The first of six Island mini-game collections. This volume features as its story game, a remake of one of Sogna's earliest games: Reserve. The Illust Logic game features a wide array of VIPER characters and items as images. The first exclusive game, Nervous Breakdown, plays like the childhood game, Memory, in which two cards are turned over and must match otherwise both cards are placed face down again. It features characters from VIPER-V16's Rise story, predominantly Akira. The second exclusive game is called Falling Clothes Strategy. Captured by Rey, a naked Mika must catch her garments in a basket as they fall from the top of the screen. A small set of fan art and mail, plus a review of the Sogna home page rounds out the disc. Available in CD-ROM format that is playable in both Windows PCs and Macintosh computers.
Package art |
Island | Reserve |