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Special Features => VIPER Dude of the Year 2010 Tournament => Topic started by: JG on September 13, 2010, 09:20:13 pm

Title: Dokubachi-donar (8) vs Gordy (9): VDOTY2010: Violet Divison Round 1
Post by: JG on September 13, 2010, 09:20:13 pm
( vs. (

Bed sheets and batch towels aren't enough to stop these guys.
Title: Re: Dokubachi-donar (8) vs Gordy (9): VDOTY2010: Violet Divison Round 1
Post by: VelcroStraps on September 14, 2010, 06:53:31 am
Gordy's the guy who screwed Lilia in F40, isn't he? Well, I'll have to give him my vote, for treating me to one of my favourite sex scenes in the Viper series.

Dokubachi deserves some respect though, for outliving most of his allies(I think) and because if it weren't for him Anri might have made it the whole way through F50 without having sex.
Title: Re: Dokubachi-donar (8) vs Gordy (9): VDOTY2010: Violet Divison Round 1
Post by: Mirai Doft on September 14, 2010, 01:23:42 pm
What donar means? Plus I'm sure the monsters are named after something, kuwagata means bettle right? So Dokubachi is bee?
Title: Re: Dokubachi-donar (8) vs Gordy (9): VDOTY2010: Violet Divison Round 1
Post by: Rai on September 14, 2010, 09:06:32 pm
I always figured it meant "donor", like they were test subjects that donated their bodies to radical genetic experimentation. Either that or Donarghe is just a nonsense word and Donar is just a shortened form of that to identify the members.

And yeah, the monsters are all named after the animal they're mutated into. Kuwagata means stag beetle, dokubachi means poison wasp.
Title: Re: Dokubachi-donar (8) vs Gordy (9): VDOTY2010: Violet Divison Round 1
Post by: JG on September 14, 2010, 10:18:42 pm
It does not mean donor.  It's just a shortened form of Donarghe, which is the fictional criminal organization of the Bravan series.

By the way, Donarghe is the spelling I made up.  The katakana spells "dona-ge", but I didn't want to spell it "Donage" or "Donahge" because you wouldn't know how to pronounce it.  And given that Gel operates out of the New York City branch I decided that Donarghe may have a soft R sound, much like the katakana "ka-" means car.  But I still didn't want to spell it Donarge becuase you guys would still pronounce it in two syllables like "doo-nahrge" or "doh-nahrge" when it should be pronounced in three: "doh-nahr-geh".  If you make a nor sound (like donor) instead of nahr, you're pronouncing it wrong.
Title: Re: Dokubachi-donar (8) vs Gordy (9): VDOTY2010: Violet Divison Round 1
Post by: Rai on September 14, 2010, 10:57:55 pm
Is there really that much distinction? As far as I know, Japanese uses the elongated "a-" for most schwa sounds, like hamburger is "hanba-ga-". And I don't know about you, but I pronounce donor with a simple "er" sound at the end, same as burger, so couldn't the Japanese transliteration follow the same principle? How would "donor" be spelled in katakana otherwise?
Title: Re: Dokubachi-donar (8) vs Gordy (9): VDOTY2010: Violet Divison Round 1
Post by: JG on September 15, 2010, 10:13:00 pm
Ok, I concede to you half credit.

You are right that donor is katakana-ized as "dona-", but the er in hamburger is different than the or in donor.  Hamburger is longer Rs ("hamburrgurr") than donor ("dohnur")

Ultimately though, Donarghe's spelling was my perogative as the first to translate the word to English.
Title: Re: Dokubachi-donar (8) vs Gordy (9): VDOTY2010: Violet Divison Round 1
Post by: Rai on September 16, 2010, 08:10:01 pm
I'm fine with that.