Sogna Digital Museum Forum

Sogna/VIPER Series => Tools => Topic started by: JG on December 11, 2005, 08:29:32 pm

Title: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on December 11, 2005, 08:29:32 pm
A few of you have asked me to provide some of my custom tools for Viper game hacking and picture/text extraction.  This thread will only contain links to useful Viper game tools, and questions/comments about them.  Please keep images and other stuff in the other threads.  Technophobes can stop reading this thread now.

I offer no support or warranty on these. If they don't work, sorry. I made them for myself, not for general consumption. You can trust me though, they won't do anything disasterous.

DecomposeSGS ( 107KB (ADDED, 10/18/2014)
The one tool that gives you anything you want out of SGS.DAT.  Images, sounds, voice, decompiled code, game text: you name it.  And built-in converters to turn them into standard formats like PNG and WAV.  Also supports SGS compression so it won't choke on compressed files.

Convert EAV to AVI ( 6KB (ADDED, 10/30/2014)
Converts EAV format movie files used by the Gokuraku VIPER Paradice series to standard AVI format.  Replaces the old mvconv program (that wasn't written by me), since it stopped working in Windows 7.  Note that you may have to run in Administrator mode if you want to convert the movie files installed to the default directory under C:\Program Files\Sogna.

Sogna ANM Editor ( 30KB (UPDATED, 12/3/2024)
Better than Grapholic for managing single ANM files.  Can't do a whole .DAT file in batch but can import new frames, change the order or remove frames, edit palette, export to new ANM files or export frames to BMP, GIF, JPG, or PNG (maintaining transparency for GIF and PNG formats).  Going mad building animated GIFs becuase you're always dealing with blue backgrounds and having to move overlays to the proper location? This tool is for you.

SGS Unpack/Repack ( 15KB (VB6 source ( 9KB)
* These two programs will split or rejoin SGS.DAT files into thier component .ANM, .PCM, .WIN files, etc.  A manifest file is created with the unpack program that can be modified prior to running the repack program, thus creating a new SGS.DAT file.  Keep in mind that modified SGS.DAT files will NOT run properly in any Viper program, so you can't take V16 .ANM files and drop them into GTB and expect to make extended Akira scenes.  These tools are only meant to work with individual game files (in the event anyone ever figures out how to decompress them) or to build specialized SGS.DAT files that don't crash during Grapholic's extract process. (In most cases, you'd be better off with DecomposeSGS above.)

Viper Typing Stage 6 Cheater ( 8KB (VB6 source ( 6KB)
* This program will simulate the keypresses needed to get by the practially impossible Stage 6 in Viper Typing. Run it alongside Typing, and press the buttons that correspond to the text on screen and the proper keypresses will be sent to the Viper Typing program.  Does not handle dashes, so keep one of your fingers on the minus key.  There are seperate tabs for the monster levels and for the Cala level.  The monsters may make up phrases containing 2 or 3 of the button phrases.  Cala's level will only require 1 button press.  You still need to be lightning fast about which button you click, but its much more tolerable that trying to type all that garbage by yourself, especially when you get to Cala and need to type romanji RPG attack phrases at 100 words per minute.

TextExtractor (Sogna Pack) ( 2.4MB (ADDED, 4/26/2008)
Extract the japanese text from Sogna games while they run. Alternative to Oh Text Hooker (see last post on this page.)  Uses a different method to grab text - gets an image of the text area displayed on screen, breaks it up into a grid and compares the content of the grid to a database to determine the character.  Supports logging text output to files.  Includes a built in web-based translator function for fully automated, albeit poor quality, translations.  Supports most Windows-based Sogna games and some PC98 games via the Anex86 emulator with standard font bitmap.

And in case anyone missed them,
Grapholic - English version ( 3.47 MB
Viper Paradice/Lanjerie Movie Converter ( 8KB (This does not work in Windows 7, see Convert EAV to AVI above)
SGS PCM Extractor 1.1 ( 127KB (ADDED, 7/25/2007)
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Sesshoumaru on December 12, 2005, 04:53:03 pm
Thank You So Much For The Programs Got a Questin For You How Do I Know If A File Is Bad Or Not Like What You Said With Viper M5
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on December 12, 2005, 09:56:09 pm
Grapholic will stop processing at the first bad .ANM file.  At least, the version I had did. It woudl only extract a couple of dozen files for me, when I knew there had to be many more.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Sesshoumaru on December 12, 2005, 10:04:17 pm
ya see the viper m5 i got when i try to use grapholic it doesnt even load any just goes right to the error
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Sesshoumaru on December 19, 2005, 11:22:32 pm
Hey JG00 i got good news for ya i saved a bunch of money on my car insurace by swithing to geico but really i found a program that lets u extract from Viper M3 its here just search for Viper M3
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on December 20, 2005, 06:07:00 pm
A most excellent utility! Rips both the artwork and all the other stuff, too.
The file numering seems to indicate it skips every 2 out of 3 frames though on alot of the animations in the mov folder.  If anyone can figure out if this is normal or how to make it output every frame, please post that information in this thread.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Sesshoumaru on December 20, 2005, 06:14:05 pm
Don't worry its normal what it is is the program added the trans pictures and backround automatically so thats why some frames are missing
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Bluelyth on December 20, 2005, 10:03:22 pm
Thats a very nice tool, thanks alot for sharing it.

One question tho, did anyone else get any distortions on the frames, like mis-aligned mouths? I got that on a good number of the images -_-
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on December 20, 2005, 10:30:50 pm
Give me some examples Bluelyth. I don't want to go looking at every one trying to find misaligned mouths :-P
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Sesshoumaru on December 20, 2005, 10:38:40 pm
Sry but all my images came out fine i don't no what happened with yours
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Bluelyth on December 20, 2005, 11:29:36 pm
Its ok, its probably cuz my computer hasn't been shut off in the past month =p Something could have happened to my ISO's also.  Aslong as I know its not the tool, it narrows down the problem. I'll try again tomorrow. Thanks.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on December 29, 2005, 09:47:13 pm
I'm now taking offers to help script the Viper games with my side-by-side game text extraction tool. All SGS games are up for grabs.  I can get the text out of GT1 and the Islands games through other means (the shift-jis text is wide open in the .dxr files) Can't promise anything on M3 yet.
So far I have V6, V8, V10, V12, GTS, and CTR rules finished. BTR (through Anex86) and M1 (which uses a 20 pixel tall font instead of 18) have been started, but the rules havent been finished.  Guynarock, V16, F40, F50, M5, GTB, and RSR havent been started but will be ready by the time I'm ready to release this to scripters.  Please send me a private message on which games you're interested in scripting, and I'll work out a plan of attack for this project.

If you know how to use Window's REGEDIT tool, that's a plus.  It'll certainly help extract save file information in case theres a rules problem later in the games than which I tested.

12/30 Update: Support for M1, F40, and F50 added. Had to pause for a while at F40 in order to support another new font set, since F40 uses a smaller font. I now have fonts for the common 18x18, the 20x20 used in M1, and the 16x16 used in F40. I'm aware that Typing uses yet another font, but I hope that's it.

1/1 Update: Support for V16, GTB, RSR, M5, and Typing added.  That should be it for the SGS games.  I'll take a peek at M3 to see how difficult it'll be to implement, as a side-by-side translation as I'm playing would help write a FAQ/walktrhough, but since we've got that M3 parser tool, it's not absolutely required.  So the only real work left are the PC98 games emulated through Anex86.  I've got access to BTR, Animahjong X, and the two Reserve games - so, five to go.

Oh, and I guess I should point out that you need Windows 2000 or XP to help out.  9x versions dont have the neccesary Unicode support to make this program work without alot of backwards programming tricks.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Echelon on January 16, 2006, 02:39:24 pm
So I'm a little behind ... what does Grapholic actually do?

I'll probably have my hands on basically all of the Viper games soon, thanks to hentaimegaworld (
(I got GTB today)

And the Lanjerie games are huge. o_O
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Bluelyth on January 16, 2006, 04:37:57 pm
Grapholic extracts all the images from the dat files in many hentai games as bmps. Bmps are put in order to form the animated gifs we all know and love.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: evilshadow on March 26, 2006, 09:52:19 pm
JG00 asked for this in my thread, so here it is:

Oh! Text Hooker ver 1.0 (

The latest version is 1.0, which was made in it's pretty outdated. Plus, it needs a patch from the Hongfire forums for it to function properly. It's pretty primitive, though.

The patch can be found in the main site:

Oh! Text Hooker official homepage (
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Cypher666 on July 23, 2006, 06:18:56 am
Hey guys...

I have just unpacked 2 Viper games and i came up with a big bunch of PCM files...
But how can i convert these into images? : O

Garpholic does not seem to able to do it.

thx ^^
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Hyperguy on July 23, 2006, 06:33:50 am
PCM files are sound files, so they can't be converted into images.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Cypher666 on July 23, 2006, 06:47:12 am
ow.. that explains alot XD
aww.. offcourse, i should have known, it stands for the PCM audio codec
gosh that was stupid ._.

anyhoe... how can i rip the images then? : O
the files in the ANM folder should be the images right, graphicthingie does not suppert them files or something
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Hyperguy on July 23, 2006, 07:30:14 am
Yup, the ANM files are the images.  You should be able to extract them provided you have the plugins DecSognaANM.GHP and DecSognaDAT.GHP.  If you downloaded your copy of Grapholic from the Viper Animations thread (,38.msg229.html#msg229) you should have them already.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Cypher666 on July 23, 2006, 08:18:19 am
thx for the help ^^''

But when I try to convert i still get the message:

"non supported format""

what to do? ;_;
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on July 24, 2006, 06:34:20 pm
Some of the SGSs do that.  Guynarock for example has an extra byte in the middle of the file that serves no purpose (almost as if someone was adding up the indexes by hand and miscounted)
My unpack/repack program can fix that issue.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Viper fan on August 01, 2006, 06:30:46 pm
You can solve it if first you right click over the file and select "check graphic", then it becomes a sgs sogna dat file and you can view, preview or anything you want ;)

Anyone knows how to listen the PCM files? i used some programs but they play wrong

Thanks for this forum and the aplications, they are cool. Now i can use this in my projects (if i got time) XD
And sorry for my bad english :P
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: janusmaxwell on December 27, 2006, 08:14:26 pm
how does grapholic work?

I just put it on my comp to see the stuff from the Viper Typing game, and it's not working.

I thought I'd need to open the .DAT file, but a window pops up saying that's not supported by Grapho.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Rai on December 27, 2006, 08:44:30 pm
Did you right click and select "change/check graphic"?
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: XheroX on January 14, 2007, 01:24:07 am
Sorry if im late on this but I wnated ot thank JG00 for the viper typing cheat.. its awsome, Cause I can,t beat it alone. But Does anyone have a problem when they click some of the bigger words and they dont work... (my only guess be is that it types to fast??)

well thats a problem I have, and it prevents me from beating cala.. maybe ill try again some other time. just curious if I wasnt alone on this??

Regardless I really appreciate it JG00 ^^
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on January 15, 2007, 09:30:24 am
It even breaks on me sometimes. To help, all I can say is wait until the word is shown on screen and the counter counts down one digit before pressing the button.  Don't click another button until the clicking sound stops from the first.
Also, the program can't handle the dashs between compound words: you need to enter those manually so keep a finger on the minus key while running the cheating app with the mouse.

I can supply VB6 source code for anyone savvy enough to make further improvements (such as support for more levels, especially FINAL STAGE.)  I had long wanted to rip the text from the game and type it back automatically, requiring no user input whatsoever but that proved too difficult at the time.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Seitaridis on January 26, 2007, 06:02:38 pm
Yup, the ANM files are the images.  You should be able to extract them provided you have the plugins DecSognaANM.GHP and DecSognaDAT.GHP.  If you downloaded your copy of Grapholic from the Viper Animations thread (,38.msg229.html#msg229) you should have them already.

Say, do you have DecSognaANM.GHP and DecSognaDAT.GHP separately? The Viper Animations Tread's link of grapholic doesn't work anymore.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: td854 on May 07, 2008, 08:48:15 am
Trying to make some GIFs, i've made a few from RSR and F50 using grapholic to extract the files from the SGS.DAT but as i moved on to M5, grapholic just reports an error when i try to extract from the DAT. Can anyone give some advice on how to extract the ANM from the M5 DAT.

Also, i have yet to get the Unpack.exe to extract files that are actually readable by AnmEditor from any of the Vipers, they just appear as invalid files though the full list is there, but any successful extraction by Grapholic of the same files will work fine.

So basically, i need to know why Unpack.exe isn't extracting files from any Viper correctly, and why Grapholic is reporting an error midway through opening the SGS.DAT of M5.

Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on May 07, 2008, 11:08:42 pm
Unpack.exe doesn't decompress the files, so it only works on uncompressed files (which is alot of them)  We've learned quite a bit about the SGS.DAT file, WIN, ANM and PCM files since I made that program, so it's not as useful as it used to be.  But it still comes in handy on things like Guynarock and M5.  If you Unpack and Repack the SGS, removing the ANM file(s) that Grapholic chokes on, you can make an SGS.DAT file usable in Grapholic.  The problem is, finding out which ANM file(s) it blows up on.

And this ain't easy.

We can kind of tell which files did work because as Grapholic extracts them they get written to your Temp folder as (probably C:\Documents and Settings\userid\Local Settings\Temp\Temp####\ - turn on hidden files and folders if you can't find it)
But when it reaches the problem file it aborts and wipes out that folder.  So we need to monitor the folder for changes and log them before it gets a chance to delete that folder.  I don't have anything on hand right now to do that but I can whip up a FileSystemListener app in the next few days if you haven't solved it by then.  If you've got Vista and can use the Shadow Copy function, it might do the trick.
Once we identify which file is at fault we can strip that one out of the manifest file and Repack.  Then it might work.  If it blows up again we just repeat the process.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: td854 on May 08, 2008, 03:05:55 am
yeah I was totally trying to grab that Temp folder before it got deleted c.c
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: s8905076 on June 18, 2008, 10:32:43 pm
I got some problem for using Typing_cheat . I unpacked "" & ""
in the same folder with Viper Typing . I used the cheat program while i ran Viper Typing , but it's didn't
work . Some message occur "Viper Typing not running" , but typing program was running . I don't know
how to solve the problem . Can anyone help me ?

BTW , these tools are very useful , thanks for sharing .^^ 
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on June 21, 2008, 08:45:05 am
I got some problem for using Typing_cheat . I unpacked "" & ""
in the same folder with Viper Typing . I used the cheat program while i ran Viper Typing , but it's didn't
work . Some message occur "Viper Typing not running" , but typing program was running . I don't know
how to solve the problem . Can anyone help me ?

Are you running Vista?  I have not tried any of my software on that platform.
That message comes up when it can't locate the Viper Typing window (either by window class name or by title).  Vista might not name the window the same as earlier versions of Windows for some reason.
Or Vista might just be blowing up the whole window search thing anyway for security reasons, as the API call is borderline unsafe.  My use of it is safe but I can see how it can be misused to interfere with other apps that are running.

Another problem with those apps I discovered the other day: Yahoo recently redid the Babelfish transation engine that I utilize in TextExtractor.  They changed the url to, modified the output file structure, and changed text encoding to utf-8 (which VB6 can not interpret on its own.)   I'll be fixing this stuff up a bit.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Rock on February 07, 2009, 11:25:00 am
Can anyone please provide a guide to how to use grapholic, to me its a very complex tool, I tried using the readme txt inside but I just cant manage to make them work I dont know what to put in those change T options, I have no clue regarding using all of this tools. If anyone is so kind to please put a guide would be awsome and really appreciated. Thanks.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: 黒い灯影 on February 07, 2009, 12:57:11 pm
are you using the english version of grapholic??
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Rock on February 07, 2009, 07:36:26 pm
are you using the english version of grapholic??

Yeah, the same one on the first page
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: 黒い灯影 on February 08, 2009, 12:22:06 am
What are you trying to do?  What files are you trying to open?
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: gandalfrockman on August 06, 2009, 04:45:55 pm
This is probably a silly question; but has anyone found a way to repack the sgs.dat file in such way that it can be run by a viper game?

I only ask because Im looking at doing a machine translation project, and havent found a solid method for text insertion yet.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Hyperguy on August 06, 2009, 07:05:33 pm
I know JG made a program that'd repack Gunyarock's sgs.dat files.  No clue if the game could be run after that, but I think there's a good chance it would.

But in the case that you were adamant about having a translated version you could also try recreating the game with a visual novel software engine like Renpy or Visual Novelty.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on August 06, 2009, 07:53:38 pm
See the first post in this thread for the Pack/Unpack utility.  This will unpack all the ANM, PCM, and WIN scripts used by VIPER games based on the SGS engine.  Text is in the WIN files, but some of them are compressed and or encoded in an unknown format.  Some of the later ones have the Japanese text in uncompressed Shift-JIS format.  You may want to look into 黒い灯影's many posts on VIPER-RSR WIN file editing: he's made more headway than anyone else in performing an actual in-game fan translation. (Speaking of which, he needs a good swift kick in the butt to get that going again.)
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: gandalfrockman on August 06, 2009, 11:37:17 pm
Thanks much for the info/advice. 
Yeah I tried the pack/ unpack stuff but most of the games crash if I try and run them with the repacked sgs.dat.
Also some of the games have the text in the file instead of in the wins file.
Recreating the games in renpy or visual novelty is an intresting idea, but likely to wind up being more work than just creating a solid way to insert text into exsisting games.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: 黒い灯影 on August 07, 2009, 06:07:30 pm
Yes, I'll try to put more effort into decoding more of the .DAT files.
This will take a monumental effort, in which when i am done, I prefer to have a monument built in my honor. A big monkey will do.

but i'll tell you that the codes the SGS engine, alot of them are based off the "offset from the beginning".
if you change the length of the file, you'll have to go through the entire DAT file and change by hand all the codes that use "offset from beginning"-offsets, (e.g. JumpToOffset[####h] ...etc).

have a look-see here, Win Scripts info (

I know how to enable the Language menu to select the other languages, but it won't do anything without the, etc. files Lemme rephrase this...(see end)
and i'm trying to figure out how that system works.

I can enable the language thingy, once that's enabled, it searches for (if i remember correctly)
if it finds it, the game goes on, if otherwise the game quits.
the problem is the WIN scripts are the ones that calls the text from the files.
I'm trying to figure out how to call the dialogue text from those files, figure out how the codes look,
so i can inject my own codes and just have the files.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on August 07, 2009, 09:03:13 pm
i'm trying to figure out how that system works.

Look at V16 International - it has raw text files for the text.  Maybe by setting to, it looks for these text files instead of using whats in the win script.  I've always though V16 Int'l would be the easiest to decode how the text selection system operates in SGS.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: 黒い灯影 on August 08, 2009, 12:21:35 am
Yeah, that's what I thought too, but the codes with how it selects  which text to display, i'm still trying to crack, but I'll look at it again, when my new RAM sticks arrive for my computer.

My last RAM sticks got corrupted somehow, probably from a brown-out.
guess I new to buy a new power supply bar, with surge protection.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: charles on September 10, 2009, 04:34:08 pm
How do I listen to the PCM-files or, more importantly, convert them into different formats?
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: 黒い灯影 on September 10, 2009, 06:09:30 pm
You can use Adobe Audition, and import it as RAW PCM....
play around with the import settings...

There is an app that allow you to convert the older Viper PCM files.
But doesn't work with the newer versions.
SGS PCM Extractor 1.1
Look at the first post.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on September 10, 2009, 09:11:24 pm
Sorry if you couldn't download the PCM Extractor earlier this evening.  Had a major power outage in the area lasting about an hour and a half.  Then it took me another 20-30 minutes to get the dang server to boot up properly.

You should be able to download it now.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: charles on September 17, 2009, 12:21:12 pm
Forgive my lack of experience, but could you explain how the PCM Extractor works and give me any hints on which of the many settings in Audition I should be playing around with?
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: 黒い灯影 on September 17, 2009, 05:32:26 pm
In Audition, you should import them as RAW PCM
older versions should be 11025 Hz, while the more recent ones should have a rate of 22050hz.
as for the other settings, i can't remember them off the top of my head
your just gonna have to figure those other settings on your own, it's not too hard.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Grishnach on January 13, 2010, 07:08:29 am
Unfortunately, somehow I cannot get the downloads to start ... might it be possible to repair the links or to reup the files? Or is it just me?
Thanks a lot in advance, would be great!
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on January 13, 2010, 06:53:53 pm
Server was down overnight.  The links should be working again now.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Grishnach on January 14, 2010, 07:33:37 am
Server was down overnight.  The links should be working again now.

Thanks a ton, was able to download now!

BUT: Now I feel like a noob ... I don't manage to open the anm files in grapholic ...
the sogna plugin is where it should be, in the GUI the files are labeled "sognaanm" as they should - but when I start the slide show or try to convert all that appears is an error message
"sognaanm: FILENAME: Non supported format"
(and I also tried to set the graphic type manually - no change)

Any idea what might be going on here?
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on January 14, 2010, 07:42:25 pm
You need to open the SGS.DAT file with graphic type sognadat, not sognaanm.  Once it opens it will recognize the .ANM files inside the package as sognaanm type.  You can not strip the anm files out of SGS.DAT using my UnpackSGS program and then open those in Grapholic - it just doesn't work for some reason.

Also, Grapholic will fail on some files.  It can't handle Guynarock R's SGS.DAT file becuase there's an extraneous byte in the middle of the file that the decoder doesn't properly skip, and some large ANM files (like the maps in M1 and RSR) are too large for it to handle.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Grishnach on January 15, 2010, 05:04:42 am
Ahh, great! Thanks a lot!
Strange that the unpacking routine should yield amn files which cannot be read properly ...
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on January 15, 2010, 09:38:57 pm
Grapholic decompresses the ANM files, UnpackSGS does not (and wasn't intended to)
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Tonad on May 15, 2010, 11:07:47 am
Thanks a lot, I discover many new images in Viper RSR thanks to Grapholic!!!
Title: Text Extractor Tool not working
Post by: Vitraler on November 10, 2010, 03:26:29 pm
i want to translate some text from Viper GTB. I used the Text Extractor Tool, but when I started Viper GTB and then the Extractor Tool, it says "FM20.dll" is missing. I'm using Windows 7 64bit Professionals in German.

Has anybody a soultion for that problem or didn't i start the tool correctly?
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on November 10, 2010, 04:54:38 pm
Some of these tools don't work right in native Windows 7 64-bit.  You can try running them in compatibility mode (XP 32-bit might do it)

If you can be patient for another week or so, I think we'll have a brand new tool available that will completely decompile the .WIN files and therefore make it far easier to extract the text (and automatically create accurate GIF images too)
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Vitraler on November 11, 2010, 12:22:39 pm
I try to launch the tool already in Compatibity Mode with XP SP3 nothing changed. That would be awesome if you would release a new version with support for 64bit OS.

I will try to launch the tool and the game in an XP 32bit VM.

Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on December 02, 2010, 08:50:08 pm
New Tool!  I'd update the first post in the thread with this info but the evil post size limit has returned once again.  Has to make this tool to test WIN files built with my compiler.

MakeSGS ( (ADDED 12/2/2010)
This serves as a replacement for RepackSGS (though RepackSGS still has a purpose in certain situations.)  Select a folder and MakeSGS will collect all the WIN, ANM, and PCM files in subdirectories and create an SGS.DAT file for you.  A few key differences though:
1. MakeSGS only works with decompressed files.
    a.  This means you can't use the output of UnpackSGS.  You'll need to use Grapholic to extract the files.  (I'm still working on my own SGS decoder, but despite having identified the assembler code to the decoding function I'm having trouble replicating the algorithm in C)
    b. This means the resulting SGS.DAT file will be bigger
2. But it's faster than RepackSGS,
3. And it creates playable SGS.DAT files!  This means you can ditch DebugSGS.exe and make your own VIPER games with blonde Akiras or your decensored Miki photoshops.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: applebread on December 07, 2010, 02:32:27 am
New Tool!  I'd update the first post in the thread with this info but the evil post size limit has returned once again.  Has to make this tool to test WIN files built with my compiler.

MakeSGS ( (ADDED 12/2/2010)
This serves as a replacement for RepackSGS (though RepackSGS still has a purpose in certain situations.)  Select a folder and MakeSGS will collect all the WIN, ANM, and PCM files in subdirectories and create an SGS.DAT file for you.  A few key differences though:
1. MakeSGS only works with decompressed files.
    a.  This means you can't use the output of UnpackSGS.  You'll need to use Grapholic to extract the files.  (I'm still working on my own SGS decoder, but despite having identified the assembler code to the decoding function I'm having trouble replicating the algorithm in C)
    b. This means the resulting SGS.DAT file will be bigger
2. But it's faster than RepackSGS,
3. And it creates playable SGS.DAT files!  This means you can ditch DebugSGS.exe and make your own VIPER games with blonde Akiras or your decensored Miki photoshops.

Thank you
I tried, but show not found at path.
but I took MakeSGS at viper v10 path below.

Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on December 07, 2010, 09:16:02 pm
Did you select D:\Viper V10\ or D:\Viper V10\1\ as the path?  You need to select D:\Viper V10\1\ becuase thats where START.WIN is located.

The error message is displayed if you select a folder that does not contain a file named START.WIN.  It doesn't count if its in a subfolder.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: applebread on December 08, 2010, 08:26:07 am
thanks for your help

but I got same problem before

Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on December 10, 2010, 07:28:41 am
It's saying V10.EXE is not a valid executable?  That has nothing to do with MakeSGS.  I think you need to reburn your CD.  I decompressed V10's SGS.DAT with Grapholic and then rebuilt it with MakeSGS and had no problem playing it.

I'd also recommend trying Typing VIPER's TIPING.EXE.  It's an SGS driver that doesn't require the bootstrap loader and works from the hard drive, so you don't have to run it from a CD or a network drive.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: applebread on December 11, 2010, 12:06:34 pm
It's saying V10.EXE is not a valid executable?  That has nothing to do with MakeSGS.  I think you need to reburn your CD.  I decompressed V10's SGS.DAT with Grapholic and then rebuilt it with MakeSGS and had no problem playing it.

I'd also recommend trying Typing VIPER's TIPING.EXE.  It's an SGS driver that doesn't require the bootstrap loader and works from the hard drive, so you don't have to run it from a CD or a network drive.

It's saying V10.EXE is not a valid executable?

v10 SGS original size--->26.9MB
v10 unpack SGS by grapholic size -->52.1MB

I do nothing to original SGS, unpack by grapholic and repack by MakeSGS, after burn CD, also can't play
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JoeyQ on December 04, 2011, 06:50:34 am
The link to MakeSGS is broken. I had a copy but lost it. please reup, thanx!
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on December 04, 2011, 01:27:00 pm
MakeSGS ( has been reuploaded.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: tiocelulari on July 14, 2012, 08:20:15 pm
Sogna ANM Editor

Hello, congratulations for the excellent forum on the classics of Sogna.

I am known as Tiozinho group PO.B.R.E. (Brazil) and I'm translating the game Viper-M1-to Portuguese. I'm using the tool to extract Sogna ANM Editor screens game titles, but have two problems with it:

In Chapter Green Boy to save the file (modified or not) informs this error:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And The May Works, does not change the location of the frame:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Can you help?

Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Rai on July 15, 2012, 12:43:27 am
Huh. In the case of the May Works title, I think it makes more sense to leave it alone anyway, or else pick some combination of Portuguese words that just rhymes with "may works". The original title is really just a pun on a word in the Japanese script (meiwaku - annoyance), and doesn't make any sense by itself ("Perhaps Functions"? Uhhh, I don't think so).
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on July 15, 2012, 09:09:05 am
In Chapter Green Boy to save the file (modified or not) informs this error:

Try saving it as uncompressed.  It's very large so maybe there's a problem with the compressor algorithm when it gets up to that size.

And The May Works, does not change the location of the frame:

May be also try uncompressed?  I"m not as sure about this one.  There's three images in the ANM, and usually the first is the bottom layer and can't be offset.  Perhaps this third image is used as the bottom layer in the WIN code.

I'd like to see the finished result when the translation is finished.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: tiocelulari on July 15, 2012, 11:19:21 am
Huh. In the case of the May Works title, I think it makes more sense to leave it alone anyway, or else pick some combination of Portuguese words that just rhymes with "may works". The original title is really just a pun on a word in the Japanese script (meiwaku - annoyance), and doesn't make any sense by itself ("Perhaps Functions"? Uhhh, I don't think so).

I also found it strange translation of "May The Works" knew no pun in Japanese.
I'll leave in Portuguese as The annoyance - "O Contratempo"
What do you think?

May be also try uncompressed?  I"m not as sure about this one.  There's three images in the ANM, and usually the first is the bottom layer and can't be offset.  Perhaps this third image is used as the bottom layer in the WIN code.

I'd like to see the finished result when the translation is finished.

I'll try to uncompressed and then put the result here. Have translated all the text into Portuguese and is under review.


Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: tiocelulari on July 15, 2012, 01:27:31 pm
The uncompressed file is created, but error occurs when I enter the game.

*File that I want to change (M1A01.ANM) -

Here is a beta translation -
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: knight77 on October 16, 2014, 02:06:02 pm
Sadly most the programs doesn't work anymore with win7 64bit, even in compatibility mode.
The SGS.DAT unpacker works and the SGSPCMe for some files. Most are just shrieking sounds when converted.
And the Movie Converter for the paradice/lanjerie doesn't work as well :(

Does anybody have extracter that are working, or does someone still has a system where the old programs are running and who got some time to help me?
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Moge on October 18, 2014, 12:28:48 am
Have you tried running the program on Win XP through a Virtual Machine?
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: knight77 on October 18, 2014, 01:09:42 am
A virtual machine?
No, I used compatibility mode, but it didn't work.
Can you show me an example of what program do you mean with virtual machine?
(hopefully the forum won't get offline for a whole day again)
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Moge on October 18, 2014, 07:16:55 am
There's this from Microsoft which is free if you have Win 7 Pro and above --

Or this from Oracle, but you'll need your own copy of XP  --

Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: knight77 on October 18, 2014, 09:09:53 am
Yes, I have win7 professional and I will try the first one out.
It sounds very promising.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on October 18, 2014, 10:04:04 am
Sadly most the programs doesn't work anymore with win7 64bit, even in compatibility mode.
The SGS.DAT unpacker works and the SGSPCMe for some files. Most are just shrieking sounds when converted.
And the Movie Converter for the paradice/lanjerie doesn't work as well :(

Does anybody have extracter that are working, or does someone still has a system where the old programs are running and who got some time to help me?

Note that SGSPCMe will not convert the PCM files if they are still in compressed format, which may lead to shreiking sounds in the output waveform.  If they're uncompressed, I believe it'll work fine.  The old SGS.DAT unpacker doesn't decompress files, it only seperates them out of the SGS.DAT file.  It was written before we solved the compression format.  You'll want to try the newer DecomposeSGS (, which decompresses and also has its own PCM-to-WAV converter built-in.  It replaces alot of tools (UnpackSGS, Grapholic, SGSPCMe)

Most of the games work relatively well for me in Win7, 64-bit.  Seems hard to control voice/music volume (voice too low, music too high) and the Lanjerie movies don't play, but otherwise I think they mostly work without any compatibility modes turned on.  Potentially don't work in second-monitor mode, but I have a single monitor and can't test this.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: knight77 on October 18, 2014, 10:13:31 am
Sorry, I must have missed that program, but I thought I have read all comments.

Yeah most games start directly from the image. Did't need to install anything.
Paradice needed an installation and worked, besides some bugs (after time run up 1 time, I only had 5 seconds for every turn after that, which made it impossible to win agains computer, because time was up again before the dice rolled out, or the figure reached the destination. set timer 60seconds, actual timer 5-10 seconds)

The voice/background music is an issue under win7, indeed.

I have a second monitor and I can test it if it runs on the second monitor, if that's what you want.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on October 18, 2014, 10:17:10 am
Sorry, I can't recall all the things I've posted, when or where.  If DecomposeSGS is new to everybody, my fault.  Meant to give it out quite a while ago.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: knight77 on October 18, 2014, 10:41:35 am
Well I will try this and tell you the results.
Btw: Do you have any sgs from BTR?
The game uploaded on MEGA has a .hdi file and no .iso
Don't know how to mount it, but that might be offtopic here.


I just tried (and still trying) a few SGS files from the game with the "DecomposeSGS"

It works FABULOUS so far!

You should definitly add it to your first post with a description :)

About the virtual machine:
It seems it won't work on my pc without editing the BIOS.
Maybe I just have to activate HAV in it, but I can't look that up for some time.
PC is nearly running all time to render work while I am not working. Restart does not even show boot menue, and shutting down and restarting might result in not starting at all because of a damaged power supply or motherboard xD

About the second monitor:
If played in Fullscreen, the second one looks like the main screen with small background picture and some icons.
You can't access the second monitor, so it's useless.
These old games aren't made for fullscreen + another monitor.
Encountered similar effect when starting "You don't know Jack".
Monitor shrinks or gets black and is unuseable because of the small resolution.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: Moge on October 18, 2014, 04:18:54 pm
.hdi files are mountable on PC88/98 emulators. Just be warned: they're kind of a pain to use.

If there's a Windows/DOS version of the game then you should seek it out.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: knight77 on October 18, 2014, 05:00:21 pm
.hdi files are mountable on PC88/98 emulators. Just be warned: they're kind of a pain to use.

If there's a Windows/DOS version of the game then you should seek it out.

Nah, I won't go through all that trouble with the emulator.
Right now I am only missing BTR and M3 3.2.
The rest is well extracted.
I randomly tested wave files from every game, and they didn't have any weird or high pitched noises in them (besides the actual voices ;)).
So I must thank you for the quick help for such an old topic (last post before me was over two years ago).

Only thing on my checklist would now be to convert the .eav video files from Paradice and Linjerie into .avi
But that program won't run without the virtual xp, so I might as well try to beat the game xD
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on October 18, 2014, 05:37:43 pm
You should definitly add it to your first post with a description :)

I have now.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on October 30, 2014, 09:22:30 pm
New tool:

Convert EAV to AVI ( 6KB (ADDED, 10/30/2014)
Converts EAV format movie files used by the Gokuraku VIPER Paradice series to standard AVI format.  Replaces the old mvconv program (that wasn't written by me), since it stopped working in Windows 7.  Note that you may have to run in Administrator mode if you want to convert the movie files installed to the default directory under C:\Program Files\Sogna.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: 黒い灯影 on October 04, 2024, 04:39:12 am
Hey JG,
would you be able to implement editable fields for the offsets in the ANM files in the ANM Editor?
The offsets are not saved to file.
it would be a pain to go in with a hex editor and edit them manually  :karindance
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on October 06, 2024, 04:06:58 pm
Yeah I sort of put down working on the toolset a while back and never got around to it, but I'll see where I left it and if I can put it together into a more usable set of programs.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: 黒い灯影 on October 06, 2024, 05:47:25 pm
Yeah I sort of put down working on the toolset a while back and never got around to it, but I'll see where I left it and if I can put it together into a more usable set of programs.
That would be great, if you could..
Also, another feature that would be great is a replace frame option.
Its a bit tedious to import a new frame and then constantly click Move Up from the menu to put it in the right spot.

I could probably come up with a program that suits my needs, but i want to see if you'd be able to do it first.
I'm putting more effort into translating Viper RSR and My Mothers from Viper M1, at the moment.
My script editor still missing a couple of opcode it should handle, but i was able to get the first chapter of RSR translated to english, just need edit and format some of the texts.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on October 07, 2024, 11:40:27 am
See Sogna ANM Editor version 1.1.0 (

would you be able to implement editable fields for the offsets in the ANM files in the ANM Editor?
Fixed. I failed to tie up the events where changes in the up-down boxes reflected in data.

Also, another feature that would be great is a replace frame option.
Added Insert and Replace frame options to allow for quicker editing of mid-animation frames. I tested this a bit, but it may still be prone to crashing, as insert isn't as straightforward to Add/Append to end. If it does crash, tell me exactly what you did so I can try to replicate and fix any frame indexing bugs.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: 黒い灯影 on October 07, 2024, 01:54:29 pm
awesome, if it crashes, I'll let you know and give you the files I used to crash it.
I also finished chapter 1 of RSR, the MAP and EV files.
I'll make a patcher that will alter the SGS.DAT and patch the EXE files, so they run off the HD.

I did some editing, i there's an issue when you use the Replace option.
I think the saved offsets get out-of-sync, because when i replace
with the attached screenshot.. the Escape is placed where the MagicMenu is suppose to be offset to, like it takes the offset from the next frame.

It works fine when i use Insert, and just remove the frame I was wanting to replace, though.

Also, can you add an option, when you export to PNG, to keep the transparency or keep the blue color.
I find it easier to import the frames when they have the blue background.
When you try to import pngs with transparency, it acts randomly, i think its because sometimes other programs save a color under the transparent parts of the image,
so when you import a png with say a black background under its transparent layer it gets imported as a black background in the ANM editor.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on October 07, 2024, 03:11:06 pm
I'll look into the offset bug. Probably missed a step in the replace bit - its supposed to remove the image, then insert the remaining, but maybe I got the index wrong by one spot.

As far as transparency, that may be a bit harder. What happens when you load a new image to existing ANM is hat it maps colors to nearest match in the palette, but I think this only works on RGB basis. So if one image has blue color transparent, and another has black, if they won't line up. I will have to look into the palette mapping function and figure out how to not only resolve the transparency but maintain it during the nearest-match.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: 黒い灯影 on October 07, 2024, 04:00:23 pm
i think the issue lies with how the transparency slot in the palette is handled.. especially when coming out of Photoshop.
when its saved from the ANM editor, it has that transparency thing going. but its still pointing at that transparency index slot.
but when it comes out of a different program after editing.. like photoshop, that slot gets changed the slot its mapped to,
because when importing back into the ANM editor, it gets imported as a (0,0,0).
That transparency slot still exists in the palette in the ANM file. the 0,FF,00 slot.

I have to manually open the palette in Photoshop to reveal the blue background, when its transparent, if i don't do this,
i think it changes the indexed number in the pixel array. 
But if that background was kept blue, it stays on the transparent index.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on October 07, 2024, 04:20:01 pm
If you can supply a couple of example PNGs you're using it may help speed along testing.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: 黒い灯影 on October 07, 2024, 04:34:12 pm
I changed the menu a bit, and the frames for the menu items line up perfectly.
Here are the pngs and anm files, i was using it with.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: 黒い灯影 on October 10, 2024, 06:22:26 am
Hey JG, just FYI...
Code: [Select]
SET_BUFFER_PROPERTIES BUFFER=0 LEFT=0 TOP=40 FLAGS1=0x90 FLAGS2=0x80 IMAGE=4 FLAGS4=0x00 FRAMES=(1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1)
the arg you labeled FLAGS4, is the slot number in the palette the game will consider transparent.
its usually 0x0c, because the blue color is the 13th (12th by offset) color in the palette.
I was just doing some experiments with the args

I changed the arg to target the shadow colors, and it made those transparent.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: 黒い灯影 on December 03, 2024, 02:42:13 pm
JG, you know what would be good for the ANM Editor? 
If you could export and import all the offsets to a CSV file.  And the sizes of the frame would also be good (Width, Height).
I'm trying to do some redesign of the graphical menus, and it would help with setting up the guides in photoshop and fixing them if they somehow get messed up.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on December 03, 2024, 06:01:02 pm
That sounds like something I could do.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on December 03, 2024, 08:34:29 pm
Ok I did the thing. (
But its export-only. Import would require a ton of error checking, more than I really want to do. But if this solves half the problem and allows you to setup your translated ANM quicker, that's a start.
If you still need import, let me know. It would take a lot longer to work out though.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: 黒い灯影 on December 03, 2024, 10:18:27 pm
that's awesome,
i could probably just enter the offsets manually,
there seems to be an issue where some of the elements get a different offset, i dont know when exactly it happens,
but sometimes when im editing/inserting a frame, i'll have to narrow down when exactly it happens..
but sometimes the vertical offset goes from 109 to 162 (or something)
i have to manually fix it back to 109.
Title: Re: Viper Games/SGS.DAT Tools
Post by: JG on December 04, 2024, 11:10:42 am
I'm not sure how to explain that, unless its a situation where width+horizontaloffset would exceed overall width.
if you can identify the cause and duplicate it enough to explain it to me, I can fix it.