Sogna Digital Museum Forum

Sogna/VIPER Series => Sogna VIPER Discussion => Topic started by: Echelon on December 07, 2005, 11:13:41 pm

Title: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 07, 2005, 11:13:41 pm
Well, I'm sure a few people here remember my old thread asking about this ... well, sorry about the wait. I'm just lazy sometimes. >_>

Anyways, it's a work in progress. Right now, you can view RSR here:

Currently, only about 100 or so gifs up.
(I'll edit this if needed)
Gifs I couldn't upload: 75, too big I guess.

Once I'm done with RSR's 295 set (phew) I'll upload all the RSR CG I can find, extra gifs, etc. Then I'll probably upload my complete set of F40 to a new album, and then from there, other Viper gif sets.

So, hope you guys enjoy. I hope this is worth it, my hand hurts. ;_;
(Come on, I've got to do this 295+ times! :P)

I decided to start with RSR, because everyone loves it, it's hard to find, the torrents suck, and Cala rocks.

Don't worry about waiting, I "feel" like doing this for some reason. You can probably expect to see 295 RSR gifs by the end of tommorow. =)

Note: Gifs might run slowly and chunky on the site, but if you save the images, they'll run crisp and smooth on your computer (well they should).

Updated List:
<a href=>Viper F40</a>
<a href=>Viper RSR</a>
<a href=>Viper CTR</a>
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: GONE on December 07, 2005, 11:21:46 pm
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 07, 2005, 11:24:39 pm
It's a shame RSR was such a late Sogna game though. I would've loved to see more RSR CG sets, and the characters in new games.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: GONE on December 07, 2005, 11:38:30 pm
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: lateguy on December 08, 2005, 12:56:27 am
props echyboy..... props
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Doctor_Raven on December 08, 2005, 10:31:36 am
Wasn't Cala in the Viper typing game?
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 08, 2005, 12:32:37 pm
I myself am unsure.

Updated the album. 171 Gifs up now. I can probably finish this later today.

A -few- images seem to be out of order, but I checked through it and the gifs go in order for the most part.
I also took apart the large gifs and broke them into two peices, 75, 152, and 161 I believe. So you can view those also.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Ellendesu on December 08, 2005, 12:34:43 pm
That Cala is a mighty fine piece of Cartoon tail let me tell ya.

Doesn't beat Carerra though
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 08, 2005, 12:37:49 pm
I like Cala more, maybe even more than Akira, but that's me. :P

Carerra is also one of the best, of course.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Ellendesu on December 08, 2005, 12:39:50 pm

Carerra is the best, of course.

Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 08, 2005, 12:45:56 pm

The only thing I sometimes don't like about Carerra, is that she's aged. The detail in other characters just sometimes seems a lot higher (especially looking at GTS gifs and old G1 gifs).

But she is a sexy devil. :D

So again, why did Sogna have to die. ;_;
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Cole Tyger on December 08, 2005, 02:49:37 pm
sorry kids but akira gets the top spot from me

but then again, i AM partial to red heads
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Hyperguy on December 08, 2005, 03:14:53 pm
Saki is underrated. :smalltran
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: daitanuki on December 08, 2005, 03:40:12 pm
I agree completely, HG.

And thanks so mcuh, Echelon.  I appreciate all your work.  Unfortunately, this may result in me tiring my own hand out.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: JG on December 08, 2005, 07:15:30 pm
Wasn't Cala in the Viper typing game?
Yes. She's in the damned near impossible Stage 6.

Saki is underrated. :smalltran
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 09, 2005, 07:15:07 pm
Karin seems a little ... undeveloped I guess you could say. :P

Thanks again everyone, and sorry for the delay. This shall be finished tonight. Then I'll probably move on to F40, and CTR. After that, if you guys want me to continue this I might need some help obtaining full sets (I've got V16 somewhere, and random gifs from the Carerra ones, other than that that's about it).
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 09, 2005, 08:22:05 pm
I'm done, and now I fear I may never click the mouse the same again. =O

Okay, anyways. Only about 3 gifs wouldn't upload, because the files were corrupt or something, but they weren't anything too special.

So, hope you guys enjoy this. Now, do your part and tell the Galaxy! And Hyperguy, give me my money!

Now I'll upload all the special RSR images and gifs I've found, if I miss any, let me know and I'll add it.

And my worst nightmare has come true. It's out of order. Oh well, it's nothing drastic, and for the most part scenes were kept together, but it's a bit out of order, so sorry about that.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: dama_morri on December 18, 2005, 08:00:46 am
hey dude,
when will you post f40 gifs in ur acc?
love that too...
thanks dude ur the best
+1 rep for yah.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Bluelyth on December 18, 2005, 09:08:57 am
Hmmm, I seem to have overlooked this thread.

So if I may ask, what major Viper game animation are missing from the site? I have all the games, and all the images extracted. While I've yet to finish working on animating any of the games, if theres a set of gifs in particular you guys would like to see on here, I can concentrate on finishing them, and putting up the animation. Echelon appears to have RSR and F40 covered.

I was thinking of maybe finally completeing my work on V16-Imagine, sense the animations for that game seem to be particularly rare, unless theres a different game others would rather have access to. Please, let let me know.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 19, 2005, 07:20:40 am
Personally, I'd love to see V16 finished if it hasn't been. Or a complete set of GTB and or GT1.

So there's more V16 animations? Doesn't surprise me, it's list of animations currently out there is nothing compared to F40, CTR, etc.

I tried uploading F40 a few days ago but I got errors, I'll try again soon though. Then I'll upload CTR (I have the full set of that also).
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Bluelyth on December 19, 2005, 08:05:38 am
Well, theres the popular V16-Rise, which is the story with Akira, but theres also a second unrelated story called Imagine which has 3 different girls. In fact, I don't think i've ever seen any gifs out there featuring the girls from imagine. Sorry if i misunderstood, but i think thats what you meant. I have all the Rise gifs made, and I'm about 1/2 done with Imagine.

GTB is friggin HUGE, it'll take me a really long time to finish those, but i would say its 40%-ish complete. (Thats not including some of the work i still need to do on some of the tougher animations, like with scrolling backgrounds etc. GTB unfortuantly has alot of those >_<)

GT1 doesn't have many animations, I can probably complete that in a couple hours. Most of the animations are just the characters mouths moving, so i'll avoid those unless requested otherwise.

This is what I'll do. I have 2 more nights of classes before my holiday break, so i'll work on and finish GT1 and i should have them up by wed/thur. Then I'll concentrate on finishing up Imagine and i'll try to have those up and finished before i start work again (I think my next job is lined up for Jan 16th). I should be done well before this tho, barring any unexpected occurances.

GTB is unfortunatly a work in progress, and will probably remain so for the next couple months =(
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 19, 2005, 03:35:26 pm
Hmm, well I'm pretty sure I've seen all the Rise gifs. Were they the ones here on Hyperguy shortly? Was that it?
(if so, that doesn't seem like a lot of gifs).

And wasn't hyperguy also working on GTB also? Or maybe I'm confused.

Really I'm just interested in seeing more Akira. :P

But yeah, do whatever you think is best.

I'll probably gladly put these sets up you're making on fapo

Same with the small Rise collection, which I have ... just not sure where.

I'm working on F40 now though, hopefully I can finish today. Not as nearly as much work as RSR. :P

And in short, I really do appreciate your guys work (everyone who does this).

I'd get into trying to animate movies / images myself, if I had my own computer. So, for now I'm just trying to give a helping hand by putting gif sets online.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 19, 2005, 04:04:24 pm
<a href=>Viper F40</a>

CTR is next.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Bluelyth on December 19, 2005, 05:38:41 pm
Really I'm just interested in seeing more Akira. :P

But yeah, do whatever you think is best.

Ok, well how about instead of Imagine, I finish up the sex scenes from GTB and put those up. I have most of the sex stuff finished anyway, plus I'm not sure i would really be up to putting all the transition scenes up, considering theres well over 100 gifs for GTB (maybe even more than 200). I'll just put up all the sexy stuff, I think thats what most people are interested in anyway. Oneday, if theres even any interest in it, I'll put up the rest of the scenes.

Btw, I'm assuming you got CTR from a torrent? If so, theres a torrent out there thats missing a few frames. I can send you the missing gifs if you'd like.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Doctor_Raven on December 19, 2005, 07:21:15 pm
I notice image 106 is missing from this collection.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Bluelyth on December 19, 2005, 08:20:41 pm
Hmmm, 106... would that be during the Miki rape scene? Some people number their collections differently, so if not, tell me what 105 and 107 are and i'll find it.

Also, during the first sex scene with Asuka, there was an animation missing from my collection where you see her boyfriend laydown on her (as opposed to him already laying on her), let me know if your missing that.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Doctor_Raven on December 19, 2005, 08:40:09 pm
gah damn binoids. I meant to say 006 not 106. May be involving the green-haired girl though I do remember a precurosor to 0059, with the guy getting socked.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 19, 2005, 09:52:54 pm
gah damn binoids. I meant to say 006 not 106. May be involving the green-haired girl though I do remember a precurosor to 0059, with the guy getting socked.

Yeah, that and I think one in the 20's wouldn't upload. 006 wasn't even in my download.

As for the missing gifs, I'm not so sure. There's a few that could be what you're talking about, but I'll upload them and let you check them out.

Side note: CTR is awesome. Miki is like, awesome. The quality seems higher than a few other Vipers also, and there's more diversity in the positions. In short, yeah CTR is good.

I'm working on this now.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 19, 2005, 09:56:16 pm
Bluelyth, about the possible missing gifs, if it matters, my collection is from one of the HGCG torrent packages.

Edit: Well, already I'm missing 015
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 19, 2005, 11:15:41 pm
(sorry for the triple post)

Well, there you guys go. CTR is up:

Some of the images couldn't be added because they were too big, but they weren't anything you'd miss.

So, if anyone has any other full sets they'd like me to upload, just send me the set.

I have Rise somewhere, so I'll probably put that up next.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Doctor_Raven on December 19, 2005, 11:17:29 pm
two of those are sample jpegs of animated scenes o_o
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Bluelyth on December 20, 2005, 05:36:31 am
Opps, before i thought you meant 106 from CTR. I also looked at Doctor Raven's name and saw Echelon... yeah, I was tired. You have a different F40 set than i originally had, but you seem to have the ones that were missing from my set. The CTR set looks like it came from the same place tho. Ok, here are the missing gifs:

F40 ( (f40-106)

CTR ( (ctr-015) ( (ctr-124)
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 20, 2005, 12:32:28 pm
two of those are sample jpegs of animated scenes o_o

Yeah, they were just in the zip file so I put them up. :P

Thanks for the missing ones also Bluelyth.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Bluelyth on December 21, 2005, 03:46:02 pm
Ok, I have GT1 finished, but I want to take an extra day to clean it up a bit. I went ahead and animated everything (except for the gay waiter...), so theres about 170-ish gifs total. Mostly conversation stuff and stills, but theres a few nice ones of the girls in their Anne Miller outfits and also in their swimwear. Oh yeah, and theres some sexin too! ^_^

Expect it up sometime Thursday evening, or at the very latest Friday morning.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Bluelyth on December 22, 2005, 02:20:37 pm
Here ya go, Viper GT1: (

Ignore the gap between 043 and 047. Nothing goes there, I just screwed up when I renamed them. Also, I didn't include anything with the gay manager, and I also skipped 2 still images from the Devil May Come cameo. Trust me, it was nothing special, I just forgot to add them before I deleted the BMPs and I didn't feel like re-extracting the images for just 2 stills. Just picture a book and an image of Tuxedo Mask -_-. Theres 191 Gifs total, let me know if i missed anything.

Alternatively, you can download the zipped file on Emule/Edonkey. Look for the file: [HCG]_Sogna_Viper_GT1_Complete_Animated_GIF_Collection
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: kirby on December 23, 2005, 11:06:13 pm
:drool: JACKPOT! very nice guys
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on December 24, 2005, 07:20:35 am
Thanks Bluelyth, looking forward to the other sets. :D

And Akira looks awesome in a swimsuit.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Bluelyth on December 24, 2005, 08:37:33 am
I'm working on GTB now, so hopefully that will be the next one I put up, and I only say that cuz its so friggin huge that I have no idea when I will finish it. I'll need to find some other way to get it to you guys tho, cuz I'll be damned if I'm gonna upload each gif from that individually lol. Besides, several of the gifs are larger than the 1.5MB limit that Fapomatic allows me, and the scenes are set up in a way that I can't shorten the animations into multiple clips. Hopefully when I get it zipped, it's size will be under 100MB, then I might beable to use rapidshare (I probably should have used that for GT1).

I'm not far enough along on GTB to give any ETA for when I'll have it up, but what I might do is release it in 2 parts, in which case I could have the first part up around just after newyears. It really depends on how many of the really difficult animations I come across... Lastnight I had a dream that Akira and Makoto were bitching me out for not animating them properly. I think maybe I should get out of the house more.... -_-
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: variable_viper on December 25, 2005, 02:54:23 am
nice! great work my friend. keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: CharliesX on January 01, 2006, 08:10:53 pm
Thanks for all your work so far. Keep up the good work blu.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on January 02, 2006, 08:08:48 am
So how's GTB comin' along Blue?
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Bluelyth on January 02, 2006, 07:13:39 pm
Even tho I have a good chunk of GTB finished, I'm still not well enough along to want to hazard an ETA. The problem is, where the average gif can take anywhere from 5-15 minutes to make, some of the tougher animations can take 2-4+ hours. GTB has alot of tough animation, and sometimes its not so obvious by looking at the BMPs which will be tough or easy. A few of the ones that I thought where gonna be easy ended up being really hard. And then, theres always a handful of those that I look at when finished and realise it needs to be re-done. Especially gifs with scrolling backgrounds, theres alot of trial and error involved in the process.

My best possable estimate would be late febuary, early march. Just don't mark that on your calanders cuz it really depends on how much work I end up getting between now and then.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: pleasurevassal on January 09, 2006, 05:13:00 am
Myself I'm none too familiar with fapomatic, so forgive a dumb question.

Okay, so I go to the galleries via the links posted on this thread. And the gallery of thumbnails load well enough. But, when I click on the thumbnails, I see these pictures. Pictures, no larger than the thumbnails themselves.

So, what am I doing wrong? The listings show file sizes far beyond those of thumbnails, yet all I get are those images that are likely in the tens of kilobytes of size. :(

Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Bluelyth on January 09, 2006, 06:53:03 am
Pleasurevassal, let me make sure I understand what your saying. You click on the thumbnails and only a thumbnail will come up?

Theres a couple reasons why this may happen. Its possable that the bandwith duration for the gallery has run out, in which case just try again in about 2 hours. More than likely however, it might be your browser settings. Which web browser are you using?
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on January 11, 2006, 07:25:44 am
Hmm, well I just checked out some fapo albums and they seem to work perfectly fine for me. o_O
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: 456andawakeup on January 11, 2006, 05:05:10 pm
Ive been having the same problem as pleasurevassal when i try to open 1 of the thumbnails for any of the viper series on Fapomatic all i get is a real small pic of the thumbnail. Do you have to be a member of Fapomatic to view the gifs? I'm using Explorer as a browser...
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Bluelyth on January 11, 2006, 05:15:27 pm
I just checked and its working fine for me also, so the bandwith appears to be fine. I haven't used Explorer in ages, so I can't help determine what settings would be causing this problem. I highly recommend switching to the firefox browser as its alot friendlier with image galleries (aswell as loads of other things)

If you'd rather not switch browsers, check back in a few days, GT1 is small enough that I can upload the whole set to rapidshare.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: 456andawakeup on January 11, 2006, 06:08:45 pm
Ok i switched to Firefox, but the same thing keeps happening. Does how i connect to the internet matter? I'm using a satelite to connect to the net and its pretty slow...
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Bluelyth on January 11, 2006, 07:11:52 pm
Hmmm, very strange. Your ISP shouldn't be effecting it. Unless your isp is using a really fucked up firewall, but thats a longshot. I'll look into this further.

I put the zipped GT1 collection up on rapidshare. That should work for ya. (
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: 456andawakeup on January 12, 2006, 11:58:33 am
Thanks dood
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Echelon on February 02, 2006, 07:04:36 am
So Blue, how's this coming along?
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: rogueviper69 on February 27, 2006, 11:41:27 am
Bluelyth, I wouldn't mind if you put the whole GTB series as a big zip file on rapidshare.  Easier to download and view that way in my opinion.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: rogueviper69 on March 14, 2006, 02:00:21 am
Wow, great collections, thank you.  :)
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: bbjeg on May 04, 2006, 08:37:18 pm
I just got finished uploading a bunch of GTB files. It's not in order and I'm missing a few but I thought you guys might like it. Merry Birthmasnicaoloday!
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Qwerty1 on August 12, 2006, 12:38:01 pm
Wow! =)
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: tokyohentai on September 17, 2006, 10:04:25 pm
also other than finishing up Viper V16: Imagine, can anybody like send me the installation game? I have most of the viper series only i can't find Imagine and RSR! I'm actually new at this, in fact, my first anime-related pc game were the viper series, and I can't find these two series anywhere...
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Rai on September 18, 2006, 01:34:01 am
Keep posting and you can eventually download Imagine from the Shop here. That's where I got mine.

I got my RSR from a big torrent that was posted here a while ago, so you could always try that if you don't mind waiting a long time and getting a bunch of other games you already have.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: asdf4321 on January 23, 2007, 07:07:46 pm
the viper RSR gifs arent working anymore. the pictures are still there and u can click on them but the actual gif doesnt load :(:(. does anyone have a link to where i can d/l the rsr gifs?? outside of torrent i mean, because torrent doesnt work on my comp for some reason :(
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: poopied on February 04, 2007, 10:14:27 pm
Viper RSR is very nasty. All the blood coming out of people was just unspeakably nasty.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Ellendesu on February 05, 2007, 09:43:15 am
Viper RSR is very nasty. All the blood coming out of people was just unspeakably nasty.

And hot. I'm gonna go get that one now!
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: GGX on March 04, 2007, 11:49:46 am
the viper RSR gifs arent working anymore. the pictures are still there and u can click on them but the actual gif doesnt load :(:(. does anyone have a link to where i can d/l the rsr gifs?? outside of torrent i mean, because torrent doesnt work on my comp for some reason :(

try this one:
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: linlame on March 04, 2007, 12:31:41 pm
Still there R no gifs posted from dvd Edidion can someone post/link them ?
90% of old links does not work :(
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: XheroX on March 08, 2007, 09:02:07 pm
Sorry to be a bother but does anyone have the gifs from F40??

I just finished saving all the RSR ones to my comps. Took a wile >.>

now Im wanting the F40 ones to. I noticed all the old ones are dead to. I would greatly appreciate it ^^. also wondering if some one may have them all compact in some way so that I dont have to right click and save each one =P if not its ok. im not here to be picky ^^

::Edit:: Ok I hope im not getting on anyones nerves but im just gonna ask now instead of l8er. I wanted those gifs. But if anyone has any other gifs from any other viper games in some Zip file and easy to send, then im interested. could you please post or e-mail me. and I would be in your debt =P. I'm mainly after F40, GT1 (which I noticed you had earlier but there all dead now) and BTR, But BTR are so rare. I have some all ready though =P
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: linlame on March 09, 2007, 01:21:20 am

Try here.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: XheroX on March 09, 2007, 01:25:11 pm
Thanks man. thats a a start. but im after more than just the sex scenes. earlier in this thread they had all most ever scene if not all extracted. im wondering if anyone has those. but in honesty thanks. it is a start to tie me over till I get the rest =)

im still after F40 and GT1. (and btr but since its old I know how hard it is to extract =/ so not worried about those so much. I already havce a decent amount)
So if anyone can still help me and or needs my e-mail to send them just let me know. or if you know where they are posted. I dont mind saving each one individualy. although It would be kool if some one has them posted somewhere zipped or compacted.

Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: XheroX on March 14, 2007, 12:36:36 am
if you look, you will find ^^
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: GGX on March 23, 2007, 06:43:01 pm
i found some links to download, but i dunno if it is complete or not

Sogna - Viper All Stars

Sogna - Viper CTR & V10

Sogna - Viper BRT

Sogna - Viper GRR

Sogna - Viper F40

Sogna - Viper M1-5

Sogna - Viper Typing

Sogna - Viper V6, V6R und GTS

Sogna - Viper RSR

Sogna - Viper V12 und F50

Sogna - Viper V08

Sogna - Viper V16 Imagine

Sogna - Viper X searching for big once

Sogna - Viper CTR & V10

Sogna - Viper V16 Rise, GT1 & GTB

Viper Dubbing Digital Doll Boss
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: XheroX on March 28, 2007, 06:23:22 pm
Awsome. You found some BTR's I havent found. Those are hard to find and the ones I want the most ^^
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: hentaifreek on March 29, 2007, 07:40:35 pm
The links take me to a page that says "download with premium" do I have to log in?
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Rai on March 29, 2007, 08:54:28 pm
You shouldn't have to. Look for the part where it tells you to enter a three letter code. Then wait 45 seconds and the download button should appear. It's basically like MegaUpload.

Took me a while to get it all downloaded. Might as well clear some things up about that list:

Viper All Stars - Promotional Images, Artbook scans, Concept Art, and other still images. Most, if not all of it is in HG's Gallery.

Viper CTR & V10 - Pretty much all the gifs from CTR (even the non-H ones) plus a few V10 gifs (not just Northern Lights), that one super moneyshot on Asuka and Miki from Paradice, and a bunch of Northern Lights-related pictures from artbooks, Islands, etc. that are already in HG's gallery. A couple of the gifs were broken. One of the gifs wasn't from a Sogna game.

Viper BRT - Has a few BTR gifs as well as Chomi-related gifs and pictures from V12, Islands, Artbooks, etc.

Viper GRR - Four Guynarock-based pics. Nope, Guynarock's not actually a Viper game.

Viper F40 - A whole lot of F40 gifs and pics. There's even a couple pieces of fan art in there I think.

Viper M1-5 - Mostly M1 stuff. For some reason there's a lot of gif frames in jpg form, blue background and all. Some of those still frames are uncensored. The My Mothers pics are in HG's gallery, but I don't recall seeing the other M1 stuff in here before. There's also a promotional image for M3 3.2, a bunch of screenshots and other images from or based on M5, and that one M5 gif of the cats molesting Miena.

Viper Typing - Pretty much everything of interest that could be extracted from Typing Viper, plus that one fan-edit where Cala's head is spliced onto Asuka's body. I think a couple of the Karin images were uncensored.

Viper V6, V6R und GTS - Mostly Devil Came stuff. I'm pretty sure all the still pics are in HG's gallery. One of the gifs is uncensored. There's also a few Double Impact, Afternoon, and oddly enough Reserve gifs.

Viper RSR - RSR gifs and pics. Like CTR, it's more complete than it has to be, with a lot of non-H gifs. I think only one DVD gif was included (Jota in the monster rape scene).

Viper V12 und F50 - Mostly Bravan stuff with a bit of Angel Dust. All the V12 gifs are horrible quality for some reason. All the pics are in HG's gallery. F50 gifs include lots of non-H, not an entirely complete set though.

Viper V08 - V8 stuff. Plus a Reserve pic from Islands for some reason.

Viper V16 Imagine - Non-animated Imagine stuff, all of which is in HG's gallery. Also included are the uncensored screenshots kilogramm posted here a couple months ago.

Viper X searching for big once - I guess "searching for big once" means "searching for big ones", because these are all tiny, dithered, low quality images, but they all seem pretty rare. There's a lot of art and screens for M5, M3 3.2, and V8R. Along with more common CTR, RSR, M1, and Rise pics. I, too would like to see "big ones" if they exist online.

Viper CTR & V10 - You pasted the same link twice ya goof.

Viper V16 Rise, GT1 & GTB - As advertised, looks like pretty much everything you could want from the Rise series. Non-H included. This archive's huge.

Viper Dubbing Digital Doll Boss - Four page plus cover manga with Miki sexing up Akira.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: XheroX on March 30, 2007, 07:12:35 pm
Ya I wanna thank you for those. That pretty much made my viper gifs collection Complete. (or atleast satisfactory to me )

Although I would kill for some more of the BTR ones. I still have all the scenes that matter though =P

I think im gonna put my crazy search for viper gifs and images in general to an end. and just collect more as I see them. But wont hunt them out.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: hentaifreek on April 02, 2007, 04:46:02 pm
None of that "three letter code" appears,the only download button that appears is "download with premium" and the nickname and password cells for registered members.But nothing else.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: linlame on April 11, 2007, 05:42:19 pm
Nice job M8 Thx !

How About rest of DVD edition RSR Gifs - Does anybody have real Full One ?
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: redhome on May 31, 2024, 06:30:03 am
I know this is an old thread, but does anybody of you have a VIPER (series) complete GIF collection? I know there a some torrents, but they differ a bit from another - and are not always complete. Thank you. :)
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: JG on May 31, 2024, 12:02:34 pm
Probably not a complete one because it requires some work to turn single frames combining backgrounds and foreground elements into an animated GIF file. Repeat that for several dozen to hundreds of scenes in each game and its a lot of effort. So its pretty much split into games where one person did game A and another person did game B, and not always high quality between them. A particular torrent might use some games and not others, or choose between two different people's sets for the same game.

There's also now a lot of gifbashes now, where the heads are swapped out onto bodies of other VIPER characters or even non-VIPER games - this can complicate things as some people may not know which animations are original and which are fan-made.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: redhome on June 01, 2024, 02:39:54 pm
I actually have a set which includes 80% of all VIPER games as (animated) GIF files, that seem to be non-bashes... If it helps I could share those I have.
Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: Moge on June 01, 2024, 05:08:39 pm
I've always wanted to rerip all the Viper games, but that won't be happening anytime in the near future. I'm proud of my past rips though that you can find on a few hentai sites. (none of them are Viper related) (

Title: Re: Complete Viper Gif Collections!! (RSR, F40, etc)
Post by: redhome on June 02, 2024, 05:38:43 am
I've always wanted to rerip all the Viper games, but that won't be happening anytime in the near future. I'm proud of my past rips though that you can find on a few hentai sites. (none of them are Viper related) (

Wow. Looking great. Thank you for the input! :) I try to link the VIPER rips I have (in a few days), if anyone is interested.