Author Topic: On the origin of user names  (Read 33416 times)

Mirai Doft

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On the origin of user names
« on: November 09, 2007, 05:29:38 pm »
ITT you explain the meaning/origin of your user name. You are also welcome to share your nicknames out of the internetz, if you have any.

Mine's as stupid as it gets. I think I was about 10. I was reading some Dragon Ball manga, when Android #8 gets out of his cell and steps on the ground, making the sound "Doft". I don't know what I had in my mind at the time, but I decided that that would be my nickname. Some years later I discovered that spelled backwards it's similar to "fuck you" in Portuguese lol.
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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2007, 05:37:51 pm »
I'm ROMate because I was once upon a time Hyperguy's Roommate. Seeing as I am no longer Hyperguy's Roommate, there needed to be a change, and since people were already shortening the name to "ROMate" it seemed a good idea at the time.

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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2007, 05:39:53 pm »
Well, my username obviously comes from the SRW character Ryusei Daté.
Reason being is that i adore Super Robots with a great passion and finding some mecha more sexy/cute then some women.(The same way  Ryusei is ignorant of Mai/Latooni's feelings for him but does think the two mechas Valsione and Angelg are cute)
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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2007, 05:44:49 pm »

*3 hours later*

MANY names, Atrician is the most significant, it is...

-A play on the word attrition, which means to wear away at slowly
-A name of a character in the first fiction I ever wrote, main antagonist
-Name of my most beloved Dungeons and Dragons (Real Tabletop Version you PC noobs) character, Atrician Lansir, level 12 Paladin, who ended game as a level 27 Blackguard.
-Name of every RPG character based in fantasy, ever, introduced the Lansir family line, which carries a story arc through at least 4 tabletop RPGs, 3 MMORPGs, and Diablo 2.
-Lansir is also the name of my self run record label

There you go.


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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2007, 06:42:12 pm »
One day I was reading an article written by Maddox and I remember him making a comment saying that he was a 'real internet super hero' in a reply to one of his hate mails.

That got me to thinking.

I want to be an internet super hero too!

I want a website, and to be an internet super hero, from which I'll be able to do amazing things like run and jump and code html at the speed of an internet connection.

But I needed a super hero name.  And Superman was taken.  And, when I was thinking all of this up, I wasn't quite a man yet.  I was more of a guy.  My first pick was Hyperman.  I didn't like that though, since I didn't see myself as the 1950's type with the 'man' on the end of the super hero name and stone cut chisled chin.  I think I may have even considered Ultraman, but again, taken.

I needed a prefix that denoted a heightened level of stuff, while at the same time referencing energy, since most of the stuff I was planning on writing about was the type of stuff that gets me pumped.

I remembered in science class 'hyper' was a prefix used to denote something as above the norm.  Like, hyper when something was excessive, and hypo when something was less than the norm.  In slang terms, hyper was also usually given to someone with lots of energy, like, the result of a bag of pixie sticks and soda.



Imma Hyperguy baby!

Since donning that moniker, so far only one person has made the connection that 'hyper' may very well be referring to a the heightened state.  Snow Puma pointed that out when I visited him at SCAD.  Everyone else just assumes that I'm some kind of overenergized loon, which is only partly true.

Nowadays though, I haven't been as energetic as when I 'became' Hyperguy back in 2003.  Some offline friends were actually suprised that I'd use that username since I'm mostly quiet and calm irl.  Because of this, I actually considered changing my username since it doesn't reflect who I am as much.  I'm getting so much older that I wouldn't mind the Hyperman moniker now.


It's a little too late to change it now.  Everyone on the internet knows me as Hyperguy, so changing it would just throw everything out of whack.  I'm mildly famous (over 3 million hits last I checked) in the hentai community, and changing it would mean having to start over from scratch.  Plus, I actually like the shorter version, HG, since it reminds me of HG Wells, though I forget which books he's famous for.

Oh yeah!

Before I used Hyperguy as a username, I was known as Striker among the Soldat community.  What's Soldat?  It's this game right here: Soldat  When I was active, I was probably the closest thing to a professional Soldat player you could get at the time.  I beta tested several versions of the game and had clan matches against the finest.  Every day Swedes would spam my MSN messenger asking for duels.  I'm actually kind of glad those days are over, though it's nice being able to go to their forums every now and then and still have people know who you are. =D

Shamefully, I also post on Gaia Online.  There I use the username Delfire, named after a character in a story I was writing.  I stopped posting on there after I realized how much of a sham posting for clicks(Gold? Yeah right.) was.


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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2007, 06:43:49 pm »
bfg00 came from when I originally got an e-mail address way back in 1996.  The bfg part came from the fact that my friends in high school called me big friendly guy, 00 being the year I would graduate.  After I learned about the BFG9000 (which I regretably only learned about much later) I was very happy to learn of the other meaning of that acronym.


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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2007, 07:15:53 pm »
I never figured that out. I used it out of a mindless typing for a name and it stuck. It's mostly so I don't have to refind another name for a username/password and so I don't have to remember a dozen usernames and where they go with. For all I know I could've ended up with Minsc. And my sig would always have a Miniature Giant Space Hamster named Boo.


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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2007, 07:35:27 pm »
Mine is very old...I think I made it when I was 13 years old or 12.I was watching sailormoon dubbed in french and a bad guy in the show have a name I thought sound cool.But I had no idea how its written.I came with the idea of Djaidy.I use the name when I play RPG n stuffs.Used the name in a story I was writing.But thats not my nickname irl.
  I had a few nicks.The one poeple still usually use is Membre.I can't remember where its from.


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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2007, 07:45:50 pm »
I'm totally unoriginal. JG is my first and last initials. 00 is both the number of a jersey I'd wear if I had a choice and the year I set up my current email address when I upgraded to DSL.  I'm not too fond of my moniker but everyone knows me by it so I'm kind of stuck with it.

On others:
Atrician: my favorite of all the ones you've had, mainly for the play on "attrition"
Hyperguy: You could reason that the "hyper" is of the same ilk as "hypertext" and "hyperlink", ie a synonym for "smart".  "Smartguy" doesn't quite work though.  You also have RuminaSkybreaker, which isn't half bad.
bfg00: Our names are too similar, furthering my wish for change.


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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2007, 09:24:50 pm »
I used to play Puzzle Pirates.  I had a ship and everything!  When I signed up for our pirate crew messageboard, I need something that wasn't my old university email address and I used this.  It stuck.  I use it for everything from messageboards to emails to xbox live etc now.

tetsaru arigashi

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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2007, 06:50:12 am »
Tetsaru Arigashi was the name of a character one of my good friends, who is wanting to become a manga-ka, created in the storyline he's been working on for years now.  He decided to make each of the hero characters reflect each of his friends, along with himself, in some way, which I thought was pretty cool.  Since then, I've used it as my ID for games, email, etc.  Over the years, I've realized that, to my knowledge,  "Tetsaru" can't really exist as a Japanese name due to the fact "tsa" is not a syllable in Japanese, so it might get altered to something like "Tetsumaru" or "Tatsumaru" later on...


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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2007, 01:30:41 pm »
bfg00: Our names are too similar, furthering my wish for change.

Yeah, well that happens.  Currently I've been switching my nick over to Perseus or Perseus00 as Perseus is my favorite Greek hero.  I'm not sure if I will do that here too.


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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2007, 08:53:46 pm »
My name is a variation on a theme. That theme is Raven.  as in the bird.  And a character I had named was once called Black Raven... cause there was also a white one out there.

Soon enough he changed named to Voron Voronovich (Which is Russian for Raven Raven's son) and I keep the Raven sobriquet in my various net guises.
I saw what you did there.


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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2007, 08:59:42 pm »
The origin of my nickname can be separated into 3 different parts:

- I thought a cool nick name should consist of 2 real words
- I liked how I wrote Ds in cursive writing
- The Dual Edge in Lufia sounded like an awesome weapon

I later realized my name was an h-game.  Quite the coincidence.


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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2007, 02:13:25 am »
bfg00 came from when I originally got an e-mail address way back in 1996.  The bfg part came from the fact that my friends in high school called me big friendly guy, 00 being the year I would graduate.  After I learned about the BFG9000 (which I regretably only learned about much later) I was very happy to learn of the other meaning of that acronym.
For our viewers at home now tuning in, the BFG is a weapon from Doom who's acronym stands for BIG FUCKING GUN.  It's become such an FPS mainstay that a company that makes video cards adopted the name, BFGTech.

I'm totally unoriginal. JG is my first and last initials.
Of which only I and commissioner Gordon, those people at your workplace, and anyone you've sent an e-mail to knows what they stand for.

I'm not too fond of my moniker but everyone knows me by it so I'm kind of stuck with it.
Out of curiosity if you changed your moniker, what would you like to change it to?

Hyperguy: You could reason that the "hyper" is of the same ilk as "hypertext" and "hyperlink", ie a synonym for "smart".  "Smartguy" doesn't quite work though.  You also have RuminaSkybreaker, which isn't half bad.
Rumina's from the sword in Brave Fencer Musashi.  It's really supposed to be Lumina, but I was feeling engrishy at the time.  Skybreaker's just some random RPG name I thought sounded cool.

I used to play Puzzle Pirates.  I had a ship and everything!  When I signed up for our pirate crew messageboard, I need something that wasn't my old university email address and I used this.  It stuck.  I use it for everything from messageboards to emails to xbox live etc now.
Pirates...Yarr!!!  It's fun to say.

Tetsaru Arigashi was the name of a character one of my good friends, who is wanting to become a manga-ka, created in the storyline he's been working on for years now.  He decided to make each of the hero characters reflect each of his friends, along with himself, in some way, which I thought was pretty cool.  Since then, I've used it as my ID for games, email, etc.  Over the years, I've realized that, to my knowledge,  "Tetsaru" can't really exist as a Japanese name due to the fact "tsa" is not a syllable in Japanese, so it might get altered to something like "Tetsumaru" or "Tatsumaru" later on...
The closest you could get would have to be Tetsusaru, which is interesting that it could also be understood as 'iron monkey' (iron = tetsu, saru = monkey).

The origin of my nickname can be separated into 3 different parts:

- I thought a cool nick name should consist of 2 real words
- I liked how I wrote Ds in cursive writing
- The Dual Edge in Lufia sounded like an awesome weapon

I later realized my name was an h-game.  Quite the coincidence.
If I'm not mistaken, DualSoul is that Giga game where you get to court a zombie girl.

Actually, I know that game's really called Duel Savior.  I just wanted an excuse to post images of her.

The one thing that I really hate about this CG set is that there's a mouse cursor in every single image.  Someone probably made a better quality set of it, but it's kind of an old game and I can't be bothered to look. >_>;


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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2007, 03:01:50 am »
For our viewers at home now tuning in, the BFG is a weapon from Doom who's acronym stands for BIG FUCKING GUN.  It's become such an FPS mainstay...

...that almost (if not every) sci-fi FPS afterwords has had a gun or weapon of some sort that is functionally the same.


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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2007, 09:06:47 am »
..."Tetsaru" can't really exist as a Japanese name due to the fact "tsa" is not a syllable in Japanese...

Not native Japanese but the syllable can be made in katakana by combining tsu with a small a (ツァ)
Pretty rare but a few foreign words use it, where a "tza" sound is needed, such as in cadenza (カデンツァ)


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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2007, 10:26:51 am »
Not native Japanese but the syllable can be made in katakana by combining tsu with a small a (ツァ)
Pretty rare but a few foreign words use it, where a "tza" sound is needed, such as in cadenza (カデンツァ)

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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2007, 05:04:16 pm »
I guess my name is rather blunt.

I saw what you did there.


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Re: On the origin of user names
« Reply #19 on: November 14, 2007, 10:40:34 pm »
Doesn't mean its not awesome.