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On the way to a date, Mio falls into a hole to another dimension. Eager to return before she misses her much-anticipated date, an elf fairy tells her the only way back is through the forest ahead, which crawls with monsters who have never seen a human before. Mio is given a set of powerful spheres to use as weapons and sets off to return to the real world, unaware of the monsters' true intentions.

Remade in VIPER Island Vol. 1.


Publisher: Silence Silence
Platform: PC9801VM/VX PC9801UV/UX
Release Date: December 1990 December 1990
Media: 5" Diskette (2) 3½" Diskette (2)
Original Price: 1200円 - 1500円 1200円 - 1500円

Publisher: Silence
Platform: X68000
Release Date: August 1991
Media: 5" Diskette (2)
Original Price: 1200円 - 1500円
  Reserve : Package art unknown [Contact us if you have an image of this]

Package art unknown
[Contact us if you have an image of this]


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