Share EX2, for downloading Japanese stuff.
Installation steps:
1. Unzip to some folder on your local hard drive.
2. Create a cache subfolder, an upload subfolder, and a download subfolder.
3. Change the paths in folder.ini to match your folders.
4. Start it up, and let it start searching nodes for the things you want. (It may take several minutes before results start coming back.)
I also recommend you have the East Asian languages font support installed, but I'm not sure its required.
I've preconfigured this download for the English locale, with a starting set of nodes, and a cluster and search set for VIPER games. You can add new terms to your cluster list to find nodes with the topics you like, and new search queries to search your cached nodes for names of things you want.
Share's a little odd to use sometimes, but it'll find you things you can't find on http. If you're familiar with how torrents work, Share is basically the same process except its trackerless. It's a little buggy though (ie, it won't delete things out of your cache like its supposed to, so you may need to periodically clean it up.)
From now on, I encourage everyone to try Share first, before asking for everyone else to magically supply it for you.