Watch what you wish for. I almost created one with no content except for the text: "lulz" and then spamming it like twenty times but i realized that was underhanded douchebaggery even too lowbrow for me. so there
What the hell man! We're trying to get the spiggot of creativity + attention whorage going! Go back and post that!
Basically, I'm tired of the only news being reported being like important site stuff. I'm sure that everyone has plenty of (seemingly)unimportant, yet entertaining bits of information to share. And I wanna see it on the front page! If person eats a strawberry frosting pop tart and likes it, I wanna read about it! If you were playing Metal Gear Solid 3 because you haven't gotten a PS3 yet and you pressed the square button and it made you laugh it better be on the front page by noon!
I'd like it people weren't intimidated by the 'ooo, wow, frontpageness' and just used it for their dumping ground for the purposes of entertainment/lulz. Because this is a community site, and everyone has the ability to do so. So get crackin', elite team of pop tart eater stalkers!
Because really, nothing's more entertaining than reading news that isn't!
Also, adding the ability to upload images to the forum, even though such power might create an etheral rift...Of awesome!Looks like they've always been available, but no one's thought to click on 'Additional Options' and use that to post one.
Hyperguy I reckon you oughta fix the submit article link before we can submit any news! It just takes people back to and asks them to login an infinite number of times.
Thanks for catching that fastball soldier. Yeah, that was a url error. Shoulda updated it after I applied the domain name. Fix'ed it just now using internet super powers.