Author Topic: The Art of Bill-Ism  (Read 15179 times)


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The Art of Bill-Ism
« on: January 08, 2006, 04:02:39 pm »
Heres the deal kiddies, Bill-Ism as follows.

Bill Ism: 1 : The thoughts and philosophies of one ; Bill Efting

So come to me with any of your problems, and I will use Bill-Ism in order to tell how you to fix said problems, I tell it like it is and my method of problem solving has proved (And many will back me on this) about 90% correct most of the time.

So I am here to help, or hurt, depending on how sensitive you are, so hit me baby.


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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2006, 04:41:39 pm »
My problem is that I don't believe in Bill-Ism.  How you going to fix that?

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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2006, 07:31:13 pm »
so hit me baby.

i would bill, but my 2x4 isn't nearly long enough to reach you from here


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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2006, 09:30:21 pm »
My problem is that I don't believe in Bill-Ism.  How you going to fix that?

Oh I can't fix absolutely everything, but I can point out the fact that you are skeptical due to the fact that you are a cynic and in fact very dissasatisfied with what could actually be considered a fairly decent life, meaning that your opinion is immediatly biased towards a negative standpoint due to the fact that you are unappeasable by basic human standards.

You essentially place yourself up upon the pedestal of sociopathic and skeptical behaviour simply based on the fact that you are currently unhappy with yourself for reasons yet unknown, however based on common thought patterns among your age group and the typical behaviours of people in your demographic (That is to say : Anime and Video Game affeciandos), I would assume that it has absolutely about 99.5 percent to do with the situation involving your personal romances, or lack thereof. Your problems can easily be solved with very simply applications of social interaction among people outside of your typical crowd, so to speak.

Cold Tyger, your disbelief also disheatens me, you should ask a legitimate question, and see for yourself the results which I know your unfullfilled heart desires.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2006, 09:33:32 pm by Mystical Bill-Kun »


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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2006, 10:58:03 am »
Ok, I'll play.

I'm gonna hit 30yrs old in 4 months. That makes me wanna shit myself. I'm feeling insecure when I buy anime at the shop. Maybe I think i'm supposed to be too old to enjoy anime.

Also, at what age do you think collecting and viewing hentai starts to be creepy? And what do you think is the youngest age for a women I date before I become a pedifil? Should I lie about my age?

Besides getting grey hair and interest percentatages, those are the things that keep me up at night.


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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2006, 11:43:31 am »
Ok, I'll play.

I'm gonna hit 30yrs old in 4 months. That makes me wanna shit myself. I'm feeling insecure when I buy anime at the shop. Maybe I think i'm supposed to be too old to enjoy anime.

Also, at what age do you think collecting and viewing hentai starts to be creepy? And what do you think is the youngest age for a women I date before I become a pedifil? Should I lie about my age?

Besides getting grey hair and interest percentatages, those are the things that keep me up at night.

Don't feel insecure, your doing nothing more strange than a man who collects model cars or action figures, it's your passion and there is nothing wrong with that. You are never too old to enjoy something.

Collecting and Viewing hentai is always going to be somewhat creepy to someone, the fact that you point this out proves that point in that as much as you enjoy it you are rather iffy about your habit. If you feel it's becoming creepy to you than perhaps it is a voice of reason telling you that maybe you're taking it too seriously.

Don't lie about your age, there are laws about dating women too much younger than you, depending on the age of consent in your state, don't hit anything under 18, and considering your age, early 20's wouldn't be so bad. Just don't go for 17 year old girls, I don't want to see you on an episode of Jerry Springer or Montel Williams.

And about the gray hair, I'm only 20 and I've got Gray hair, feel glad you had to wait this long.


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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2006, 04:24:36 pm »
ok bill, one of my best friends and I are drifting apart because she has a new boyfriend and a) they are always together and I dont want to intrude and b) whenever they are not together all she does is complain about them being together too much and just all about him all of the time. It's gotten to the point where all I hear from her is negatives and I'm just kinda sick of it, and thus I havent talked to her as much lately but...

I am pretty good friends whith her brother and they live together and I dont want to hurt her feelings by hanging out with him and not her (which has happened before) what do you think I should do?

ps. sorry so long >.<


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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2006, 09:46:37 am »
ok bill, one of my best friends and I are drifting apart because she has a new boyfriend and a) they are always together and I dont want to intrude and b) whenever they are not together all she does is complain about them being together too much and just all about him all of the time. It's gotten to the point where all I hear from her is negatives and I'm just kinda sick of it, and thus I havent talked to her as much lately but...

I am pretty good friends whith her brother and they live together and I dont want to hurt her feelings by hanging out with him and not her (which has happened before) what do you think I should do?

ps. sorry so long >.<

What your friend suffers from is a common thing known as "infatuation", usually people will tend to stay in a destructive and overly attentive relationship based on the fact that they want attention, possibly due to a bad childhood or perhaps abuse during adolescence, she may feel as if this may be the only man she can be with, because she has a low self-opinion, such warning signs of this are things like...

-Pity Parties
"I don't deserve this, I gave him everything I could!"
"I'm doing my best, isn't that good enough for him?"
"He's just too much for me, but I can't leave him, I love him"
"I love him, just because he wants to be with me all the time doesn't mean anything bad...I mean...he loves me too right?"

-Overly Emotional Outbursts
-Change in Habits and common activities based on the relationship more than what should be expected IE Ditching everything in her old life to be with a person.

The main the thing to remember, is that people like that have deep emotional scars from something, besides the above examples she may have been in an abusive relationship, and his constant attention to her may make her feel better about herself as her self-love has been deteriorated through some means. An example of this sort of behaviour is present in ages from teen to adult. I will use my Father as an example to back my claims.

My father has been dating a woman for 5 years since my mother left, he is spiteful towards women, insults them constantly, and is furthermore instigated to do so by his divorce and the relationship he is in now. She hits him, she screams at him in front of his children, she makes public scenes, and has even gone so far as to strike me with her fingernails etc.

Why not just get rid of her? Because my father LOVES her, she is evil in every sense of the word, yet they can't leave eachother, no matter what, because both of them had shitty childhoods and bad relationships, and they feed off of eachothers misery. They won't leave despite constant suggestion from many parties, and this is relevent to your situation because it shows that people will stay in destructive and abusive, and harmful relationships no matter what damage they do, because humans are programmed to seek out a mate and attach to it, its hormones that drive us, and emotional scars furthermore influence destructive patterns in relationships and all ways of life.

In short, your friend needs to have a stern talking to about the importance of priority, just sit her down, and make your statement clear and mature, and if she has any brains left despite the amounts of "Love" infecting her mind, she should listen to you because you have a close connection to her.

In short, tell her to leave the guy if she's sick of him, she'll find someone else, because if the relationship is showing bad signs this early than it will inevitably get worse.


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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2006, 10:43:49 am »
In short, your friend needs to have a stern talking to about the importance of priority, just sit her down, and make your statement clear and mature, and if she has any brains left despite the amounts of "Love" infecting her mind, she should listen to you because you have a close connection to her.

In short, tell her to leave the guy if she's sick of him, she'll find someone else, because if the relationship is showing bad signs this early than it will inevitably get worse.

If I may, I have my own opinion about this based on personal experiance. To start, I agree with everything Bill has said, but I would like to add that infatuations can also solidly come from a deep seeded emotional need to belong with somebody or a group, possably from fears of abandonment from family or friends.

In saying that, confronting your friend about this situation might have an opposite effect in that she may turn any anger and annoyances at you, further fullfilling the need or desire to belong with this other person. This could very well put a severe strain on your friendship that might not be so easy to repair.

My own advice is to distanace yourself from your friend. Not permenantly mind you, but just for a time. Don't feel bad about hanging out with her brother. If she herself confronts you about it, all the better. Let her come to you. Then just be honest, let her know how you feel, but also assure her that you are her friend.

We all have a strong desire to help out friends, but in some cases, certain lessons are best leant by ones self. And she'll be a stronger and better person for it in the end, aswell as a better friend.


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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2006, 10:55:04 am »
Bluelyth's second opinion brings up an interesting idea, ignore the problem and let it come to you instead.

Point taken. It seems like she is a clingy person due to the relationship issue, she'll come to you, mix mine and Bluelyth's ideas together, that's the best course of action.


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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2006, 11:58:21 pm »
yah...she's a pain, I've been pretty much doing that distancing thing, but a lot of it has to do with the fact that not only does she not make an effort to be my friend really, but she says mean things to me like "you know, you've gained weight since gym class" and "that shirt looks bad on you"

: (


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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2006, 12:00:43 am »
yah...she's a pain, I've been pretty much doing that distancing thing, but a lot of it has to do with the fact that not only does she not make an effort to be my friend really, but she says mean things to me like "you know, you've gained weight since gym class" and "that shirt looks bad on you"

: (

Well, I still love ya if that makes a difference ;P


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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2006, 04:45:36 pm »
yah...she's a pain, I've been pretty much doing that distancing thing, but a lot of it has to do with the fact that not only does she not make an effort to be my friend really, but she says mean things to me like "you know, you've gained weight since gym class" and "that shirt looks bad on you"

: (

Sometimes friends need to spend time apart from each other. And it looks to me like you really need to take a break from her. If your both "real" friends to each other, then you'll be friends again in the future. As far as saying mean things to you, could she maybe be jelious of you? Anyway, Bill still loves you.

Speaking of Bill, I still don't feel any better about the upcoming b-day =(   Can't you tell me how to stop the world, or maybe something about sacrificing 200 virgins to regain my youth?


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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2006, 11:13:54 pm »
bluelyth dont worry about your birthday! embrace it : D

and thanks bill! <3
« Last Edit: January 12, 2006, 11:31:12 am by pt »


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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2006, 11:46:18 am »
Sometimes friends need to spend time apart from each other. And it looks to me like you really need to take a break from her. If your both "real" friends to each other, then you'll be friends again in the future. As far as saying mean things to you, could she maybe be jelious of you? Anyway, Bill still loves you.

Speaking of Bill, I still don't feel any better about the upcoming b-day =(   Can't you tell me how to stop the world, or maybe something about sacrificing 200 virgins to regain my youth?

You have your health, you're alive, that's what humans do, we get older, I for one feel about 30 years older than I actually am, it's common knowledge that if you think negatively about your birthday, you're going to have negative effects, such as depression, depressions causes mental and physical effects on you, and you're going to feel older because you've convinced yourself to do so.

I hang out with this guy Scott, he's 33 years old, and I love the dude like a milkshake because quite frankly, he doesn't act 33, he's cool, laid back, he's an old hippie, total music nut, you need to stop complaining and just face reality and roll with the punchs, bitching about it doesn't do anything, actions are what change the world, not words.


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Re: The Art of Bill-Ism
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2006, 05:27:21 pm »
Ok, I'm tired of needlessly whining about my age.

Before this gets really carried away. I actually don't really care that I'm about to be 30. I think its actually pretty awsome, if not imensously humourous. Women are very attracted to it. I'm more focused and experianced, leading me to greater successes and rewards. I see the world with a much grander view on how it all works and I'm more prepared if zombies come to life and start attacking the living.

Consider this case a success!!! =D