Dinosaur comics!
Try a free sample.Or the main page, if you like that flavor.Yes, the pictures are the same every strip. This is because the artist has reached
perfection of the visual medium. Any changes would make the comic less perfect. There are even 3 extra comments in each strip!
1. Hover your mouse pointer over the strip. Easy!
2. Do the same with the "comments" link above the strip. The comment should appear at the bottom of your browser. If it's too long for that, right click and copy the link location into something that can handle its length.
3. Check the page source. You'll be able to find something resembling the comic's title, but with extra awesome for spicyness. You can also use this to check comment #1 if your browser doesn't show the whole thing.
Why are you still here reading this lowly post of mine? Go read Dinosaur Comics!
(This post is not in any way sponsored by the writer of Dinosaur comics. There's no way he could afford to sponsor anything, especially on a prestigious web forum such as this. I'm pretty sure he lives in a cardboard box that somehow has internet access; indeed, I am doing this from the GOODNESS OF MY HEART.)