I've decided to cruise around online to find patches (like uncensored patches) to the Viper games.
today I googled 'viper ctr patch' and this was the first site to pop up.
http://nawa.sakura.ne.jp/I go back and have google translate it.
on the left side, the translation for one part is 'Patch Database' (Its the first one under the "Support" tab)
Click on it, and there's a 120+ pages of patches with a search bar at the top
type in Viper CTR in the search bar and hit enter, (This will shut off the google translation, I don't know why)
There will be writing, and at the top will be:
UPDATE 1997/08/30 BRAND:© Sogna [関連/IA] DL:りぺあ [関連]
the characters "りぺあ" can be clicked on, do so.
you will be taken to a screen with a black backround and green letters that are links. Click the top one.
different page, same colors (green writing on black) these are links to various viper game patches, except some are down, (like the CTR one)
However the sixth from the top leads to a file for Viper GT1 that is active. Click on it, then find the small-ish grey box with a file link in it.
I downloaded it, opened the RAR file that I got from it....
...and that's as far as I got.
To Hyperguy, and All the other senior members who are fans of the games and have the techy know-how about these things:
Did I find something good?