Author Topic: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)  (Read 26045 times)


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2007, 09:19:06 pm »
I have a good feeling it would've been something like Masaki getting extremely determined to kill Shuu and Cyfis performs a lesser spiritual possession on Cybuster [in this case, it's boosting Masaki's morale to max, which is what triggers the possession normally]. An idea is that the person-like being above Cybuster during the buff is Cyfis and the sequence is him performing the possession.

[Cyfis is the guardian god of Cybuster]

My logic in this is that Masaki repeats several lines, several times throughout his conversation with Shuu. In essence, it's like a guy saying "I will...I WILL defeat you!" or something along those lines.


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2007, 02:39:07 pm »
Are these ROBOSTRAGETY GAEMZ any good? I've been curious about them myself, and you guys seem to worship them like some kind of God.


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2007, 03:40:26 pm »
It really depends on how much effort you're willing to put into SRPGs. If you want to get anywhere in the GBA games, you really have to micromanage your character's abilities from the get-go, and unless you comb through FAQs, you're going to have go go through most of the later missions more than once- the first time or two to see what's there, just so you can calibrate your team properly.

If you don't mind that, then, yeah, they're pretty sweet.
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Shin Maou Satan (True Demon King: Satan)
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2007, 07:04:15 pm »
I'm probably overextending my visit when it terms to finding out the hardest bosses in SRPG's, but...

I take absolutely everything I said about Hitoshura and give it to Satan. He's in Digital Devil Saga Episode 2.
Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)

This guy lives up to his name and position in this game. And not just because he has quite possibly the most menacing appearence of any boss I've seen. And no, I have no clue if those 6 things on his abdomen are breasts.

I'm not even going to type it all out, 'cause there's seriously too much and words cannot explain exactly how hard this boss is. I'll leave that to this little FAQ.

An extremely short list

Essential #1) You have to bust out a freaking calculator to beat him. I ain't kidding; if you don't keep track of where his HP is, he'll punish (actually, more like disembowel) you by using a 100% hit chance charm that can be prevented by buffing beforehand, but you gotta time it by guaging his HP [does so at 50% HP]. And this isn't the standard RPG charm, 'cause stat effects hurt a LOT in the world of SMT. The BIG BIG BIG reason is because, if reduced to under 1500 HP, he'll full heal himself (NOT fucking kidding). Therefore, you have to get him as close to 1500 as possible in one turn, then blast it all down the next. No one knows if this is one time, or he does this continuously; probably because if he DOES do it, you're screwed to shit in the first place and better off restarting.

Essential #2) Maxed out levels with almost every stat maxed out. You need them.

Essential #3) Make sure you didn't piss off Lady Luck in any way, 'cause you need her more than anything

Quote off about this:

"Babies crushed in a meat grinder have suffered less than gamers who have attempted this boss."

The dudes at Atlus must really love making bosses as hard as possible while still being beatable. Gotta love them.

[I'm still working on beating this dude]

Oh yeah, forgot to mention in the post for SRW: AG; seeing the Astranagun/gant burst out of the Aurgelmir is freaky shit. It's like Aliens meets mecha.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2007, 11:32:09 pm by Cashino »


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2007, 01:47:56 am »
Can I ask something about the OP?

How is it that you can see his HP over 10k if in a lot of the earlier games, you can't see HP over 10k unless they're at 9999 or lower? Does regenerating the HP keep the number visible? That's also a LOT of armor and mobility for the Complete Box. Armor goes from about 130-800, and mobility goes from about 15-80, for friendly units at least.

Not as screwed-up as Haman in F, though. 4200 armor. A Valored Hyper Aura Giri from Shou at 150 will and level 6 Aura Senshi did like 2000 damage. I was like "Thank FUCK the bitch retreats." I missed out on a Fatima, but oh fucking well.
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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2007, 10:41:46 am »
The total HP is visible because in Complete Box, there was a 2-player mode where each player chose a pre-set group of mechs

One of these groups was a Boss Group which had nearly every boss unit that appeared throughout SRW 2,3 and EX

Neo Granzon was one of them
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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #26 on: November 11, 2007, 07:04:10 am »
Ok, this is simply weird.
I was playing my 7th playthrough of W today at the final scenario and in subsequent playthroughs you can assign a number of upgrades to enemies to make the game harder.
Well, the final boss now has such a high HP amount(525000, i think) that it breaks the in-battle HP bar.
Where there is normally the HP Bar in the battle screen, there is just a red line running across the screen instead.
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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #27 on: November 11, 2007, 03:24:19 pm »
I think that happens whenever things get insanely high and the hardware/programming can't keep up. As in, it was never really programmed to for such high values.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2007, 03:35:37 pm by Cashino »


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Re: Shuu Shirakawa
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2008, 10:59:55 am »


Guess who's back
« Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 07:48:55 am by JG »
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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2008, 06:54:55 pm »
Damn. He nearly one shotted him!


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2008, 07:44:46 pm »
How many planets do they have to destroy to kill each other?