Author Topic: Your Bad Points  (Read 9712 times)


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Your Bad Points
« on: July 19, 2006, 01:24:57 pm »
In this thread, post your vices, things you do that you know are wrong but don't care and do anyway. Let's start with me. My list runs long, for various runs.


An Alcoholic, I drink like an irishman and cuss like a Russian hooker on the 4th of July in New York City.

A Sadist, I enjoy causing people pain, wether in a sexual setting or otherwise.

A fetishist, I will look at anything related to porn, and never become disgusted by it, often times I will become turned on by the simplest thing, like a pair of shorts, or a pair of socks, or a bra, not anyone in the bra, just the bra, also I am an avid obsessor of "The Facial".

A manipulator, I will use anyone to achieve my means to an end, no matter who it hurts in the process.

Mentally Damaged, I lack basic emotional continuity, and have a tendency to go up and down randomly depending on the setting. I also am diagnosed with Schizoid Personality Disorder, and I'm borderline as well.

I am selectivly racist, I will hate whichever group is currently in my way. (Stupid White people)

Your turns!

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Re: Your Bad Points
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2006, 05:23:02 pm »
Goodness me, where to begin?

-I'm lazy and a terrible procrastinator. Oftentimes I will start something and then immediately quit once things start getting hard.

-I trust almost nobody, and I'm generally suspicious of the people I DO trust nonetheless.

-Once I decide I'm going to hold a grudge against you, even if it's not a total grudge, it will never, ever escape my brain.

-I can't decide whether I won't stand up to anybody, or instead take out my anger on anything unfortunate enough to be in my way.

-I can be a real pervert IN REAL LIFE when I want to be (ever seen how my behavior got last anime convention?).

-I constantly make fun of myself most of the time, but if I EVER have something good happen to me, there's a good chance I'll brag about it to everybody I know.

-I usually ignore people who don't seem to like the same stuff I do, generally fearing that they're out to get me.

-I'm almost obsessed with violence and sex from time to time (and get rid of the 'almost' in regards to the sex part).

-I love watching people who aren't me get injured (okay, so this one has limits, but if it doesn't look like it'll do permanent damage, out come the giggles)

-I knowingly avoid doing things I don't want to do sometimes just to see if it ends up forgotten to the point where I don't have to do said things.

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Re: Your Bad Points
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2006, 06:07:46 pm » goes...

1. I can be pretty impatient,and often lose my temper fast.I inherited this from both my parents,which doesn't surprise

2. If someone starts trash-talking something i like,say Sailor Moon,i tend to react as though the person was trash-talking me directly.At times,this can make me feel bad about myself,like it's somehow a bad thing that i'm into which ever anime/game/movie.

3. I feel bad that many video games are so hard that i can't even get past the first level/mission without a cheat device such as Gameshark,etc...I do try to get as far as i can before i whip out the cheat devices,but it does make me feel bad that there's many games that i can hardly pass level 1 without a cheat device.Oddly enough,i am against cheating/hacking in online games,despite my views on cheat devices used for offline games in 1 player mode,which drives anti-cheating people crazy.

4. At times,my artwork gets to me...i had a real rare eye disease in my left eye when i was 4(The eye was crooked,too),and it left me almost totally blind in that eye.My right eye is very nearsighted,plus i have bad night vision.So,whenever people tell me i should do a comic book for a living,or sell alot of my art at conventions,i always feel bad,because i wonder "If they think my art is great now,what would it look like if i had better/perfect vision?"

5. I tend to draw busty anime girls alot,even if it's drawing girl-type Ranma,or making bigger busts on Misty from Pokemon,or one of the Sailor Soldiers.My PSO art is pretty busty too.At times it makes me feel bad,because some people say i'm drawing the breasts too big,while others say i'm drawing them not big i try to find a middle ground.I seem to be good at drwing younger human characters,between the ages on 17-26 or so...whenever i try to draw Genma Saotome as the middle aged guy he is,it always turns out as a disaster,so when i do draw him,he looks more like his facial features indicate that he's about 27 or so,so he looks younger than he is.The only actual Pokemon i can draw is Meowth,and even then,i only get him to look right half the time.

6. I can draw basic Megaman robots from MM1-5,and i'm getting better at Sigma,Vile,Megaman X and Zero...but i can't draw any more 'complicated'- looking robot designs.With Sigma,i'm stuck at his Megaman X1 basic design,I can't do any of his other forms.With Vile,I can only do his X1 form.With Zero,i can do his X3 form with the more 'squared' shoulders,but not the level of detailing that his X3 form has.
MMX i always do his basic 'blue' starting form.That's it.I can do some PSO robots, such as HUcast and such,but not as detailed as the offical artwork makes them.

7. With my offline fics,my friends enjoy the fact i put some 'somewhat' detailed sex scenes in my fics.With my fics for this site,i don't do that,because i'm not sure if it'd be appropriate,so i tend to hint at the fact that some of the characters have a sex life,but i keep it out for this site,for the most part.I like to think i can write an interesting story without the sex scenes that are in alot of my offline fics.For the most part,i don't get to descriptive with the sex scenes,except for stuff the female character may be saying/yelling.


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Re: Your Bad Points
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2006, 06:16:09 pm »
1: I've got a quick temper that's slower than it was when I was little. But I still get mad pretty easy.

2: I have NO PATIENCE. This is part of what helps number 1, and mostly why so many people hate me. I just have no patience for them or the things they like. I am a vastly intolerant person.

3: I stubbornly hold onto what I think, even if I know it's wrong.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 08:14:33 pm by HGsIndestruc.Roommate »

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Re: Your Bad Points
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2006, 07:21:00 am »
1: i have little to no tolerance of people whom i view as inferior. (which leades to #2)

2: i am, at times, very judgmental.

3: i cannot stand to be wrong, and will often times take steps to ensure that i am not wrong.

4: i have little to no sense of self worth.

5: i often times psycologically sabotage myself into failure.

6: i tend to be unapologetically honest, therefore i dont have many friends.


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Re: Your Bad Points
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2006, 11:53:26 am »
I know exactly what my failings are, but choose not to do anything about them.
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Re: Your Bad Points
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2006, 02:58:27 pm »
You guys said a lot of stuff I have, so I'll just copy and paste.

- I know exactly what my failings are, but choose not to do anything about them.
- I can be very judgmental at times.
- Major procrastinator.
- Low self esteem.
- Too smart for my own good. I can't trust anyone.
- Very stubborn.
- I can get very annoyed when people don't see things my way.
- Egoness.
- Close to no patience.
- Curse like a sailor.
- Masochist//Sadist.
- I seem to also be a manipulator. I just don't notice it.
- Very dependant.
- I've gone berserk a couple times and almost seriously hurt a few people in my teenage years. I usually keep my cool, but constants prods can cause death.
- I lie.
- I use people.


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Re: Your Bad Points
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2006, 10:34:50 pm »
Major ones that I can think of off the top of my head:
- Manage time poorly.  Poorly schedule my day so that a lot of the must-do chores overlap, and I generally find myself lacking time to finish the things I set out to do.  Either that or starting them late.
- Procrastinator.  Anything that can be done last minute generally is.
- Get serious about relatively small matters.  Even to the point of being angry at friends, which is not a good thing :(
- Don't put tasks people assign me to heart.  Meaning that I might forget about promising to cut your lawn because I didn't think it was important.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2006, 07:31:58 am by DualSoul »

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Re: Your Bad Points
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2006, 09:09:56 pm »
hmm, my bad points...

  • i procrastinate a lot
  • i sleep too much, often in very odd schedules (i got up at 7:30 PM today...)
  • although i'm getting better at it, i'm not a very sociable person unless the person/people i'm talking with shares similar interests with me
  • i STILL don't have my driver's license...
  • i'm a rather picky eater.  i'm mostly a "meat-and-potatoes" guy.  the only green thing that i will consume in large quantities is mt. dew.  i guess you could call me an ANTI-vegetarian.  >=P
  • probably as a result of my pervertedness, i tend to be a lot more open about sex-related topics than most of my friends.  as a result, i either make them uncomfortable or get teased a lot...  >_<;
  • i tend to be rather stubborn at times
  • i also tend to be a bit messy with keeping my things organized
  • i jack off just about every day (possibly because i'm lonely) >_<;

there ya go.  i might think of some others later...