So my research on telecas has finally come to a close. Now it's time for some fun and games!
So I ask each of you to wager a guess on how many unique teleca designs Sogna produced.( least, according to all the research I've been able to come up with, which admittedly, may not be complete. And some telecas may have been produced in more than once batch, and a few are numbered, so I'm only counting
visually distinct copies.)
The person, or people, if multiple, who guesses closest (below or above) will win $2 worth in trading cards of their choice from the
For Sale area. I'll even pay for the stamp to ship them within USA. (A foreign winner may have to pay extra for shipping.) Cards will be selected in chronological order of the guess being made.
And if someone should guess
exactly right, I will give the first to do so a whopping $10 credit towards anything they want in the store. If we have multiple winners, anyone after the first will win the trading card prize.
Administrators and moderators are not eligible for the $10 credit, but can win the trading card prize. They don't have an advantage though - Only I know the real answer, although I dropped a pretty good hint a few weeks ago.
Reply to this post to make your guess. You have one week to make your guess - I'll accept them up until noon EST, Sunday, September 16, and you can change your guess anytime before then. If you post more than one guess, I will only count your last, and if you choose a number someone else already has, you put yourself behind them for the $10 credit prize, unless they too end up changing their guess.