Author Topic: Issues running Viper V16 international on Linux Mint  (Read 12000 times)


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Issues running Viper V16 international on Linux Mint
« on: January 22, 2024, 11:36:23 am »
I hope this is the right place to post this.

I've been trying to get Viper V16 to run, I use Linux Mint and Wine usually works for anything I throw at it, but it won't run this game, at all. After downloading the files, I combine them to make a .iso file. Linux lets you just mount any .iso and open it, when I do this I get an error saying there's no disc inserted. I tried burning the .iso onto an actual disc, then after clicking on the .exe file, nothing happens.

I did finally get the game running on a Windows 7 virtual box. Plays with no problems so far (it's my first time playing, I wouldn't know if anything huge was amiss, but from what I can see it's working)

If anyone else has a hard time running this game on linux, I recommend just setting up a Win7 virtual box, unless anyone else knows how to get it to run naively without switching to another OS. 


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Re: Issues running Viper V16 international on Linux Mint
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2024, 07:51:46 am »
For non-Windows systems, the Python version a forum member made many years ago could be a better alternative for Wine. I don't know if anyone's tested it though.


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Re: Issues running Viper V16 international on Linux Mint
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2024, 02:05:59 pm »
Thanks! I'll try this out and report back!

BTW, it runs flawlessly on a Windows XP Virtual box. It would be great to get it to run on Linux, though.