
Which is the better weapon?

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Author Topic: Sword vs. Gun  (Read 19699 times)


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Sword vs. Gun
« on: March 01, 2006, 01:32:58 pm »
It's an age old question.

On one side of the argument, there the idea that anyone can kill someone else with a gun, but it takes skill to kill someone with a sword.

On the other side of the argument, it's not like it doesn't take skill to shoot something from very far away either.

But what about a sword weilder vs. someone up close?  In that instance, you could say that it doesn't take much skill to kill someone with a sword were they unarmed and in front of you.

Then there's the gun user vs. the sword user.  Up close, the sword user has an advantage because their weapon has a wider hit range and they can cut multiple parts of the gun user's body with one swing, whereas the gun user would have to use multiple shots to incapacitate the same number of body parts.

At longer ranges, the gun user has an advantage because they can hurt the sword user many times before they can close in to strike.

Then there's the idea that it's dishonorable to use guns.  I don't know who came up with this idea, but I haven't seen it outside of a kung fu movie.  Guns are almost always used in a kill or be kill scenario, one where honor wouldn't be a factor.

Also, in the case of someone pulling a gun on an unarmed person and it being considered a dishonorable act, the issue isn't whether they pulled a gun on them; you could make the same argument if they had a different weapon.

I guess people consider swords to be more honorable because they're traditionally viewed that way and take a lot of skill and finesse, but what of people who dedicate their lives to becoming excellent marksman, the kind who train for skill and use their finesse to dodge bullets in a gunfight?  I don't see them as any less honorable than a swordsman; especially if they're both in the business of killing.


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2006, 01:55:27 pm »
It depends really. I mean in the case of Doctor Jones, Gun beats sword hands down. But in the case of Obi-wan Kenobi, sword (in this case light saber) beats out the walrus alien's gun (a blaster).
I saw what you did there.


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2006, 11:04:49 am »
I guess one way to throw a wrench into the equation would be if you considered Squall, the gun swordsman.

Obi Wan would probably beat him, but I wouldn't know since I quit Final Fantasy 8 after the first story arc.

Does Squall ever learn anything on par with the Omnislash?

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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2006, 11:15:15 am »
does it concern anyone else that an adult diaper is in the lead in this poll?


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2006, 11:26:08 am »
Now that you mention it, they have been around longer.


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2006, 08:24:32 pm »
en ingles
obviusly the gun win against the blade. why? because the best gunner is faster than the best blader

In spanish
obviamente la pistola le gana a la espada. por que? porque el mejor pistolero es mas rapido que el mejor espadachin


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2006, 10:14:50 pm »
I guess one way to throw a wrench into the equation would be if you considered Squall, the gun swordsman.

Obi Wan would probably beat him, but I wouldn't know since I quit Final Fantasy 8 after the first story arc.

Does Squall ever learn anything on par with the Omnislash?

Lionhart, which I have to say I thought was a lot cooler than Omnislah.

He uppercuts the enemy into the air, then swings around (hit hit hit hit hit, etc), and does a giant cut that ends with an explosion.

Then the enemy falls on the ground, and takes damage from falling, which seems humorous. XD

In terms of damage, I think they both do about the same, Lionhart was just fancier to watch.

As for the poll, it depends. Usually most people say "Yeah swords because they're cool", but really, what if you were 50 feet away from your enemy?

Then again, Force Throw. o_o!


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2006, 12:54:00 pm »
Gun from a distance, but up close I prefer the use of a sword.

thats why it's best to pack both on you at any given time, if you're a professional you won't fuck yourself over by forgetting that you should be prepared for any situation, not to mention a sword wound is much harder to trace back to as opposed to a widely sold brand or style of ammunition.


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2006, 04:43:58 pm »
Blades :)


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2006, 12:26:34 pm »
I think I know for a fact that Keenon (ZeroVirus), and I are the only sword users here, well, Keenon does it for fun, I do it competitively
I'm a "Destreza" fencer, which means I use a rapier, it's a spanish style of fencing based on mathematics, philosophy, and accuracy. Most fencers of this style tend to be someone egotistical, but it leads to interesting duels.

Duels, yup.

I fence in the SCA, which is a Reinactment group, we have competitions and whatnot, and even a big war out in Pennsylvania known as "Pensiic.

Personally, I would like to fence against Keenon or YTF, seeing as how they use Japanese sword arts, I'd like to see how my rapier skills fare against thiers...

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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2006, 01:11:57 pm »
Swords doth rock, yup. Been usin' them since I was 5.

...what for, that is something you are not authorized to know. 0_o
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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2006, 09:08:01 pm »
the year i spent in the military i learned to fight resonably with knives does that count? btw does a gun with a bayonette count as both? thats what i prefer.


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2006, 05:43:07 pm »
Even though guns are more practical, I prefer swords.  They tend to look cooler and require more skill.


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2006, 06:20:14 pm »
I voted depends, primarly because just about anything goes in combat.

Let's use Devil May Cry as an example. Dante uses his twin guns, as well as a sword to fight the forces of evil. The actions depend on you, the player, to decide which is more suitable for the job.

The other concept between a sword and a gun is in Grenadier, where lovely lady Rushuna uses a gun, and her partner, Yajiro (Name spelling) uses a sword.

I perfer both weapons, even though Rushuna is cute.... 


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2006, 07:57:05 am »
i think it depends, really...

i'd like to see a sword go up against a giant spork...that would be interesting...
Bang, bang...I shot you down...


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2006, 05:38:41 pm »
Gun for me, not that I don't like swords, but swords have a very limited range whereas a gun can reach out and touch you (sometimes from over the horizon or out in space).  Besides who doesn't love Gigantic Megaguns of Doom (TM).


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2006, 05:53:45 pm »
If I had the opportunity for engaging in such a dramatic endeavor, swords would be my choice. If swift, brutal efficieny is what I need, then guns are appropriate. Speaking of guns:

Oh, little ice cream friends, Thog delay his boredom-driven rampage only for you.


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2006, 08:05:47 pm »
I think I know for a fact that Keenon (ZeroVirus), and I are the only sword users here, well, Keenon does it for fun, I do it competitively
Actually...i'm a novice with swords.For awhile i was in alive action RPG group,using foam swords(with a metallic rod inside,to make them durable),and while i was doing this,one of the guys,who i became friends with,showed my his collection of sowrd,and he was teaching me how to weild sowrds and stuff,to the point where he'd often spar with me.

I haven't seen him for a few years,he's been quite busy,and i had to drop out of the live RPG group,becuase right now i'm a co-founder in a local anime group,and i don't get much time to see my sword friend,due to his busy schedule and mine.

However,when i was trying to use swords,some of his friends had suggested a sword in each of my hands,but that didn't go so well.I was more effective,and i told them i felt more natural with one sword,both hands on the hilt when i swung and moved.They said the way i moved,attacked and blocked showed i'm more of traditional Katana style.Some of my new friends i made over the last few years have swords also,that they bought at anime cons and such,if i have enough next con i'm at,i may buy one myself and get back to learning.


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2006, 08:28:11 pm »
well, I'm a Destreza fencer myself. Its a spanish fencing style based on philosophy and mathematics.


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Re: Sword vs. Gun
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2006, 10:39:56 pm »
Cool! ^_^