how does a PS3 break? I swear I've dropped mine like ten times, kicked the crap out of it a bunch of times when I used to have it on the ground, not to mention I still drop my controller on it every so often (don't ask, I'm... yeah...) and surprised that they both still work....
Actually I should watch what I say, I've been experiencing this weird glitch where when I quit a game the PS3 will restart. Hasn't bothered me enough to do anything about it, or back up my HDD... I always plan to, though.. plan to...
Is it one of those disc drive problems I've heard about? i vaguely recall a disc drive replacement video on YouTube...
I was going to make a "haha at least it doesn't RROD all the time like those x-sux's" but then i remembered that getting Sony to fix a PS3 is like a gazillion times harder than getting Microsoft to fix an X-Box.