Is it true you slew an army of bakunyuu bakas with the Hyper Fist?
Hypergai doesn't like roris? What's the story behind that one?
I really wanted to get into Final Fantasy XIV, but it was not meant to be. I could go on for hours about that one.
The Final Fantasy series has completed derailed. I haven't played the last few but its generally accepted that Square has completed squandered whatever market share this series used to have.Exactly. What with the FF team's fallout during FF12's production it's pretty much been downhill from there. It's as the immense amount of confidence they garned among gamers for releases in the 90s has pretty much been used up, especially after FFXIV's release.
You know, since RO satisfied several of our appetites a few years back I could probably set up a private RO server for a few of us regulars. I mean, I have the bandwidth to spare.All of our characters should still be on Legend RO, and while the idea of having an RO private server up sounds great, in practice I think the place might be a bit of a ghost town. Like, max three people logged on at once. A Terrania, Team Fortress 2, or Minecraft server would probably fare a little better. Each of those games only supports a handful of people logged in at once.
Are single-player games just not that interesting to you anymore, Hipster Guy?I've just always enjoyed multiplayer games ever since I first played Phantasy Star Online on Dreamcast so many years ago.
I'll make exceptions for games that I know I'm going to like, like Deus Ex or Recettear, but other than that, I'm not too keen on single player games, especially the ones from gaming's current generation.
Once i get a new laptop i might challenge you to a few rounds of Street Fighter, HG. Plz upload some videos of you not getting your arse kicked.Why? It's not like I have anything to prove. I mean, it's a video game. For me, losing or winning in it's no different from the same in chess or Monopoly.
Bailing out on DQX, JGOO?
How many MMOs have you played, JGOO?
I take it you didn't enjoy the FF XII demo that came with DQ8?
All the stores around are sold out of The Skyward Sword LE ;_;
Are there no patch updates? The games console industry has picked up some bad habits from the PC side.
I always figured the lack of fully voiced dialogue was deliberate -- a device to keep up the illusion the characters were actually speaking Hylian language rather than English or Japanese or whatever.
I'd welcome voiced dialogue as long as Link remains as he is.
Glad to hear the combat isn't completely a cakewalk. It's the only thing about the 3D Zeldas that never sat well with me.
Ok, I got Zelda Limited Edition
Not since the 16-bit days have i felt any sort of challenge in the combat of Zelda
You're right when you say ALttP being easy peasy. Haven't replayed the game not since the late 90's, so my memory's a bit fuzzy.I just played through it again last week in two evenings and without dying I beleive I used just two fairies and one red potion, completing the game with a triple zero on the ending screen. It's both very short (under 10 hours) and very easy. Don't get me wrong, its still fun; it just goes by so quickly.
If you ever get a chance i would highly recommend playing through BS ZeldaI've got the ROM but its either corrupt or I need to update my ZSNES. :/
I've got the ROM but its either corrupt or I need to update my ZSNES. :/
I could use some help combining a ROM and emulator that work.
Abhor having to play the Wii remote sideways, namely because the dpad is absolute horrendous.
Now that you have a 3DS, we should exchange friend codes, JGOO.
You're making all the wrong assumptions, JGOO. Punch Out and Donkey Kong's worldwide sales far exceeded Kid Icarus (not to say KI didn't sell well; it did great for a portable release). Nintendo doesn't usually milk IP unless its got Mario on it, so i don't expect another KI anytime soon.
It's been six years since Retro's last Metroid. I would like to see the company do something fresh with the IP that isn't another Prime game. I'll also settle for a Star Fox game from Retro :purplerupee
I'm surprised Galaxy isn't on your list. Not a fan of Mario's 3D escapades?
Best RPG i've played since Mother 3. You played that game yet, JGOO?
I'm quite sick of the NSMB games, and i haven't even played one!
Zombi U is flippin' amazing if you're into survival horror (not action horror).
Kinda pissed i'm hearing about a Premium White coming. I feel like a sucker for buying the soon-to-be obselete standard.
Microsoft's blatant greed (flooding the 360 dashboard with ads, paid avatar jank, zero free games with Gold membership, paywall to use Netflix, etc.) over the course of this generation is about to become even more suffocating.
Nintendo: Retro's secret game being another DKC follow up was hugely disappointing.
Sony: Made all the right moves by emulating Microsoft's old battle strategy: creating a consumer and developer-friendly environment while slapping together the most uber spec console possible.
.. consider how notoriously difficult games were in the 80s (Ninja Turtles i'm looking at you).
All the PS4 and XBone news lately makes me feel a bit down as a Nintendo faithful. If the Wii U doesn't pull a miracle this holiday season, then there''s little hope the system will ever make a splash.
In the future i hope to see Nintendo combine their console and portable into one thanks to the accelerating advancement of mobile GPUs. Splitting the base between two systems isn't wise in an era where game development costs rival a Hollywood production.
One of my anticipations with the Wii U was off-screen multi, but only a scant few games actually use that feature.
What do you consider "this gen"? Do you put Wii or Wii U in it, or both?
My original idea was DS/Wii/360/PS3, but it's probably better to go for a time frame: 2004-2013 (04 being the DS release year). No system restrictions.
JGOO: All that praise you're heaping on Mario 3D Land and Kid Icarus really makes me want to get a 3DS (still holding out for a White XL). Considering DNF was on your top 10 list for 2012, i'm surprised to see that as one of your stinkers. Oh, and no DS games (not even one Dragon Quest)?!
From what I read, 3DS is now a discontinued product.This is the first place I've heard anything like that. They just came out with a pair of special edition blue/red Pokemon X/Y 3DS XLs.
@Arizona I do have a faint interest in trying Bionic Commando. The Rastafarian look turned me off to trying the game originally since it was a drastic change his iconic design.It's worth the five dollars (or less) you'll pay for it. Hell, if you're a Steam person, it's on sale right now in a pack with Rearmed 1 for $2.49.
10. Bionic Commando Rearmed
As far as remakes (rarely) go this one totally blows the original in every possible way.
5. Street Fighter 4
Waited sooooooooo looooooong for this game. Capcom delivered for the most part and single-handedly revived the fighting game genre.
Revived? I never thought it died - it just translated into newer species.
I don't think there will be new 3DS colors.
.. but of all days to be released, it's on Black Friday.
Aside from Zelda, the only other new game I played this year was Project X Zone, and I don't think I'd put it on a top-anything list.
All of these are genuine 2013 games.Luigi U a 2/10?! That seems to go against all principals of what a Nintendo game should be, but i'll take your word for it.
I might. I have a prepaid VISA card that expires in June and might use it on MK8.I'm definitely getting MK8 next week (well, probably the week after since i preordered it online). Would be nice to play a game with you for once, JGOO.
MK8 is the real deal, and it's gooooooood; feels like Mario Galaxy on wheels: beautiful graphics (the environments, wow, so many little details when you zip by), amazing music, and 60 fps?! Haven't legitimately enjoyed an MK since Double Dash, so it's been a good while.
On the DS emulator i'm currently playing on, you can use a mouse to handle touchscreen control. Not that i would do that since i primarily game on a television from a distance, so i'll probably use a Wii remote to handle touchscreen control.
Perhaps Nintendy will implement 3DS backwards compatibility/emulation in its next platform. Iwata's been vocal that Apple's strategy (game parity between devices) is the right one in avoiding dry spells. Nintendo sure as heck can't rely on third-parties anymore to do that.
I doubt Nintendo would want to jeopardize 3DS sales now.
How excited would you be for a Bioshock sequel without Ken Levine at the helm?
You playing MK yet, JGOO ?
You tried Destiny out yet, JGOO? (seeing as how you're the biggest Bungie fan here)
Which Wii U title are you most looking forward to playing in 2015?
Granted it's been many years since i touched BG&E, but the game is much shorter than Ocarina.
Did your brother play the XBLA Contra? I know that game had the don't die achievement.
What's your opinion on Majora's Mask? Seems to be the darling of the series for a lot of fans, but i remember being quite underwhelmed at the time.
Any interest in trying Watch Doges, JGOO? Seems like that game might fit your tastes.
As usual it's time for the annual top 5 games of the year (and top disappointment). Doesn't have to be from this year, but it has to be something new you've played.
Has your opinion changed JGOO with this sparkly edition of Majora's Mask?
I recalled you thought the original was kinda "meh" if memory serves me right. That was certainly my opinion back then.
It's been an awful generation all around
Microsoft's been dipping a bit more into PC gaming recently.
You ever played Luigi's Mansion, JGOO? Game is great! Can't believe it took me this long to finally play it after shrugging it off like a lot of other folks did at the GCN's launch.
a Mario launch title.
You've already played both those games before though :bigtran
Did you get to try out the Splatoon demo? Been a long while since i had a blast with a 3rd-person shooter (Gears 1). Day 1 purchase for me :rattydance
It only took Nintendo ten years to make a shooter they can be proud of.
How often do you play online multi, JGOO?
Haven't played Uprising, despite buying a copy from Best Buy when they were clearing them out.
Actually, I'd say Kid Icarus: Uprising had a very good multiplayer, though it could be abused with weapons that can fire through walls.Well, that explains a certain random match or two!
Hope the NX is OMG AWESOME ZAUCE next E3 if that's what Nintendy is holding out on.
- Star Fox Zero being developed by Platinum
- FF7 Remake
- Rare Replay
- Uncharted 4's destructible environments
all I have i a xbox one, pretty happy about playing my 360 games on One
i still ended up spending 80 hours.
The last thing Nintendo should do is go balls out on hardware innovation. Sometimes it works (DS, Wii) and sometimes it's a catastrophic financial disaster (Virtual Boy, Wii U).
Racing games can get away with heavy physics due to not having to animate humans.
I hate to say it, but Nintendo should not lean too far on innovation. Whatever they make should push core gaming forward, and not sidestep it.
It has been about 8 years since i last played Battletoads. The game gets stupidly difficult beginning with stage 3, and then it gets worse and worse. I don't recommend playing the game all the way through unless you want to lose your sanity ;D
What happened to playing Sunset Overdrive? I think it's more of your type of game.
Not interested in The Witcher or Metal Gear, JGOO? Probably up there in the top three for GOTY contenders by the press.
Western RPG: made by a Western dev.
You ever play any indie games?
Haven't seen you play the Wii U much this year, JGOO. Plan on picking up Xenoblade X?
So do you like the new Halo? Heard a lot of fans were disappointed by the Call of Dutification of the latest entry.
Not sure how you can miss out on what's quite possibly the best game on Wii U this year: Splatoon.
It's amazing how far the Halo series has fallen. The reportedly so-so sales of the latest entry reflect the discontent with the fanbase. I don't even think the Bungie today can make a proper Halo after reading Destiny's tumultuous development online (with a lot of Bungie vets bailing out).
Played a couple hours of Xeno X and now i'm shipping out my copy to a eBay buyer. Guess i'm a wee bit RPG fatigue after finishing Earthbound the day before. Doesn't help the story doesn't even have the same hook on me as the first Xenoblade. I'll probably pick it up again in the future once it hits the bargain bin or it gets a substantial price reduction.
Put a few hours into Mario 3D World. It's flipping fantastic! Everything in the game feels very polished. From the UI to the ultra clean graphics and solid framerate. It's exactly how i imagined Galaxy would be on the Wii U.
Things you don't see in gaming any more: three and half hour marathon between last chance to save, march through the very long final dungeon, defeat the final bosses, ending, and credits roll before the game-completion save. Holy cow. Planned to get through Mt Zugzwang in Dragon Quest V before the Super Bowl started and first quarter was nearly over by the time I closed the 3DS.I hear DQ5 is the best in the series and is probably the closest to a Final Fantasy. Really want to play that at some point. Can't decide between the PS2 game with fan translation or the DS release.
Also: Mario amiibos and Super Mario 3D World, apparently. At Best Buy yesterday to get a new amiibo (as it takes two compatible characters to unlock certain cards in Paper Jam, and my Link isn't compatible with it.) None of the SIX variations of Mario were present so settled on Luigi as he ought to have just as wide of compatibility as his bro. A dad and his eight or nine year old son there at same time to upgrade their Wii to Wii U; kid wanted Super Mario Maker and I had to talk them down from the ledge as its too much for that age. Would have recommended SM3DW if it was there - they went with Lego Marvel Avengers instead. (Wii U came with Mario Kart 8.)
And in case you didn't know, you can now pre-order Twilight Princess HD with the Wolf Link and Midna amiibo ( Sweet.
I hear DQ5 is the best in the series and is probably the closest to a Final Fantasy. Really want to play that at some point. Can't decide between the PS2 game with fan translation or the DS release.
I'm quite perplexed as to why you would talk down a parent and a kid from getting Mario Maker considering the most popular game in that age group is Minecraft. It's not like they have to build levels to have fun in that game.
Speaking of Minecraft, what's your interest level in Dragon Quest Builders?
You getting Star Fox?
Did you ever finish Xenoblade Chronicles X?
Without 3rd-party support Nintendy can't afford to sit back on their laurels like the SNES days. I'm fairly certain they're going full hog right now in developing NX titles.
What other games beside BoW wetted your willy at E3? RE7 and Horizon were the other two most interesting games i saw.
Nintendo making so much bank off of filthy Pokemon GO money. I can only hope all this :redrupee will go toward an even better specced Nintendo NX.
The Paper Mario series lost me after The Thousand Year Door. I tried the Wii game for a few hours but it didn't click with me.
You still play your XB1 or PS4, JGOO? Haven't heard of peep from you regarding these systems.
Marie beat Callie in Splatfest so I'll be throwing the game in the garbage nowThat's a good idea. I'm considering selling off my Wii U what with all the juicy new NX deets leaked today.
I'm considering selling off my Wii U ...
And if Microsoft stops the snoozefest on its 2016 release schedule and Games with Gold selection it might get me to turn the XB1 on again, but likely won't until Gears of War 4 lands.
There was a rumor that circulated earlier this year that Nintendo secured the rights to BG&E2.
What would convince you to pick an NX on day 1, JGOO?
Picked up your copy of Dairy Queen VII yet, JGOO?
The Gamecube version was supposedly the superior version of TP.I don't know about superior, but the authoritative version. Nintendo chose the GC version's alignment vs the reversed alignment of the Wii version for the HD remake. Personally I preferred the reversed Wii version because Twilight Princess is already too much like Ocarina of Time, and having forest/starting area on the right side of the world map and desert on the left draws yet one more parallel.
The differences aren't monumental from everything i've seen in BotW comparison screenshots.From what I read both will run 900p/1080p (black bars top and bottom like most other 3D Zeldas), but Switch will have fluid 60fps while Wii U will struggle to keep up at 60fps when there are a lot of enemies or rain/snow. One of the review sites said fighting a crowd in the rain on the Wii U slowed to a choppy 12-15fps. We'll probably know more this time next week.
(I just hope it doesn't get cancelled or retracted over the weekend.)
I think i might catch Splatoon Withdrawal symptoms if i sell my system
Finally decided to put up my Wii U for sale on Amazon and the two physical games in my library.
The Switch's upgrade to 5 Ghz wifi is much appreciated from someone who occasionally had problems with the Wii U's 2.4 Ghz wifi
Here's the thing about the Switch: the Pro Controller is absolutely a must buy for anyone who plays the system at home. The Joycons are decent in their own right (especially when attached to the system), but the position of the left analog stick being slightly higher and the strange shoulder button shape makes them feel a bit unnatural.
They somehow brought back the GOAT Mario girl (hint: it's not Peach).
Konami is actually legitimately evil, though. Fuck them.
Which version of Dragon Quest 11 tickles your willy, JGOO? :carrerafaceI'll probably get the PS4 version. VIII has some important facial expressions that were lost a bit in the 3DS conversion.
I'm on chapter 3 or 4. You're not kidding when you say every boss battle is a slog because they each require a specific strategy.Most do starting with chapter 4 anyway. Crystal bosses, the samurai, and the vampire certainly do by my recollection. Almost all of the demons that come to your sidequest town do as well, but they're likely too hard to beat at chapters 3 or 4.
Call me a loon but i vasty prefer Secret of Mana over Link to the Past as the premiere action-RPG on the SNES.SoM is awesome except it requires two long periods of grinding.
No interest in the gnarly 16-bit graphics of DQ11 on 3DS?Possibly. After hearing DQ11 will not be voiced, it makes the 3DS version more attractive.
Name | Series | Weight (oz) |
Link | Super Smash Bros | 1.2 |
Yoshi | Super Smash Bros | 1.5 |
Luigi | Super Mario Bros | 1.4 |
Wolf Link | Twilight Princess | 2.9 |
Zelda | Super Smash Bros | 1.2 |
Ganondorf | Super Smash Bros | 2.1 |
Falco | Super Smash Bros | 1.4 |
Pikmin | Pikmin | 2.1 |
Toad | Super Mario Bros | 1.5 |
Mario | Super Mario Odyssey | 1.6 |
Peach | Super Mario Odyssey | 2.9 |
Bowser | Super Mario Odyssey | 4.7 |
The amount of fanservice and content in Mario Odyssey is absolutely staggering :greentoadNo Luigi though. Scanning a Luigi amiibo gets you his clothes though. (The three wedding amiibo also give you clothes but none of my other Amiibo did.)
also where's my Pauline amiibo?Good point. Though I guess Nintendo doesn't really know how to work her amiibo into any other games yet. No DK game yet of course. Not sure what power she'd grant either. I can imagine her being used once a day for 100 coins though: that should certainly have helped getting all the costumes and purchased moons. Unless you spend alot of time harvesting coins, you'll never have enough to buy out the shops in the post-game.
Though I can't figure out why some characters (Rex, Pyra, Nia) are anime-style while others (Vandham, townsfolk, the bad guys) are rendered naturally.
(which takes place after the fall of mankind much like Pikmin).Really? I interpreted it as humans were around, but where Olimar landed humans just didn't pay much attention and don't know pikmin or one inch tall aliens were around. (Kind of like Nintendo between Pikmin 2 and 3 - way too long a series hiatus between those two.)
I'm surprised you decided to play DQ Builders after snubbing the PS4 demo some years ago. Been a few years since i played a building simulator (Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King), so this might be right up alley since its got an IP attached that i'm somewhat familiar with (still have yet to finish a DQ ;D).
Screw all these video games coming out so close together. How come this never happens when I have a ton of free time and am bored? I thought Sekiro wasn't due for like another year!!
In other news, this weekend is when Nintendo sends out the invites for Mario Kart World Tour beta testing to My Nintendo users that get selected. I could sure use a new gaming distraction given the absence of interesting-to-me games right now. (Color Splash and God of War were both so terrible I gave up on them.)
(Color Splash and God of War were both so terrible I gave up on them.)I'm not into God of War anyway, but I'd like to know why you didn't like it so I can feel snootily justified in my disinterest.
(Color Splash and God of War were both so terrible I gave up on them.)I'm not into God of War anyway, but I'd like to know why you didn't like it so I can feel snootily justified in my disinterest.
Please save us Nintendo.
And where's Grezzo been since 2017's Ever Oasis?
Beat the new Link's Awakening a couple weeks ago. Still a wonderful game after all these years that's made even better. Short, sweet, and best of all has challenging puzzles that aren't too hand holdy.
Another game i beat recently was Dragon Quest 1 (the SNES version). Kinda was taken back at how short the game was. Happy to have finally beaten my first DQ game.
Speaking of short, Luigi's Mansion 3 isn't quite as long as I'd hoped for either. Its only in the 20 hour range for the solo campaign (including finding all gems and Boos) and doesn't offer much replay value. Probably better value with multiplayer added, but I don't judge games on that aspect. The controls are pretty weak, as well. Too often I felt like I needed an extra thumb to control the right trigger, a right hand side button, and right hand side joystick all the same timeFun fact there: You can use the shoulder bumpers to do all the important face button actions. L for plunger, R for flashlight, L + R for dark light.
while the PS5's advantage isGames.
I was pleased with the Direct overall. If you were expecting AAA game announcements in a "mini" Direct then lower those expectations :chicken
Glad i held off on replaying Xenoblade. Had a strong itch to replay it with the fan made HD texture mod, but now i can play a version with a bit more content and a shiny new graphical style. One thing that does concern me is that Melia's English VO likely won't be returning; apparently she's hit the big time on British television.
I never got to play Bioshock, although i had a strong desire to play it back in the day when it was making waves. If i ever do play it i'll just nab the PC version on the cheap.
Played a bit of the Bravely Default demo, and can confirm it'll probably be a day 1 purchase for me. The soundtrack is pure bliss to my ears with the composition team from the first game back on board. Don't think the demo is especially friendly to noobs with the amount of information it doesn't bother explaining, but as a series vet i can appreciate it not hand-holding me too much.
Most impressive game for me in the Direct is Ninjala, the Splatoon rip-off. Looks very promising, and i'm looking for something to fill that hole of a fun multi-player game ever since Splatoon 2 became stale to me. Being free-to-play does concern me, but i'll hold off judgment when it's finally playable.
The touchpad tooBest feature of the Dualshock 4. Wii U and Switch obvious didn't need such a pad, but I was shocked to see the Series X controller not introduce some kind of feature for quick on-screen pointing. Especially given Microsoft's well-known obsession with mouse pointing in Windows. Missed opportunity.
Word on the vine was that Final Fantasy XVI was originally going to debut but it got cut out at the last minute. Whether that's true or not, Square has a notorious reputation with announcing games too early. Perhaps they've wised up and will wait to announce their games at a more appropriate time.
An odd omission in the PS5 reveal was the lack of any fighting games. Combined that with the fact there's only one USB and USB-C port, i get the feeling Sony isn't taking the fighting scene seriously this time around. Of course there could be some USB ports on the back we don't know about.
With E3 gone, it's surprising Nintendo hasn't done a first-party Direct in a very long while, especially in the wake of Sony and Microsoft's Directs.
Not sure what to make of Final Fantasy XVI...
Rumor is next Nintendo Direct comes October 8, covering the Mario and Pokemon DLC, and will feature some more details on the Breath of the Wild sequel.
Can't believe Age of Calamity has sold 3 million already, which is very astounding for a Musou title :o
Everything else about the controller has been improved, from the ergonomics ... The grip on the back handles is uncomfortable.This seems contradictive. The 360/One controller handles are just fine. Not as good as a Switch Pro Controller in my huge hands, but far superior to the Playstation 1-4 series. The preview videos did say they were making the Series X controllers 10% smaller than One's which I said before was a terrible idea given the huge majority of their playerbase is late teenagers and adults so Microsoft needed a corresponding larger size controller than their competitors. If the placement of buttons, triggers and dpads is the same but the handles shrunk by 10%, then the ergonomics clearly can't be better for larger hands.
This seems contradictive. The 360/One controller handles are just fine. Not as good as a Switch Pro Controller in my huge hands, but far superior to the Playstation 1-4 series.I should clarify i meant the texture of the back grips being uncomfortable and prickly on my skin. Probably will end up buying something to cover 'em up.
Was not expecting the Direct to cater so much to my interests: JRPGs and a Splatoon sequel :bluetoadDefinitely a Moge-DirectTM. I on the other hand did not like it very much at all. The Age of Calamity DLC is too far out. If it came out already I'd have bought it. By June I doubt I'll care. Legend of Mana was a disappointment after the 3D work done on Secret and Trials. Don't care about Mario Sports games. They didn't show off anything that isn't already known about Bravely Default II. The only bright spot of the Direct for me was Skyward Sword HD - but they didn't mention any new features and I really hope it has some.
Even though i'm not big into Smash, the Pyra announcement renewed my interest in Xenoblade 2. Would like to play the game some time, but man, JRPGs are a massive time sink, especially the current one i'm playing. Absolutely loving it though.Unfortunately Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a gigantic sink. Its easily 250+ hours and the length varies greatly by the gacha mechanism for randomly giving out the unique Blade characters. It definitely belongs in the "way too long" category. It was enjoyable but at the same time 'ugh'. It was so long that it turned me off from trying the Torna: The Golden Country side story/prequel game.
The branching narrative concept of the new Octopath is very intriguing. That was a pretty huge selling point of Tactics Ogre, which this game takes a lot of its inspiration from (and FFT of course).And the above length problem is probably why I've not been so keen to try out Octopath Traveler and why this new Project Triangle Strategy has me nonplussed. I like a good RPG story but don't need to play the same game multiple times to see all the different story branches. A good book has a story that develops linearly over the course of a defined chapter sequence. These new games feel like they're taking eight different books, jumbling all the chapters together into one large book, and calling that a good story. I'm doubtful. You don't need 200+ hours of content and a thousand branches to tell a good story and make a good JPRG. The JPRG heyday on the SNES got by with games that fit into the 24-40 timeframe. Short by today's standards but often better because they didn't bog down in sidequests that accomplish little but to burn time off the clock.
Past GnG games are downright evil in difficulty. The newest sequel looks a lot more manageable thanks to difficulty options and additional weapons (and companions apparently). A modernized GnG is exactly what i've been waiting for. Tried the PSP GnG not too long ago, and i couldn't stand the fully polygonal graphics. There's a sense of precision you get with 2D sprites over 3D on a side view.I'm ok with rebooting the GnG series, too. There's a lot of good 80s games that could use a renaissance, especially in Capcom's portfolio. They had a treasure trove of hits on the NES and over the last 20 years or so have either let some of them (like GnG) go to waste or, worse, made so many bad games that they led the series down the path of irrelevance (Mega Man)
Skyward Sword - The Zelda fanbase at large considers SS to be the worst of the big boy console Zeldas. The game certainly does have a lot obnoxious elements that really slow down the experience. I would like to see the Zelda team smooth out the experience like Wind Waker HD.I'd rather say its most polarizing. Either people rank it very high or very low. It doesn't sit in the mid-range on people's rankings very often. I don't understand why people don't like it though. It must be those obnoxious things but most Zelda's have something annoying about them (feeding the map fish in Wind Waker, super-annoying heart pieces in Ocarina of Time, several hundred too many Koroks in BotW, etc.) Skyword Sword had motion controls, some clever sword fighting techniques, new uses for old items (like the double grappling hooks), a challenging new game+ mode that had been missing since the first game, and arguably the best, most complete end-to-end story in the bunch with a recurring villain instead of a boss that only appears in the last five minutes. I think people that rank it low are out of their mind. I've even gone so far as to say on this very board that Skyward Sword is better than Breath of the Wild. ( I would still, 10 years after release, rank it as the best Zelda game, above Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker.
most retro games back in the day ran at 60 fps.Retro was not running 60fps. NTSC is 29.97 fps and PAL 25 fps regardless of using coaxial cable, s-video, av or component cables. You couldn't get 60fps on consoles until they provided HDMI ports. Only PC got 60fps and perhaps some arcade games provided a faster refresh with custom monitors but home stuff was limited to the regional standard (NTSC for most of the world and PAL for Europe, and a few other countries)
The power increase for the next Switch will be hugely beneficial to 3rd party studios that don't have Nintendo's technical wizardry with the hardware. I can't think of a better example than Deadly Premonition 2, which sank to single digit framerates in the overworld. Basically, Nintendo needs to maintain some parity with the nextgen so developers aren't left with having to make huge concessions on getting their games running. Think back to the Wii. Publishers saw little return in investment having to cook up a unique version of their multiplatform games for the system.On this I agree. Switch is only recently getting PS4/One games. And if a developer wants to make a game for all three systems it has to develop for the lowest common denominator, which is Switch. That means for games that require powerful graphics (Doom, Crysis) or those that demand a lot of memory (Dragon Quest Builders 2), the next iteration in those series may not be possible on the standard Switch without a serious cutback in capability. I love DQB2 and want DQB3 to be as good as it can, which means that even if I'd buy the PS5 version I'd want a powerful Switch Pro/Super Switch on the market by the time its announced so I know DQB3 is not stuck with the same limitations DQB2 has.
Framerate for old 2d/pixel/sprite based games did matter, but wasn't something we really thought about in America. For instance look at what people in Europe with PAL SNES systems had to deal with. PAL ran at 50 fps which appeared "slower". Once they got a taste of a US/JPN NTSC SNES/SFC running at a nice 60 fps, you saw a lot of Europeans importing consoles to play the games the way they were intended.
Here's a site that tests if your eyes can differentiate 60 and 30 fps. See a difference in the first and second row? -- ( all fairness that's running the UFOs at 960 pixels per second. NES and SNES for example only displayed 256 horizontal pixels and rarely had anything moving across screen in an equivalent .26 second. Maybe background stars in a few space shooters but I seriously doubt too many main character sprites. I checked the Mega Man II robot intro screens and the fastest stars cross in maybe 1.75 to 2 seconds, meaning a rate of about 125 pixels per second. You change the scrolling speed of that animation from 960 down to 120 and you're not going to see as big of a difference between the 30 and 60 fps rows. So again, it really doesn't matter than much for retro stuff.
Retro gamers don't particularly view mobile gaming favorably, which is why a rerelease of the DS games on console would be a huge deal.Well obviously action games just don't translate well. But turn-based RPGs like the Dragon Quest games are acceptable because there's no real time component involved.
Metal Slime wristwatch, Metal Slime t-shirt, Slime-print polkadot button up shirt | Japan-only | Unknown | |
Dragon Quest Eraser A Puyo-puyo like mobile game | Unknown | 2021 | Phones & tablets |
Dragon Quest X Online 5.5 | Japan-only | Summer 2021 | PC, Consoles? |
Dragon Quest X Online 6 | Japan-only | Late 2021 | PC, Consoles? |
Dragon Quest X Offline Simplified graphics and potentially stripped down story | Unknown | Japan - 2022 | Unknown |
Dragon Quest III HD-2D DQ3 remade in Octopath Traveller's engine | Yes, simultaneous | Late 2021 | Consoles |
Dragon Quest I & II HD-2D Horii let it slip they would likely remake these next, indicating they are probably already working on it | Unknown | Unknown | |
Dragon Quest Treasures Like Monsters but focusing on Treasure hunting rather than collecting/breeding monsters. Uses the Erik and Mia childhood assets previously expected for the next Monsters game. | Yes, simultaneous | Unknown | Consoles |
Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate Only showed off the title, no concept art, photos or gameplay. | Planned simultaneous, but not certain | Unknown | Unknown |
3. Metroid Dread
i'll probably either play DQ Builders or IV as my next DQ game.Both get high marks for me.
I noticed the first DQ Builders isn't on Steam. Gonna have to play the Switch version then.It is not. SquareEnix developed the first on their own, but turned it over to KoeiTecmo to develop the second (with story written by SquareEnix). KoeiTecmo wants to port games all over the place so they invested the time to port to Steam (and later Xbox which is practically a PC) So very unlikely DQB1 ever gets a Steam or Xbox port.
1. Metal Slug Tactics -- I never expected to see a new 2D Metal Slug, one that doesn't heavily recycle sprites from previous entries. Despite not being developed internally, the game is quite the looker and has all the charm of the original in spades. While i don't play too many tactics games, the last one i played, Into the Breach, was so addicting that i beat the game multiple times. I'm hopeful the new Metal Slug will turn out good as well.
but sadly only 3 button Genesis which seems to limit which games will make it onto NSO
I've heard speculation that Retrobit owning the license to the 6-button Genesis pad in the westI'd say this is partly right.
These early Black Friday deals Walmart and Best Buy keep throwing out are worrisome.
Switch OS has been smooth sailing for me since day one. My biggest knock against it is the lack music that would play in the background of previous Nintendo systems. Not a deal breaker however. I do appreciate the system's clean interface, having seen the ad ridden mess that's plagued Microsoft systems.The one strike (and its a huge one) against Switch OS is no way to backup to or restore saves from SD card. It only allows a single backup state to cloud (which you have to pay for), or transfer over to another Switch.
Sony really should get back into periodic telecasts, at least a yearly E3 show to show off their exclusive stuff.
Well, Guardians of the Galaxy and Life is Strange: True Colors. They got about equal billing and completely overshadowed anything else in the show. And Life is Strange isn't exactly a marquee series. Its ok but its far cry from SquareEnix's other IPs, namely Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Tomb Raider (which has since been sold), Kingdom Hearts, and Marvel, to name a few. Advertising it for 12 minutes and maybe a minute or two total for all three Final Fantasy products (Pixel Remasters, Stranger in Paradise, and Final Fantasy XV) was a bad decision. Advertising a Marvel game for that long was a good decision - it just flopped on release because of quality (the same specter that haunts Avengers)If both PS5 SKUs weren't in short supply, Sony would be maintaining its position over MS.
I'm not terribly surprised Sony is slipping back to #3. After all, PS3 was pretty hot garbage compared to PS2. Sony isn't advertising its product and letting other companies like SquareEnix do the talking for them. And when companies like SquareEnix give a bad impression of Sony hardware and software while Microsoft is practically giving stuff away for free, of course Sony will look bad in comparison. Game Pass was the only thing keeping Xbox One alive, and now that they have better hardware (or at least much more widely available) they are closing the gap. Sony really should get back into periodic telecasts, at least a yearly E3 show to show off their exclusive stuff. The last sure hit Sony and Playstation had was Ghost of Tsushima and its nearing two years old. With some self-advertisement they could have possibly put Miles Morales or Ratchet & Clank 2 into that category. Instead, they've gone with this madness of three different PS Plus tiers when they could have just fixed the one they had to better align to Game Pass.
Also, thoughts on Sega's big announcement coming Friday morning? The leading rumor is a Sega CD Mini / Mega CD Mini. Which would be "okay" but I'd rather it be Sega CD games coming to NSO's Expansion Pak Tier. Expansion Pak needs more quality stuff to justify the much higher cost. A bunch of Sega CD games would certainly help.
Squeenix has an unbelievable amount of games coming out. The company is definitely flushed with cash after FF14's wild success over the years. Not gonna downplay though that all their HD2D games have been selling well. It's rad to see so many revivals and experimental projects.And yet, the series that literally invented a new game genre ("Block-build RPG" as SE calls it) is still awaiting announcement on a third game. Octopath/Triangle series is younger than DQB, but now has its third game coming (and fourth HD-2D game if you count Dragon Quest III which is already known to be in development but no release date yet)
I feel so behind in the Xenoblade series. Haven't played since XC1. I've played every previous Xeno game before that, so I would like to catch up on the series someday.You're going to have to set aside a good chunk of time. These are loooong games. XC1 is around 150 hours I think. My Switch says it took me 202 hours to 100% XC2 last year (and that's using NSO to help cheat the Blade gacha system), and it was 230 hours for XC3 to credits and I still have three superbosses to finish as I'm nearing 250 now. But XC3 is so rewarding in the final chapter and post-game if you've played the first two - at least to the 2/3 point of first game and almost to the end of XC2. The last chapter wonderfully explains why you see features from the other games like the Mechonis' sword or Urayan titan's head, to name the two most obvious ones (there's a few dozen other locations that players may recognize, too.) It is truly epic, and if the series ends here as a trilogy, it would be a fitting conclusion.
Eiyuden Chronicles.I really would have liked to have seen more of this. I even said so after the Microsoft/Bethesda 2021 show (, for which they barely showed anything. They came back in 2022 and showed even less. (Just a title card as a free GamePass game as I recall.) It never got any detailed look in a Nintendo Direct, a State of Play, or whatever Microsoft is doing, which tells me the game really isn't as good as it looked for the brief bit we saw in 2021. The Metacritic and magazine reviews seem to indicate that it really is quite average.
Happy to hear Pikmin 4 will be a reality. While it's definitely not one of Nintendo's bigger cashcow series, it's got so much charm that I'm glad Nintendo is still giving it it's due.Well they did make that 3DS game, which is technically the fourth game already. I thought the game was fine, but a bit of a disappointment being entirely 2D on a device capable of 3D. It didn't have the same feel as the earlier Pikmin games. And it looks basic compared to 3D games like Ever Oasis, which features a similar group of tiny-beings exploring a land with human-like objects of much larger scale than themselves (such as a water pitcher)
Super Mario - 2023 will be six years (SIX!) since the last new Super Mario mainline game. (We've had three remakes though.) Its only ever gone six years once, between Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine.
Bionic Commando making the list...There are other great platformer run-n-guns i could name, but the grappling mechanic of BC puts it above the rest. The remake, ReArmed, is also great, but the pixel art graphics of the NES original makes it an easier choice for me to go back to.
SquareEnix released so many games with little to no marketing or poor quality control. Now that there's news that further layoffs are planned (this time at the internal NA & EU branch of Square), it's looking pretty grim, especially the prospects of DQX Offline ever getting localized. It's madness there'll forever be 1 mainline DQ going unlocalized. All that money being thrown around and they couldn't at least localize the game with an installed fanbase in the west.
What even is the point of Xbox anymore? With every exclusive going third-party and Game Pass becoming less of a value with each passing internal studio closure, there's little reason for anyone to have faith in the Xbox brand anymore. Microsoft's only concern lately is seeing their numbers go up, and the only reliable way to do that is to just buy an already hugely successful publisher. It's crazy they couldn't accomplish that with their own ip.
Nintendo has won this year's not E3 :rage
Very unimpressed by today's Directs, following the wow factor of June's.
From a fan standpoint, there wasn't anything new to get exciting about. The Plucky Squire is still on my radar but had seen trailers for it a few times already. The truly new announcements were devoid of anything that gets money out of my pocket.
We still don't know what's beyond Brothership from tentpole title standpoint. There's Donkey Kong Country Returns in January, but a remake (and apparently lousy one at that) of a very old game that already had a 3DS remake might not fit that two million plus sales mark that Nintendo considers as a marketable monthly title. I was expecting to see a Kirby game announced for February or March to sort of close out the major Switch 1 lineup. If the new hardware isn't arriving until May, pulling the plug after Brothership in early November is introducing a six-month gap that you're counting on smaller developers to fill. Risky. If its not Kirby in February or March, those Zelda Wind Waker or Twilight Princess rumors will likely get hot again. (Or something else from the Wii U stable like Star Fox Zero or Xenoblade X.)
With no Pokemon game this year, I was expecting there to be a couple of extra kids games advertised. We only got one, the Patrick Star Game, which is as much physics simulator as true kids game. This is not the formula Nintendo has used in the past to win the holiday season. They were bullish on selling 13.5 million units in the fiscal year April 2024-March 2025, and were only to about 2 million by end of June, meaning they needed a BIG holiday season to make up for down sales the other three quarters. But a holiday season with a dearth of kid-oriented games? Nintendo is not reaching their goal without a major price cut to hardware. And I mean $100, not $50-ish.
The Sonic 3 movie trailer dropped overnight (introducing Shadow as the main villain) yet Sega failed to capitalize on the synergy of having Sonic x Shadow in the Direct. Yet earlier this year they paid to have Monkeyball show up in two Directs. So they just watched tens of millions of dollars in likely cross-media sales evaporate. Lack of coordination has always been Sega's Achilles' heel - its why they aren't a big player in the video game industry anymore.
Japan Direct settled Hundred Line's release date as all the way out to April 24. That is terrible news for a successor hardware launch in April. Late April doesn't seem like the kind of date for an action game to land on if new hardware just hit the shelves or is just about to do so. New hardware probably not arriving until mid-to-late May or June now.
No Atelier Ryza..... ._.
I LOVE Reisalin Stout....... and NOT seeing her as the main character breakes my heart so much.......Yumia DOSENT look bad but... Reisalin Stout had the SPUNK, energy, and so much of a growth (Also GIGA HOT) that I saw as the FACE of the games.
WILL give Yumia a chance but dont think she would match Reisalin at all.
Well, with that outta the way, i get more confused with each passing month at the direction Sony is taking its console business. These half-step consoles aren't what the majority of gamers want.