I got mine for 20 bucks from Animenation a few years ago. xO
yeah I was surprised it was available from japan also,
Very expensive though, cost me over $200 just to get it. It was quite the bidding war.
Just some stuff I received, a while ago.
(http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/6381/viperjuly2009.th.jpg) (http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/6381/viperjuly2009.jpg)
-Both versions of Viper V16 for PC98, one is 3.5' disk, the other is 5' disk.
-Viper R, G, B
-Viper Limited
-Viper RSR boxset - Unopened, Factory wrapped!
-Viper RSR demodisk
-Viper F40 novel
And a whole bunch of demo disks on the side, of various hentai games.
As for your GTB mousepad, probably a second-hand store, or something, I've received items that looked like they were wrapped, like new almost.
but you could tell they were used, i.e. crack in the case, obi missing..etc
Ah! that's where that VIPER Lanjerie Violet went... hah. from Yahoo Japan Auctions, eh?
Well you gotta let me know when there's another Violet version floating around on the Japan auctions.
Awesome stuff. Would love to have the PC98 V16s. I can tell we may compete over those PC98 copies of GTS and V10 and the X68000 copy of V6 thats on there now. We may need to come to some agreement so we don't bid against other and keep our costs low. Personally I'd like the X68k V6 Turbo the most of those three, so if you're wild about obtaining the original V10 to go with your RS copy then maybe we can agree to step aside for each other? (And don't you already have a PC98 GTS, anyway?)
As always, Sogna Digital Museum can use some information from your collection:
* The JAN codes, number of diskettes, and any additional items beyond manual, registration card and diskettes in each V16 version
* Confirmation on F40 Novel Edition info (http://www.sognadigitalmuseum.com/products/novels/f40.html). Pretty sure I have ISBN, price, and page count right, but I definately need a check on the paper size. Looks like same size as other novels so I should have it right.
* Definately need an ISO of that RSR demo disk. (MDS or CCD formats preferred since they don't lose subchannel data but I'll take any other format.) Willing to trade a disc image of Paradice, F50, GTB, or GT1 demos for it. (Any other demos you have? Not counting the ones on the Typing CD...)
And dude, you've gotta do something about your list at the now defunct http://sogna.biz/ViperCollection.html (http://sogna.biz/ViperCollection.html) so I can check what you have access to both for information gathering and to notify you when i see things I have that you don't.
These cells were used for promotional reasons... like in magazines, books..etc
The games themselves were done in digitally,
if they used the materials from the game then it would appear pixellated on paper.
The games were done partially by hand. An ink or pencil drawing is developed, which is input to a computer by either a primitive scanner or plotter, producing a low color (probably just 2) image. The colors are then added digitally, usually in great big fill patterns.
It would take much, much too long to develop a game entirely digitally. This method is faster, produces better quality, and still doesn't show signs of pixelation unless it was intended to create the impression of more color depth. Sogna didin't pixelate becuase it would greatly increase the size of thier ANM files, but most other companies did.
And now, the motherlode. This actually came as four different shipments over the course of the last 2 or 3 weeks, but I'm taking photos of it as if it were a single shipment. In fact it's so much stuff I couldn't get it all into one picture. (This is all the unique stuff - new duplicates I'm putting up for sale aren't in any of these pictures.)
(http://www.sognadigitalmuseum.com/gallery/collections/jg/new_20090910_game_small.jpg) (http://www.sognadigitalmuseum.com/gallery/collections/jg/new_20090910_game_large.jpg)
HORY CLAP!! That's alot of PC98 and FM-TOWNS games (and an X68000 one in there too.)
From left-to-right, top-to-bottom, that's Animahjong V3 (3.5"), Animahjong X (5"), Animahjong X Perfect File (5"), VIPER-V6 (3.5"), VIPER-V6 RS (3.5" and 5"), VIPER-V6 Turbo (X68000), VIPER-V6 Turbo RS (FM-TOWNS), VIPER-V8 (3.5" and 5"), VIPER-V8 RS (5"), VIPER-V8 Turbo RS (FM-TOWNS), VIPER-V10 RS (3.5" and 5"), VIPER-V10 Turbo RS (FM-TOWNS), VIPER-GTS (3.5" and 5"), VIPER-GTS RS (3.5"), VIPER-V12 (3.5" and 5"), VIPER-V12 (FM-TOWNS), and VIPER-V16 (5" and 3.5")
If you ever want to sell them. Please let me know.All VIPER items for sale are now listed on the site's For Sale page (http://www.sognadigitalmuseum.com/forsale.html).
How much RSR preview content is in that? I've never seen that particular edition listed in any of my magazine searches for VIPER material (probably due to the misspelling)there's 3 pages, 4 if you include the ad.
Tech Gian | ||
Issue Date------ | Status------- | Notes |
1996 / 11 | Bidding | Viper V-10 named on cover |
1997 / 5 | Collected | Viper V12 |
1997 / 7 | Collected | Guynarock R |
1997 / 9 | Collected | no cd, Viper F40 |
1997 / 10 | Collected | |
1997 / 11 | Collected | no cd, Viper F40 |
1998 / 1 | Collected | Viper V16 |
1998 / 3 | Collected | Viper V16 |
1998 / 4 | Collected | Viper M1-66 |
1998 / 5 | Collected | Viper M1+Viper V16 Demo |
1998 / 6 | Collected | Viper M1-51 |
1998 / 7 | Collected | Makers: SognaVol1- 86,Viper M1-50 |
1998 / 8 | Collected | Makers: SognaVol2-96, Viper M1-50, Viper CTR-70 |
1998 / 9 | Collected | Makers: Sogna vol3, Viper CTR |
1998 / 10 | Collected | |
1998 / 11 | Collected | Makers: Sogna, Viper CTR |
1998 / 12 | Collected | Makers: Sogna |
1999 / 1 | Collected | Makers: Sogna |
1999 / 2 | Collected | Makers: Sogna |
1999 / 3 | Collected | Makers: Sogna, Viper Island Vol.1 |
1999 / 4 | Collected | Makers: Sogna, Viper F50 |
1999 / 5 | Collected | Makers: Sogna-124, Viper F50-77, ViperIslandVol2-80 |
1999 / 6 | Collected | Makers: Sogna-132, ViperF50-46 |
1999 / 7 | Collected | Makers: SognaVol11-138, Viper F50-130, Viper F50 Demo |
1999 / 8 | Collected | Makers: Sogna-138 ,ViperIslandVol3-70 |
1999 / 9 | Collected | Makers: Sogna, ViperIslandv4-94 |
1999 / 10 | Collected | Makers: Sogna |
1999 / 11 | Collected | Makers: Sogna-159, |
1999 / 12 | Collected | Makers: Sogna-155, ViperGTB RiseAfter-91 |
2000 / 1 | Collected | Makers: Sogna-, Sogna interview, VIPER GTB |
2000 / 2 | Collected | Makers: Sogna-168, Viper GTB Rise After-80 |
2000 / 3 | Collected | Makers: Sogna, P.Warrior letter |
2000 / 4 | Collected | Makers: Sogna |
2000 / 5 | Collected | Makers: Sogna, Viper Island, Viper GTB demo |
2000 / 6 | Collected | Makers: Sogna, Viper Paradise |
2000 / 7 | Collected | Makers: Sogna, Viper Paradise demo |
2000 / 8 | Collected | Makers: Sogna |
2000 / 9 | Collected | Makers: Sogna, Viper Island, Viper GT1 |
2000 / 10 | Collected | Makers: Sogna-155, Viper GT1-65, GT1 Demo |
2000 / 11 | Collected | Makers: Sogna-155 |
2000 / 12 | Collected | Makers:Sogna-171, Viper M5-141 |
2001 / 1 | Collected | Maker: Sogna |
2001 / 2 | Collected | Maker: Sogna |
2001 / 3 | Collected | |
2001 / 4 | Collected | Maker: Sogna |
2001 / 7 | Shipping | |
2001 / 8 | Shipping | |
2001 / 9 | Shipping | |
2001 / 10 | Shipping | |
2001 / 11 | Shipping | |
2001 / 12 | Shipping | |
2002 / 2 | Collected | |
2002 / 3 | Collected | Viper RSR |
2002 / 4 | Collected | |
2002 / 6 | Collected | |
2002 / 7 | Collected | Viper RSR & Demo |
2002 / 8 | Collected | |
2002 / 10 | Collected | |
2002 / 11 | Collected | Viper GTS Limited |
2003 / 2 | Shipping | |
2003 / 4 | Collected | Viper V6R |
2003 / 5 | Collected | Viper V8R-174 |
2003 / 6 | Collected | Viper V8R-90 |
2003 / 9 | Collected | |
2003 / 10 | Collected | |
2003 / 11 | Collected | |
2003 / 12 | Collected | no CD |
2004 / 1 | Collected | |
2004 / 4 | Collected | Erogos Hand Edition |
2004 / 5 | Collected | |
2004 / 7 | Collected | Erogos |
2005 / 5 | Collected | Erogos |
2005 / 11 | Collected | |
2005 / 12 | Collected | |
2006 / 1 | Collected | no CD |
2006 / 2 | Collected | |
2006 / 3 | Collected | |
2006 / 4 | Collected | |
2006 / 5 | Collected | |
2006 / 6 | Collected | |
2006 / 8 | Collected | |
2006 / 9 | Collected | |
2006 / 10 | Collected | |
2006 / 11 | Collected | |
2009 / 1 | Collected | |
2009 / 7 | Collected | |
2009 / 8 | Collected | |
2009 / 10 | Collected |
Really love that Raika bust! Hope there might be another one to buy or more info on a painted version.I actually don't see painted figures on YJA that often. Those are probably more often sold at anime conventions and such. The unpainted ones may be more popular in open auctions for people that kitbash, combining elements of different sets together to make new "original" characters.