Sogna Digital Museum Forum
Special Features => VIPER Dude of the Year 2010 Tournament => Topic started by: JG on September 18, 2010, 10:44:21 pm
( vs. (
Maranello and Hrmoni may be the ones taking orders, but in return they get all the time with the girls that they could want. How they spend this time is obvously quite different though...
Maranello. I liked that he got treated like a comic-relief punching bag but still got to screw Cara, as well as a bunch of other unfortunate women.
I respect that mutating women's more original and imaginative than having sex with them, but I'm afraid I'm just a little old-fashioned in my preferences there.
Going to have to go with Easter Island man over Mara.
Sure, he fucks Cala, but even the zombie dog gets to do that, and when the heroes confront Mara, he gets blasted down like a scrub.
His scrubbiness is part of his appeal.
If there's one thing Maranello has over the other underlings that got to screw Cala, it's that chip on his shoulder from his earlier defeats by the Seki, giving him motivation to be an extra cruel asshole about it. That's some depth you don't always get from the rapists in these stories.