Author Topic: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)  (Read 26070 times)


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Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« on: December 22, 2006, 02:14:47 pm »
Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)

Oops, thread already over

Seriously, even though this screenshot is from SRW Complete Box, in Alpha Gaiden(as secret final boss) he was a pure nightmare.

It almost comes to:Shuu's turn coming around=Bye bye any chance of winning
« Last Edit: December 22, 2006, 03:50:21 pm by EnsignRyusei »
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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2006, 04:07:55 pm »
Does Final Fantasy Tactics qualify as a strategy RPG? If so, then that arsehole Velius was a right bastard to fight against the first time I played through the game. The worst thing about him is that he can sometimes be really stupid and make himself easy to kill, so after you've spent some time telling a friend what a bastard to beat Velius is, there's a decent chance that Velius'll fuck up in some way and get beaten easily by your friend and result in your mate thinking you're shit at the game.
Awfully embarrassing, I must say.


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2006, 04:39:48 pm »
Kain from Shining Force is a punk, because he can kill just about any of your characters in one hit. Those chess pieces in Shining Force 2 were also quite nasty.

As far as Final Fantasy Tactics is concerned, I though that Elmdor guy was quite the mean little bitch.
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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2006, 04:50:02 pm »
The problem with the first Elmdor fight is that it can end before you even get a turn, if Rafa does something silly like attack Elmdor with a melee attack and takes a nasty counter hit off of him.

I don't think he's much trouble at all in the second fight, unless you go for the Genji gear, or try to get Ultima off of his assistants.


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2006, 05:59:43 pm »
As for Neo Granzon, it is pure hell fighting that thing
You have to beat the normal Granzon first before you even fight it, and at several HP intervals(at several HP percentages, i mean) Shuu casts several Seishin Skills(special 'spell' thingies)

Anyway, he does it about 5-6 times and each time he does, he includes a Full Heal Seishin

Imagine having to smack down 65000 worht of HP about 5 to 6 times, not to mention he has a natural Hp-Regen(Large)
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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2006, 02:47:24 pm »
This thread fails to mention the most irritatingly hard boss in an SRPG.

Baal in Disgaea 1

Ok I'm done.


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2006, 02:50:58 pm »
This thread fails to mention the most irritatingly hard boss in an SRPG.

Baal in Disgaea 1

Ok I'm done.

Care to expand on that notion?

As in, the stuff that makes him such a irritating boss
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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2006, 07:18:05 pm »
Baal deals so much damage with his attacks that the game doesn't even display it all, it starts using scientific notation.

Top that off with the fact he has somewhere in the hundereds of millions of HP and enough SP that he can use his area-effect attacks all the time. Plus he was pretty bad-ass with his "you attacks don't even make me flinch" sprites.

Sadly, like all of Disgaea though, he was your bitch once you powerleveled enough and/or stole his kick-ass equipment. Once you beat him though... Uberprinny Baal was even harder. I still haven't bothered to beat Uber-prinny Baal, it's just not worth the effort to me.


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2006, 07:33:25 pm »
Now i see

Well, for SRW terms, Shuu's Neo Granzon is definitly, one of the, if not the, hardest boss in SRW history

His Neo Granzon not only has HP and EN Regen Large(about 30% recovers at the beginning of his turn) and his attacks could basically one-hit kill a fully uphraded MazinKaizer or Shin Getter(some really powerful SR's)

And ganging up on him wasnt a tactic either, since he would then wipe the floorn with you with a handy MAP attack

And these are the Seishin Skill round's he casts several times

At 70% Shuu calls you naive and casts
Flash(Next attack attack/counterattack is always dodged)
Lock-On(Next attack has 100% hit)
Hot Blooded(x2 Damage in next attack
Kiai(+10 Morale)

At 50%, Shuu tells you that unless you get more serious you won't be able to
  defeat him.He casts
Full Healing
Concentrate(30% to Hit/Dodge)
Hot Blooded

At 30% he decides to show you why you can't defeat him, and casts
Spirit(x 2.5 damage in next attack)
Iron Wall(Take only 1/4 damage from next attack/counterattack, against Shuu that is)
A few Kiai's
Full Healing
Resupply(All En and Ammo restored)

At 10% Shuu says there's no point in prolonging this battle, and says that
it's time to finish things.  He casts
Lock Om
Iron Wal
Move Again(Gets to move, attack, etc twice in a row)
Full Healing
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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2007, 04:54:39 am »
The hardest Boss I've seen is in:
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne

Here's a picture of him 0_o
Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2007, 05:39:33 pm »
Shin Megami Tensei (most of the bosses as a whole are pains in the ass in all of them...some moreso than others).

otherwise: The ultimate Uber Prinny Baal that has stats of several million in each, no including doubling his stats when he's solo)


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2007, 12:56:53 am »
Well, for SRW terms, Shuu's Neo Granzon is definitly, one of the, if not the, hardest boss in SRW history

His Neo Granzon not only has HP and EN Regen Large(about 30% recovers at the beginning of his turn) and his attacks could basically one-hit kill a fully uphraded MazinKaizer or Shin Getter(some really powerful SR's)

And ganging up on him wasnt a tactic either, since he would then wipe the floorn with you with a handy MAP attack are you supposed to beat him? Or is he a sick joke by Japan that's basically like "You're not supposed to beat him! HAHAHAHAHA!"?

Also, since Alpha Gaiden is being translated and thus I'll be playing it at some point, how do I avoid fighting this unkillable boss?
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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2007, 05:06:33 am » are you supposed to beat him? Or is he a sick joke by Japan that's basically like "You're not supposed to beat him! HAHAHAHAHA!"?

Also, since Alpha Gaiden is being translated and thus I'll be playing it at some point, how do I avoid fighting this unkillable boss?

Well, i suppose unkillable is a big word, but he's one of the hardest bosses ever.Alpha Gaiden is known as one of the harder SRW's.*Looks at enemy Zengar in Thrudgelmir*Yup

Anyway, Neo Granzon is only a secret final boss so chances are your probably not gonna fight him in the first playthrough
And i,m assuming that the secret final boss is unlocked by a required number of Skill Points
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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2007, 08:19:01 pm »
in a general rule of thumb: secret last bosses of SRPG's need lotsa time, lotsa planning, lotsa pain-in-the-ass, and so-powerful-that-why-isn't-this-bastard/bitch-in-the-main-villain's-place kind of thing

very very rarely (if ever) is there a standard final boss that's harder than the secret final boss (or the "bragging rights" boss)


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2007, 11:36:45 am »
This thread was over from the OP. Thank god (from what I recall) you don't fight Shuu in OG2.


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2007, 05:54:36 pm »
Not one of the real hard bosses in whole SRW, but in the games she appears in...Well,

In SRW OG-2/Impact, Loli rapes YOU!

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Hardest boss ever to appear in RPG/SRPG's?
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2007, 08:57:18 pm »
After some gaming, I've found the absolute boss. This is the end all be all of SRPG and RPG bosses in video game history. The alpha and the omega. A weapon of unimaginably destructive power. This guy makes Ruby and Emerald Weapon weep like babies; he has thousands of Uber Prinny Baals serve him; he is ultra-freaking hard personified. It doesn't get much harder than this (if that's possible).

While not an SRPG in a strict sense (and probably the least SRPG-ish in the Megami Tensei franchise), this one boss is too freaking hard and complicated to even consider it a standard RPG [read: those without strategy and preperation WILL die, 100% of the time, 100% sure]. It's a familier face from Shin Megami III (Nocturne) making a cameo in Digital Devil Saga: Episode 1.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Why? Here's the load down.

1) He has one attack that does about 10,000 damage (and remains stable there), which he uses regularly under scripted circumstances.


Why's that scary? Here's a list:

a) It hits the whole party.

b) It's considered Almighty (IE: it can't be blocked, resisted, reflected, or absorbed; it can only be avoided when ONE skill activates; otherwise, you get hit practically without fail, if ever at all)

c) ~10,000 points of damage is the amount of damage when Defense has been maxed out.

d) The players' characters have their HP capped out at 999. You draw conclusions.

e) The only way you can avoid it is using a skill that makes you avoid all attacks when you're sleeping. You can only be effected by sleep by the enemy; you can't cast sleep on yourself. This means you need to rely on luck to avoid this attack.

f) He'll instantly cast it if the player gains, through skills or spells, immunity, reflection, or absorbtion of any kind of skill except criticals (resistance is ok, apparently).

g) He casts it on his next turn when three of his buddies have been killed (see below for the catch to this).

2) He has backup. And he summons another guy whenever you kill one of his backup. His backup consists of 2 demons that constantly debuff you and add damage.

Now, why would you want to kill them when it serves to add the attack of doom and he summons another guy? Because, if one of the demons serving as back-up gets 30 turns without dying, that demon will FULLY HEAL the bastard.

3) He has 27000 HP. And most attacks only do damage in the hundreds. So prepare for a long, long match. [Technically, he has 18000 HP, but after dropping to 9000, one of his buddy demons will heal him back to 18000 via script; only happens once this way, so 27000]

4) He crits. A lot. And by game mechanics, if one side crits or exploits a weak point, then that side gets an extra turn. Oh yeah, and pretty much all his attacks hit everyone for about 300 and even more if he gets in crits. Add in that everyone has only 999 HP at most with his backup adding in damage AND he gets 2 turns everytime his side gets to attack [and possibly more if he hits weak points or crits].

5) The ONLY way to hurt him is to use Earth elemental skills and Almighty skills. Technically, it's possible to hurt him using Guns in the characters' human forms, but that's a death-wish, since the damage is small and it's not possible to use skills. Anything else, he'll resist and you lose turns to attack and heal. This means you're pretty shafted in terms of attacks. Good news in this: Almighty attacks are generally the best damage attacks.

Ungodly hard. 'nuff said.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2007, 10:12:22 pm by Cashino »


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2007, 05:47:32 am »
That does sound incredibly hard, yeah

And i recognized the guy too, i have Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne/Lucifer's Call(European subtitle) rented now

ANyway, i suppose sometimes bosses cannot be compared to eachother so much, like with the boss you just mentioned and with the Neo Granzon i talked about, seeing as how SRW uses different gameplay stats

I,m still waiting to play OGS to see if that one has some tough bosses
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Shuu Shirakawa
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2007, 02:14:25 am »
After the many annoying hours of getting to him, I gotta say this.


Just beat him on Alpha Gaiden. Actually, he wasn't that hard, just annoyingly long with his triggered healing and those four Mecha-Gilgilgans surrounding him. But still not too hard.


The tactics:

(I have absolutely NO clue if this is supposed to happen or if it's some kind of glitch or whatever, but when I reduced him and he casts 100% hit, it actually wore off when his turn came by. My best guess is the game was programmed to remove all 1-turn skills when that person's team comes by, regardless of when it was activated.)

Getting to him: abused Masaki's Psyflash and the skill Bless. I would wipe out pretty much the whole enemy grunt army using this combo. HUGE amounts of money, although time consuming to set up.

Sanger Zonvolt and his awesome Thrudgelmir. He's recruitable, apparently. Sure, he's watered down some, but he and his machine are still fucking beast. Here's what it looked like when I was done (his stats were totally maxed out, maxed out stat bonus was a +10% armor):
Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)

Ok, in english:

He's wearing two nanomachine armor items, giving +250 armor and +10% HP regen each. That means a grand total of 50% HP regen with 18-motherfucking-thousand HP. Also managed to get Sanger to have Assist Lv 2, which comes into play later. BTW Shuu's Graviton Cannon (the MAP weapon) has a power of <3000 in the Neo Granzon.

I also had Mazinkaiser and Shin Getter Robo aiding as well. Both were maxed out in stats with +10% armor and their weapons like-wise maxed out. Mazin had something like 2500 armor and Shin with about 2100, both with 9750 HP, so they could weather the Graviton Cannon. Damage to Sanger: 10. O hohohohoho...

Isamu and Guld/Gald from Macross Plus. These two in their respective YF's are GODLY. Maxing out the YF's mobility and hooking them up with either Psychoframes or Haro/Halo's and the only way an enemy is gonna hit them is if they got 100% hit or if that person's Shuu himself. And even still, the Shukutai Hō or his sword had only about a 20% chance of hitting; using Concentration would make them totally untouchable from his attacks unless he had 100% hit.

Masaki is the same case, only to a lesser amount. I sent him out anyways because of plot purpose (Masaki hates Shuu, since he killed his surrogate father in the events of SRW Gaiden AKA Maso Kishin/Lord of Elementals)

I put these mechs in this formation:
Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)

I kept everyone else way the hell away because they were too weak. I did took advantage of this and used many support skills to keep everyone buffed (mostly stuff like Skill-type healing, Resupplies, and SP regen skills).


- Aside from the Graviton Cannon, Sanger would assist Shin Getter and Mazinkaiser anytime Shuu targets them. And since Sanger has 50% HP regen and 18000 HP, the only way he's going to stay damaged is if Shuu could do more than 9000 damage every round (and with Sanger shielding, he only took about 8000 max when taking the shot up-front). He would never target Isamu, Guld or Masaki for whatever reason. Actually, he ONLY targeted Shin Getter. And since he can't kill Sanger... Muwahahahaha...
- Since Mazinkaiser and Shin Getter have a lesser HP regen, they could recover any damage the Graviton Cannon did. I added Nanomachine Armors to them as well, so it was even less of an issue; also added those 30% EN regenerators to them so they could spam Fire Blasters and Stoner Sunshines.
- Like hell anything is going to touch my Concentrating Isamu and Guld...
- Masaki is like-wise, although there was a greater chance of him being hit. Too low to really matter, though. Never saw him hit by the Cannon anyhow.

Gang tackle him abusing Flashes, 100% hits, and Concentration. After you exhaust his EN, he can only use his sword attack (1 square range). Every turn he regens 120 EN. Enough for two shots of Shukutai Hō, so long as he doesn't get hit (which activates Gravity Shield or something, drains 5 EN). If he does get hit, it's worth one Shukutai Hō and one Black Hole bomb.
Used Fire Blasters, Stoner Sunshines, Discutter, Ranbu No Tachi's (Discutter, Fervent Dancing Sword), Pinpoint Barrier Punches and Zankantou Inazuma Juuryoku Otoshi (斬艦刀稲妻重力落し; apparently, it means "Slashing/Chopping Warship Blade, Lightning Gravity Drop"; "warship" as in a battleship; "Zankantou" is essentially an oversized zanbatou)

Whenever he casts his skill combo chain, I attack him with a robo with Flash on. 100% hit doesn't work if the target has flash. This negates his flash and his damage multiplier.

Killed him with Masaki, because I like being dramatic (there's even special quotes for their battle scenes). Beat him with Cybuster's Supernova that I was saving the entire battle.

Masaki's quote
Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)

[The only thing I can get out of this is "Shuu" at the very beginning and "Ja-aku" (邪悪) meaning evil; probably something like "you've done many evil deeds" and "I will stop you here" or something close to that]

Shuu's-death-by-Masaki quote:
Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)

[I'm making a crapshoot for Shuu's quote, but I think it may be something like "Impressive, Masaki...hmmhmmhmm"]
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 02:23:50 am by Cashino »


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Re: Hardest Bosses in SRPG's(Strategy RPG's)
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2007, 11:21:20 am »
Hm, impressive

By the way, were you able to make anything of the dialogue that occurs when Masaki attacks Neo Granzon(dont know exactly when it triggers), but it involved Masaki seeming like he was low on Prana and then Cybuster going full power or something like that
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