Yup, the ANM files are the images. You should be able to extract them provided you have the plugins DecSognaANM.GHP and DecSognaDAT.GHP. If you downloaded your copy of Grapholic from the Viper Animations thread (http://www.sognadigitalmuseum.com/forum/index.php/topic,38.msg229.html#msg229) you should have them already.
I got some problem for using Typing_cheat . I unpacked "typing_cheat.zip" & "typing_cheat_src.zip"
in the same folder with Viper Typing . I used the cheat program while i ran Viper Typing , but it's didn't
work . Some message occur "Viper Typing not running" , but typing program was running . I don't know
how to solve the problem . Can anyone help me ?
are you using the english version of grapholic??
i'm trying to figure out how that text.us system works.
Server was down overnight. The links should be working again now.
New Tool! I'd update the first post in the thread with this info but the evil post size limit has returned once again. Has to make this tool to test WIN files built with my compiler.
MakeSGS (http://www.jonathandgriffith.com/files/forum/makesgs.zip) (ADDED 12/2/2010)
This serves as a replacement for RepackSGS (though RepackSGS still has a purpose in certain situations.) Select a folder and MakeSGS will collect all the WIN, ANM, and PCM files in subdirectories and create an SGS.DAT file for you. A few key differences though:
1. MakeSGS only works with decompressed files.
a. This means you can't use the output of UnpackSGS. You'll need to use Grapholic to extract the files. (I'm still working on my own SGS decoder, but despite having identified the assembler code to the decoding function I'm having trouble replicating the algorithm in C)
b. This means the resulting SGS.DAT file will be bigger
2. But it's faster than RepackSGS,
3. And it creates playable SGS.DAT files! This means you can ditch DebugSGS.exe and make your own VIPER games with blonde Akiras or your decensored Miki photoshops.
It's saying V10.EXE is not a valid executable? That has nothing to do with MakeSGS. I think you need to reburn your CD. I decompressed V10's SGS.DAT with Grapholic and then rebuilt it with MakeSGS and had no problem playing it.
I'd also recommend trying Typing VIPER's TIPING.EXE. It's an SGS driver that doesn't require the bootstrap loader and works from the hard drive, so you don't have to run it from a CD or a network drive.
It's saying V10.EXE is not a valid executable?yes
In Chapter Green Boy to save the file (modified or not) informs this error:
And The May Works, does not change the location of the frame:
Huh. In the case of the May Works title, I think it makes more sense to leave it alone anyway, or else pick some combination of Portuguese words that just rhymes with "may works". The original title is really just a pun on a word in the Japanese script (meiwaku - annoyance), and doesn't make any sense by itself ("Perhaps Functions"? Uhhh, I don't think so).
May be also try uncompressed? I"m not as sure about this one. There's three images in the ANM, and usually the first is the bottom layer and can't be offset. Perhaps this third image is used as the bottom layer in the WIN code.
I'd like to see the finished result when the translation is finished.
Sadly most the programs doesn't work anymore with win7 64bit, even in compatibility mode.
The SGS.DAT unpacker works and the SGSPCMe for some files. Most are just shrieking sounds when converted.
And the Movie Converter for the paradice/lanjerie doesn't work as well :(
Does anybody have extracter that are working, or does someone still has a system where the old programs are running and who got some time to help me?
.hdi files are mountable on PC88/98 emulators. Just be warned: they're kind of a pain to use.
If there's a Windows/DOS version of the game then you should seek it out.
You should definitly add it to your first post with a description :)
Yeah I sort of put down working on the toolset a while back and never got around to it, but I'll see where I left it and if I can put it together into a more usable set of programs.That would be great, if you could..
would you be able to implement editable fields for the offsets in the ANM files in the ANM Editor?Fixed. I failed to tie up the events where changes in the up-down boxes reflected in data.
Also, another feature that would be great is a replace frame option.Added Insert and Replace frame options to allow for quicker editing of mid-animation frames. I tested this a bit, but it may still be prone to crashing, as insert isn't as straightforward to Add/Append to end. If it does crash, tell me exactly what you did so I can try to replicate and fix any frame indexing bugs.
SET_BUFFER_PROPERTIES BUFFER=0 LEFT=0 TOP=40 FLAGS1=0x90 FLAGS2=0x80 IMAGE=4 FLAGS4=0x00 FRAMES=(1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1)