This is it. The winner of this all-Rise matchup will be crowned VIPER Girl of the Year for 2010. Will it be the charming, red-headed martial arts expert Akira, or her dark-skinned wrestling-style rival Makoto?
When these two faced off at the beginning of VIPER-GTB, the match resulted in a draw. Tarma, Narsha, and Hrmoni thought Akira was the better fighter, but she retired from the match and voluntary gave Makoto the championship, a "favor" Makoto has always resented.
Will Akira prevail and defend her 2009 championship or will our dark horse Makoto knock off her third #1 seed in a row and finally defeat her nemesis? Your votes will decide!
Akira's Path: 16 Rey (83%), 8 Ryouko (80%), 5 Anri (64%), 2 Julietta (61%), 1 Raika (runoff)
Makoto's Path: 15 Risa (100%), 10 Soap Girl (83%), 3 Lilia (58%), 1 Cala (53%), 1 Miki (53%)