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VIPER-V16: "Rise" Walkthrough

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Title Screen

Series: Rise - Chapter 1 of 3 (See also VIPER-GTB, VIPER-GT1)

Year: 1995

Availability: PC9801RS, Windows

Format: CD

Languages: Japanese, English, Italian, German, Spanish




The wizard Seed rules an underground kingdom made up entirely of rock men. Deciding the time has come to produce an heir, he and two of his underlings return to the Earth's surface to abduct a woman capable of producing a prince. They come upon a restuarant named Anne Mitter's, where they find three busty waitresses suitable to Seed's tastes.

"Rise" tells the story of the abduction of three girls - Akira, Saki, and Karin - and their escape from Seed's dungeon. They rely upon Akira's fighting prowess and determination, and they'll need every bit of strength and luck to escape.



VIPER-V16: "Rise" is made up of three choices on which action the girls will take, with either two or three fights, depending upon the route taken, intermingled between the choices. Like most V series games, "Rise" is very short, on the order of 15 minutes per route taken. To unlock each of the eight reviewable endings will require approximately forty minutes to one hour. This walkthrough details how to unlock each of the possible endings.



Akira Akira is the red-headed waitress and protagonist of the story. She's an expert in several forms of martial arts and those skills represent the girls' only hope for escape.
Saki Saki, the dark haired waitress, is pessimistic about their chances for escape, but given the alternative, she agrees it must be tried.
Karin Petite, fair-haired waitress Karin is scared and hopes Akira can lead them to safety without getting caught again.
Seed The wizard Seed is king of an all male underground monarchy. He kidnaps the waitresses so that one of them might produce an heir.
Seed's Subordinates The rocky soldiers of the underground kingdom devoutly follow the lead of their human king, Seed. The subordinates are accomplices in the abduction and are granted permission to punish the girls should they attempt to escape.
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