A police investigation unfolds as detective Lilia and her freelancing friend Raika attempt to solve the mystery of three missing persons. Their investigation draws the ire of a small gang, who enacts revenge by first raping and then murdering Seera, assistant to Raika and daughter of Lilia's boss. When the two detectives step up their manhunt, the gang goes after Lilia, raping her as well. Forced to continue alone, Raika must risk the same fate in order to solve the case. This was the first Sogna game to be made available only in CD format, not in diskettes. The same media can be played on either PC-compatible or PC98 hardware but only while running Windows; earlier PC98 games were DOS based. This was the first of two games in the "F" series. The other is VIPER-F50.
Package art |
F40 |
VIPER-F40 Early EditionA special pre-release version that included a bonus rollup calculator mouse pad. Despite being a 'special' version, this is a much more common edition than the standard.
VIPER Classic Collection: VIPER-F40Repackaged Windows edition with B4 sized poster of the cover artwork with game instructions on the reverse side and two illustrated postcards.
VIPER Collection Box Vol. 2Boxed set of the Classic Collection editions of VIPER-CTR, VIPER-F40, VIPER-M1, VIPER-F50, VIPER-GTB and VIPER-M5 with six telecas representing each of the first edition box covers.