Author Topic: VIPER Dude of the Year 2010 Online Poll  (Read 20820 times)


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VIPER Dude of the Year 2010 Online Poll
« on: September 12, 2010, 04:21:04 pm »
Get your jockstraps ready, guys! It's time to select the alpha male of the VIPER series in the inaugural VIPER Dude of the Year poll!

Forty-eight of VIPER's most recognizable male heroes and villians have been selected for this tournament-style poll.  Once again, I'm relying on the members of the Congress of Awesome to vote for their favorites and help name our champion.

* All polls will run for five days.
* The top four seeds in each of the four divisions get automatic byes into the second round.
* Divisions will be spaced out a day apart during the first two rounds.
* In the event of a tie, each tied entrant advances to the next round. For the championship rounds, a three day runoff poll will be held instead, and will be repeated as needed until a victor emerges.
* For semifinals, the Red division champion will face the Violet division champion, and Blue's champion will face Green's.
* Feel free to argue for (or against) certain characters, comment on your favorite matchups, which bracket is best (or worst), or rant about who got a lousy seed or matchup.

For the complete brackets of all four divisions and voting results, visit the results page at Sogna Digital Musuem.

Individual poll links and results follow below, so bookmark this page for quick access to each poll.

* Kuwagata-donar (5) vs Dyna (12), Kuwagata-donar advances
* Diablo (6) vs Keen (11), Diablo advances
* Sinn (7) vs J-SON (10), J-SON advances [UPSET]
* Toshiyuki (8) vs Kuroda (9), Toshiyuki advances

* Mark (5) vs Dice Punk (12), Mark advances
* Hrmoni (6) vs Cardboard Man (11), Hrmoni advances
* Rokurou (7) vs Kyou (10), Kyou advances [UPSET]
* Dokubachi-donar (8) vs Gordy (9), both advance by virtue of a tie

* Kiese (5) vs The Demon (12), Kiese advances
* Ojiichan(6) vs Sunekichi (11), Ojiichan advances
* The Marukomes (7) vs Shota (10), the Marukomes advance
* Ryu (8) vs Walder (9), Walder advances [UPSET]

* Roid (5) vs Ryuu (12), Roid advances
* Aoki (6) vs Mika's Boyfriend (11), Aoki advances
* Eric (7) vs Jai (10), Eric advances
* Fauzen (8) vs Mysterious Man (9), both advance by virtue of a tie

* Elan (1) vs Toshiyuki (8), Elan advances
* Kenji (2) vs J-SON (10), J-SON advances [UPSET]
* Alpina (3) vs Diablo (6), Alpina advances
* Kazuhiko (4) vs Kuwagata-donar (5), Kuwagata-donar advances [UPSET]

* Ogawa (1) vs Dokubachi-donar (8) vs Gordy (9), Ogawa advances
* Tarma (2) vs Jyou (10), Tarma advances
* Maranello (3) vs Hrmoni (6), Maranello advances
* Taneo (4) vs Mark (5), Taneo advances

* Bravan (1) vs Walder (9), Bravan advances
* Seed (2) vs the Marukomes (7), Seed advances
* Takesi (3) vs Ojiichan (6), Takesi advances
* Alfa (4) vs Kiese (5), both advance by virtue of a tie

* Captain (1) vs Fauzen (8) vs Mysterious Man (9), Captain advances
* Tsubasa (2) vs Eric (7), Tsubasa advances
* Veloce (3) vs Aoki (6), Veloce advances
* Osamu (4) vs Roid (5), Roid advances [UPSET]

* Elan (1) vs Kuwagata-donar (5), Kuwagata-donar advances [UPSET]
* Alpina (3) vs J-SON (10), Alpina advances

* Ogawa (1) vs Taneo (4), Ogawa advances
* Tarma (2) vs Maranello (3), Tarma advances

* Bravan (1) vs Alfa (4) vs Kiese (5), Bravan advances
* Seed (2) vs Takesi (3), Seed advances

* Captain (1) vs Roid (5), both advance by virtue of a tie
* Tsubasa (2) vs Veloce (3), Veloce advances [UPSET]

* Alpina (3) vs Kuwagata-donar (5), Alpina advances

* Ogawa (1) vs Tarma (2), Ogawa advances

* Bravan (1) vs Seed (2), Bravan advances

* Captain (1) vs Veloce (3) vs Roid (5), Captain advances

* Alpina (R3) vs Ogawa (V1), Runoff required, Alpina advances

* Bravan (B1) vs Captain (G1), Bravan advances

Alpina (R3) vs Bravan (B1), Bravan named VIPER Dude of the Year
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 05:01:19 pm by JG »


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Re: VIPER Dude of the Year 2010 Online Poll
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2010, 05:19:10 am »
I only just noticed that this poll had come into being, and for a moment I thought I was too late to participate.
I'm glad to see that that's not the case.

I'm happy to see this poll anyway, as I don't think the dudes get enough appreciation sometimes. Heck, I ever made a thread for them once. I just have a feeling that this won't be quite as popular as the girls' polls, but hey, what the Hell? It'll be fun anyway.

I'm rooting for red beetle dude to take the top spot, he's one of the only male characters I've felt any genuine sympathy for.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 05:48:12 am by VelcroStraps »


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Re: VIPER Dude of the Year 2010 Online Poll
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2010, 12:50:16 am »
Viper Dude of the Year?  It's like we're hosting our very own Vai-GAR!


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Re: VIPER Dude of the Year 2010 Online Poll
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2010, 08:35:01 pm »
Edit: Disregard. Apparently I can't count. I thought that was all of them. Then I noticed the shoutbox.

And apparently I didn't read the explanation above, or look closely enough at the bracket, because that clearly explains the most popular characters were reserved for the second round, making my complaint about the lack of main characters sound really dumb.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 01:57:56 am by Rai »


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Re: VIPER Dude of the Year 2010 Online Poll
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2010, 11:23:24 pm »
And now that all forty-eight Dudes have been revealed, here's a few that missed the cut:
* Arru & Dor, General Sinn's henchmen in Alien War.  I felt one alien was enough and I couldn't put one of them in without the other.
* Fritz from Friday the 18th.  He also don's the J-SON mask but he's second banana to Eric.
* Senpai from Children's Play.  Just not important enough.
* The Boss from Rear Under.  Its hard to include the most forgetable bad guy in the whole series.
* Junichirou from the VIPER-GTS novel and OVA.  He's hilarious for the 30 seconds we get to know him, but with no game time that ain't enough.
* The boy from VIPER-BTR. He gets a great scene with Cyomi, but with no name he comes up short.
* The undergrounders from Rise.  We know they come in two colors and I couldn't put one of them in without the other.
* Most henchman.  Few made the cut, so most of these guys got the axe.  This includes some of the second-tier monsters from RSR like Togake-ron.
* Kubuto from The May Works.  He just barely missed and will probably get rotated into next year's tourney.
* Any character who acted male but wasn't human enough, such as Domino and Surayme.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2010, 08:29:24 pm by JG00 »


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Re: VIPER Dude of the Year 2010 Online Poll
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2010, 08:41:48 pm »
Bravan is our champion.

Thanks for voting everybody.  The next Sogna Digital Museum poll series will be the first ever VIPER Couple of the Year - starting in late January and planning to end on Valentine's Day.  Stay tuned to see if Bravan and his gal Anri can stack up to the likes of Saki & Seed, Captain & Asuka, Elan & Cala, and several other of VIPER's most passionate pairs.


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Re: VIPER Dude of the Year 2010 Online Poll
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2010, 02:18:01 am »
Ratti x Carrerachama all years :3