Sogna Digital Museum Forum
Non-Sogna/VIPER Discussion => Hentai Games => Topic started by: xre on September 10, 2024, 11:08:13 am
Hello everyone. I am new here and was wondering if anyone might be able to help me track down a rare CD-Rom. It contains scenes and bonus features from various Daiei animes like La Blue Girl, Twin Angels, Sailor Senshi Venus 5 and Demon Beast Invasion. If anyone can help me out I'd really appreciate it:
Original Title: dezミックスジュース 淫汁100%
Romaji (as best as I can translate): Dez mikkusu ju-su 100%
English (as best as I can translate): dez mix juice is 100% lewd juice! OR dez mix juice 100%
Original series/franchise: La Blue Girl / Demon Beast Invasion / Sailor Senshi Venus 5 / Twin Angels.
Please see product description below. This is a compilation CD-Rom featuring material from several franchises/series.
Product number: DAR-0028
Originally Sold by: Green Bunny
Release Date: Unknown. At some point between 1996-1998
Operating System(s): Windows3.1 / Mac
Company, Producer: Dez Climax / DEZ SOFT NETWORK and Daiei
(These are literally the only things I could find. One of them is a blog post, but not my own. I am unclear if that is permitted if not. If not, I will of course remove it immediately)
Product Description:
Note: I cannot verify whether this is the official product description or not.
A collection of erotic scenes and data from early Daiei anime productions Injuu Gakuen, Seijuu Den, Venus Five, Yojuu Kyoushitsu, and the live-action version of Injuu Gakuen.
Seijuu Den is included in the Injuu Seisen series.
CD-ROM contents
- Movies (mov files)
- Art gallery (illustration slideshow. No Sacred Beasts)
- Design materials (slideshow of design materials)
- Database (release dates and prices for VHS, LD, BOOK, CD-ROM, etc.)
Untranslated Product description:
I believe it is not allowed to post images on the threads. If I have gotten that wrong I can provided an image of the cover of the CD-Rom
Ok to ask, but its not really the forte of this forum to reach too far outside the M.I.N/Silence/Sogna group, or the artists who worked on Sogna titles.
This stuff looks familiar, but I've never seen any kind of disc like that. Kind of looks like a fan information CD, similar to VIPER Digital Museum.
Ok to ask, but its not really the forte of this forum to reach too far outside the M.I.N/Silence/Sogna group, or the artists who worked on Sogna titles.
This stuff looks familiar, but I've never seen any kind of disc like that. Kind of looks like a fan information CD, similar to VIPER Digital Museum.
I discovered this forum when I stumbled across a thread asking about a La Blue Girl PC game, so I figured it was not inappropriate to ask about it here.
Yes, I think a digital museum of sorts would be what this is. It has content on it never released any where else hence I'm trying to track it down.